Man...So I was #2 yesterday and then was reading some of the comments on the forum and then all of a sudden got this thought to just cancel my wait list...i had just had a reading with Yona, and I really did not feel this compelling need and was afraid that 10 minutes would not enough and I would be disappointed and I should save the money for now...especially since i JUST had a reading and really when it comes to the present there is not much I do not know or need to know..and there was some conflicting reports n her predictions...and of course I was so proud of myself...i mean, hey if you are kind of a junkie with this stuff I just turned something down...!!!
And now today im remorseful a little after reading all the positive reports..what did i do!!!!

It is always a crap shoot, but try a reader anyway, because they may work for you. You'll only know once you try, instead of wondering...wondering. Either you'll be remorseful up front for not looking into a reader, or you'll be remorseful after the reading, if it sucks. At least afterwards, you'll know.
Don't feel bad. Let me tell you a secret - All Cookie sees is what your own energy is creating. The LoA is the most important thing any of us can do - there is nothing else so important.
Her no 1 tip would be to visualise the life you want. If it is a man - see him always coming towards you and :"hear" his voice talking to you and telling you the things YOU want to hear - not what you think he would say.
If you want another reading with Cookie get in her queue - but meanwhile, do this.
Focus on yourself - visualise and day dream - all day - about the life you want - enjoy the emotions of seeing yourself rich, independent, desirable, attracting attention from people that want to spend time with you.
At some point - it WILL manifest - and when you read with Cookie, she will confirm if you are on the right track.
Cookie is a tool in your tool box - she will tell you the truth. But she will always always say, that if you want to draw someone in - work on yourself - focus on yourself - treat yourself, indulge yourself, socialise, have fun, be happy - that is honestly the key to all our desires and dreams. Not a reading per-se..
Beliefs become things.. thoughts become things..
(BTW I've read the comments on this thread about Cookie not being able to see the future - let me stress, without any doubt - that Cookie has predicted my future MANY times - and still is! She is the ONLY reader that has been able to see my future, and the only one I go to for future readings. I understand it may not be the same experience for all
I do read on occasion with others. I call Neal for advice on current energy - occasionally I'll talk to Sweethearts Tarot for a read on the current . I've had hits and misses with QoC and Veruska - and very very occasionally I will read with them if I have free mins. But Cookie is it for me - in business, love and life . She empowers me to change.