Author Topic: What information shows up when you call?  (Read 8809 times)

Offline simsim

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What information shows up when you call?
« on: January 06, 2019, 01:16:15 AM »
i spoke to psychic X one time and when i called again 4 days later from my friend's account. She remembered me and asked if im calling from a new account, because its showing that "its a first time caller" .    (PHONE READING)  that being said im sure our name comes up also on their screen when we call.

my cousin tested this, her new account was with a name MELODY (not her real name) and when she spoke to a psychic she gave them her real name. at end of the reading the psychic was like "have a beautiful day MELODY"

Now on chat we all know they see our name and if we are a first time caller or not.

im just curious whatever shows up for them? does anyone know?

when i called customer service they said only the user name comes up...

the reason im asking is because my friend spoke to someone recently that she havent spoken to in over a year and this psychic remembered everything!! Hell i forget what i had for breakfast!!

also with me, over a year part reading and when i called about someone again (new POI) they picked up all the info about the one i spoke about over a year....

(same adviser who is wondering, maybe this one does in fact keep notes on people)

also on the site it said they are not provided with tools to be able to save or keep notes.

I dont know what to believe anymore.....   :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X

Offline tellmewhy

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Re: What information shows up when you call?
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2019, 01:35:28 AM »
They are polly giving  you a stock line that they do for everyone

i spoke to psychic X one time and when i called again 4 days later from my friend's account. She remembered me and asked if im calling from a new account, because its showing that "its a first time caller" .    (PHONE READING)  that being said im sure our name comes up also on their screen when we call.

my cousin tested this, her new account was with a name MELODY (not her real name) and when she spoke to a psychic she gave them her real name. at end of the reading the psychic was like "have a beautiful day MELODY"

Now on chat we all know they see our name and if we are a first time caller or not.

im just curious whatever shows up for them? does anyone know?

when i called customer service they said only the user name comes up...

the reason im asking is because my friend spoke to someone recently that she havent spoken to in over a year and this psychic remembered everything!! Hell i forget what i had for breakfast!!

also with me, over a year part reading and when i called about someone again (new POI) they picked up all the info about the one i spoke about over a year....

(same adviser who is wondering, maybe this one does in fact keep notes on people)

also on the site it said they are not provided with tools to be able to save or keep notes.

I dont know what to believe anymore.....   :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X

Offline jhuskindle

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Re: What information shows up when you call?
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2019, 02:51:16 AM »
We get screen name, birthday if you entered it, and our chat history. We do not get your phone number. It doesn’t say first time it just doesn’t have history in it. So we technically see it. I remember a lot of my clients even though they get multiple accounts. If you login a year later though we do have transcripts from previous readings and we can take notes for our own personal reference.

Offline simsim

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Re: What information shows up when you call?
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2019, 03:04:16 AM »
We get screen name, birthday if you entered it, and our chat history. We do not get your phone number. It doesn’t say first time it just doesn’t have history in it. So we technically see it. I remember a lot of my clients even though they get multiple accounts. If you login a year later though we do have transcripts from previous readings and we can take notes for our own personal reference.

by history  you mean the psychics the account spoke to or just with that specific psychic?

also transcripts from previous readings? the whole convo? chat?

what about phone calls? intresting...

Offline simsim

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Re: What information shows up when you call?
« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2019, 03:05:26 AM »
They are polly giving  you a stock line that they do for everyone

i spoke to psychic X one time and when i called again 4 days later from my friend's account. She remembered me and asked if im calling from a new account, because its showing that "its a first time caller" .    (PHONE READING)  that being said im sure our name comes up also on their screen when we call.

my cousin tested this, her new account was with a name MELODY (not her real name) and when she spoke to a psychic she gave them her real name. at end of the reading the psychic was like "have a beautiful day MELODY"

Now on chat we all know they see our name and if we are a first time caller or not.

im just curious whatever shows up for them? does anyone know?

when i called customer service they said only the user name comes up...

the reason im asking is because my friend spoke to someone recently that she havent spoken to in over a year and this psychic remembered everything!! Hell i forget what i had for breakfast!!

also with me, over a year part reading and when i called about someone again (new POI) they picked up all the info about the one i spoke about over a year....

(same adviser who is wondering, maybe this one does in fact keep notes on people)

also on the site it said they are not provided with tools to be able to save or keep notes.

I dont know what to believe anymore.....   :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X

what is a stock line?

Offline jhuskindle

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Re: What information shows up when you call?
« Reply #5 on: January 06, 2019, 03:51:05 AM »
We get screen name, birthday if you entered it, and our chat history. We do not get your phone number. It doesn’t say first time it just doesn’t have history in it. So we technically see it. I remember a lot of my clients even though they get multiple accounts. If you login a year later though we do have transcripts from previous readings and we can take notes for our own personal reference.

by history  you mean the psychics the account spoke to or just with that specific psychic?

also transcripts from previous readings? the whole convo? chat?

what about phone calls? intresting...

Only for ourselves, there is nothing shareable on keen, kasamba, po,pg, and Bitwine.
So we have only our transcripts of our own convo with client. We have note system so we can write notes on a client and pull those up while connecting with the call. This is for my account only no other psychic sees my notes, I heard some do share but I’m not cool enough to be in their crowd. If you see transcript, so do we, so we know if someone is new cause there’s no order history or transcript.

Pretty much what you see we see but with revenues next to it. And can pull up notes./make notes.

Offline sharon

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Re: What information shows up when you call?
« Reply #6 on: January 06, 2019, 12:03:59 PM »
I read here somewhere yesterday that also Ricky makes notes.. caller says that she called Ricky from her friends account and Ricky apparently read the notes from the previous reading of her friend, which did not resonate with the caller and when mentioned he apologized and apparently told her that he read the notes from last call made on that account.

Offline simsim

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Re: What information shows up when you call?
« Reply #7 on: January 06, 2019, 02:40:57 PM »

after doing my research and contacting customer service, the only thing advisers see if when we call is our names and reviews basically.

which make sense why one of the advisers stopped "connecting" with me when left a negative review

they are not provided with a platform for them to save notes on anyone.

so if they do its on their own

from talking to many i realized some dont keep notes and some actually.... i wont be calling out names, but they stand out.

i personally dont care if they keep notes or have my picture framed and posted in their living room. as long they are accurate in what they see for me then im happy.

the reason i asked here, is because in fact me and my friend had a reading recently with someone and this adviser picked up on EVERYTHING!! personal details that are way to specific.

so we assumed noteS? however after talking to my friend his morning she realized this psychic told her something new today that she never told anyone on PS that turned out to be ture....

which is;

the psychic picked up that she is newly pregnant which she never told anyone.

Offline jhuskindle

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Re: What information shows up when you call?
« Reply #8 on: January 07, 2019, 01:02:09 AM »
Um yes we do have notes wth   ???

Offline simsim

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Re: What information shows up when you call?
« Reply #9 on: January 07, 2019, 04:29:47 AM »
Um yes we do have notes wth   ???

so you saying customer service lied to me?

what type of notes exactly? stuff that you put down for yourself? or notes that you share or get some somewhere els?

Offline jhuskindle

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Re: What information shows up when you cal
« Reply #10 on: January 07, 2019, 04:56:42 AM »
Um yes we do have notes wth   ???

so you saying customer service lied to me?

what type of notes exactly? stuff that you put down for yourself? or notes that you share or get some somewhere els?

We can click notes and make notes for ourselves. These are not shareable. I’ve gone into details on my posts. We write note and can pull it up. No one else sees this just us.

Offline simsim

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Re: What information shows up when you cal
« Reply #11 on: January 07, 2019, 06:04:22 AM »
Um yes we do have notes wth   ???

so you saying customer service lied to me?

what type of notes exactly? stuff that you put down for yourself? or notes that you share or get some somewhere els?

We can click notes and make notes for ourselves. These are not shareable. I’ve gone into details on my posts. We write note and can pull it up. No one else sees this just us.

oh! interesting and that notes is linked to the account correct?  for an example if someone calls from a new account someone you spoke to before will your notes be available? if not would you be able to search it?

Offline jhuskindle

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Re: What information shows up when you cal
« Reply #12 on: January 07, 2019, 02:54:22 PM »
Um yes we do have notes wth   ???

so you saying customer service lied to me?

what type of notes exactly? stuff that you put down for yourself? or notes that you share or get some somewhere els?

We can click notes and make notes for ourselves. These are not shareable. I’ve gone into details on my posts. We write note and can pull it up. No one else sees this just us.

oh! interesting and that notes is linked to the account correct?  for an example if someone calls from a new account someone you spoke to before will your notes be available? if not would you be able to search it?

Right so I can see the notes I wrote or can write (I don’t use this function) about you when you call or order if I want, but nonone else sees them and they are directly linked to the account. Just like what you see in your history but with the ability to click notes and revenues. If you can pull up the transcript, so can I. And ALL of my platforms have notes so yes this cs must not know what they are talking bout. That said. I don’t use them. Nothing wrong with them imo since storefront psychics also usually have notes.

Offline kevinkicks408

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Re: What information shows up when you call?
« Reply #13 on: July 15, 2019, 05:02:53 AM »
Um yes we do have notes wth   ???

so you saying customer service lied to me?

what type of notes exactly? stuff that you put down for yourself? or notes that you share or get some somewhere els?

We can click notes and make notes for ourselves. These are not shareable. I’ve gone into details on my posts. We write note and can pull it up. No one else sees this just us.

oh! interesting and that notes is linked to the account correct?  for an example if someone calls from a new account someone you spoke to before will your notes be available? if not would you be able to search it?

Right so I can see the notes I wrote or can write (I don’t use this function) about you when you call or order if I want, but nonone else sees them and they are directly linked to the account. Just like what you see in your history but with the ability to click notes and revenues. If you can pull up the transcript, so can I. And ALL of my platforms have notes so yes this cs must not know what they are talking bout. That said. I don’t use them. Nothing wrong with them imo since storefront psychics also usually have notes.

so this is for ALL platforms including psychic source?

Offline Jenjen

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Re: What information shows up when you call?
« Reply #14 on: October 16, 2019, 04:29:31 PM »
I have had many I speak with and get readings from....not sure about what exactly the Psychic hears or sees when I told me that all they get is caller coming in. I have connected with several that have help me in many crazy situations I mean has a great memory...