If you look at the terms of service on all these sites, they all say the psyschics are not allowed to share any client info with anyone. Something I have heard in the past with kasamba is that there are like families from India who have several accounts, or have multiple people running an account. I made the mistake years ago of going to some because they were so cheap. That was when I would see i was getting practically identical word for word readings. I also would go to someone and their English and typing speed would be fine, then the next time I would chat with them it would be horrible and obvious it was a different person on the same account. Kasamba may have deleted a lot of their psychics, but some of those same accounts i was scammed on are still up, along with with a lot of readers from that region. I have nothing against people from India personally, just I noticed there is a trend on that specific site with some kind of racket going on. So of course if a family is working the site together or sharing accounts your info will get passed around between them. I never noticed these problems with the Americans on the site, so I started bypassing readers who appear to be from India or Pakistan. They have so many though, you sometimes have to weed through a few pages to find someone who is native English speaking.