Thanks, but I am not paying $6+ for a reading - been there done that with paying $8+ for Lincoln on Cp who was supposed to be the best and ended up being sorely disappointing and not to mention BROKE.
Yeah she can be pricey, and she can be a little slow, but that's not just "her", she has to "take in" information. She might jive with you, she might not. You never really know! But for someone with her abilities and how she processes them, it's best to stay on for at least 20-30 minutes in my opinion. She was great though! She did say before the minute was up, interrupting me, "We're almost out of time, let me finish my reading here, I want to get as much information in as possible before we get cut off", and I thought that was really sweet. So she's not in it for the money, that's great.