Author Topic: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)  (Read 1112989 times)

Offline Kate

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1050 on: January 17, 2018, 10:48:45 AM »
Cookie repeated herself a lot for me, and was very nice. Gave me a lot of info. But in regards to some really , really crucial info, she was really wrong. Some stuff happened within a week of her read which I had asked her about which she did not pick up. I had asked her specifically about it. It's ok, she's not perfect, I get it. But she went in such circles, I thought she was gonna puke from making herself dizzy .
I really liked her too.

She has missed stuff with me also.. something significant happened that she missed - However, she did see the energy changing around a situation, and looking back, it was the significant thing that she didn't see, that changed the energy..

Offline Kate

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1051 on: January 17, 2018, 10:50:08 AM »
I also talked for about 10 minutes (which was pretty expensive imo).But because everyone says she's accurate,I took the plunge. Before I answered the call I thought,"okay she is about to give me a firm yes or no...To a yes or no question" lol. I was wrong. There were tons of details.which I'm sure will makes sense in the next few months. Honestly some of the things she said would happen are things that are realistic and I had in my for a while. I got off the phone feeling overwhelmed.Like I wanted to call other people because I didn't really get an answer. Also I heard people say she helps with law of attraction and drawing things you want to you.She made a small suggestion to me and I will do it. I had high hopes.A lot like when I was in line for Alpha Female for weeks and she got absolutely everything wrong and didn't give an outcome...

I had the same experience with firm outcome, but then again I didn't want to spend $6 a minute waiting for her to get to the point - I think after ten minutes I just hung up.  She kind of was all over the place.  none of the smaller predictions happened either...I read all the rave reviews and I simply don't get it LOL.

I just love her.  Her stuff falls into place.  Last night I was listening to something and I realized that Cookie told me two months ago that I was going to be working on this particular thing.  It wasn't something I would normally be doing.  She said it was one of the signs that I would see when something else was  getting ready to happen.  I got excited because I realized more things were falling into place for me.  It takes patience for her stuff to happen sometimes.  Just like with Judi. 

She doesn't give cookie-cutter readings and her style isn't for everyone but I have found her to be worth it.  I'd rather pay for a reading with her or Judi once a month and toss in a reading here or there with someone else I like and be satisfied rather than bouncing around with a bunch of other readers.

Yeah I have to agree - however, I have not found Judi great. 

She has got certain random details right.. but very very very few.  Others she has missed or been inaccurate (others I know have better luck)..

Cookie is the best I've ever spoken to. 

Before I read with Cookie, one of the readers I kept returning to was Matt Fraser who has an 8 month waiting list, but sometimes logs onto BSD.

He blew me away with the accuracy of the details he was able to see (living and dead). He is a psychic medium and immensely talented - however, his predictions were off.  That's the difference..

I'm still sometimes tempted to call him for a read on the current - but the difference with Cookie, is that she empowers me..

She makes me feel in control of my future. 

No other psychic has done that for me.. there really isn't much point calling anyone else.. but I do from time to time when I can't get her...

Just following on from what I wrote earlier.. I thought it might help people here if I mentioned the techniques Cookie tries to get callers to adopt.

It took me a while to understand what she meant when she was telling me to meditate and visualise in order to bring something desired on sooner.

I used to try really really hard to follow her advice - concentrating very hard... and that was the killer..

Visualisation shouldn't take effort..  it's like a day dream..

It's the state you may have experienced as a child whilst staring out the window instead of listening to the teacher.

The state you get into when driving on a long road trip, but forgetting your driving and letting your mind wonder..

You get yourself in a calm, meditative state.. not panicky, or stressed (this is perhaps the hardest part.)

Once there, visualisation should be like a daydream.. Something with no effort or attachment..

Try first with something you want, but something that doesn't have an emotional hold over you (i.e. isn't heart breaking.)

Try with money - to see it raining down on you.. feel the notes in your hand..the texture, the smell etc think about it.. then let your mind wonder away.. return to it.. think about something else.. return to it.. get used to just imagining it without any emotion..

Visualising your POI is the same.. You simply have a nice fantasy.. with no attachment or panic or stress...

The fantasy always has to be him/her coming toward you, talking to you.. not the other way have to hear the voice and see the person in your minds ear/eye etc. (Just as you were seeing, feeling the money.)

Think about it.. enjoy it.. then let it go and focus on something else..

it's the letting go .. not feeling afterwards like you are missing, or wanting.. but just having a random fantasy that you enjoy for enjoyment sake... and then letting your mind wonder onto something else.. making dinner etc's the letting go that makes the difference.. 

Doing it daily with no expectation brings results.

This is how things manifest quicker...

When Cookie tells you what she sees.. she does see it, but she wants YOU to also see it - visualise it/believe it... she sees it.. but it is your visualisation that either hurries (or changes) the outcome.. 


I have been doing this and it’s very effective thank you very much!

Fantastic! I'm so so pleased. It is the most empowering thing I have ever done and it does work! It also stops me calling as much - which can only be a good thing.  It makes me feel in control of the future rather than needing to see what happens..

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1052 on: January 17, 2018, 05:21:18 PM »
@Caroline, I have wondered if she has taken notes from my previous calls as well.

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1053 on: January 20, 2018, 05:34:55 AM »
I read with her last year early & was unimpressed meh type read.Lo& behold found out she was right in what she saw one of the few ever..lemme jump in her que again

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1054 on: January 20, 2018, 12:11:03 PM »
I recently talked to cookie for 20 mins it felt like pulling teeth, I think sometime you have to space your reading with her otherwise your reading either becomes repetitive or she will only have one or two sentences and ask you if you have questions, I really don't like asking questions because I 'm not waiting on anything grand to happen.. I wish I had called her back few months later when my energy felt more grounded. She called me in a middle of major crisis at work.

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1055 on: January 20, 2018, 03:36:48 PM »
I read with her last year early & was unimpressed meh type read.Lo& behold found out she was right in what she saw one of the few ever..lemme jump in her que again

Yup - this is exactly how I got addicted to Cookie - thought she was wrong, the read seemed jumbled - was not going to go back.. went back when I found she was right!

Offline Xssweater

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1056 on: January 21, 2018, 07:21:07 PM »
Got back in line for Cookie and got a second reading. Didn't ask any specific questions and she gave a lot of the same info as she did when I asked a question. It was still pretty good but the prediction is faaaaaar out from now. Guess I'll wait til later in the year to read with her again. How often do you guys read with her ?Do you wait for predictions to pass or do you call to get random readings and update her? I do really like her and I'm looking for someone to call my favorite or my "go to". But I'm having a hard time

Offline Kate

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1057 on: January 22, 2018, 09:50:15 AM »
Got back in line for Cookie and got a second reading. Didn't ask any specific questions and she gave a lot of the same info as she did when I asked a question. It was still pretty good but the prediction is faaaaaar out from now. Guess I'll wait til later in the year to read with her again. How often do you guys read with her ?Do you wait for predictions to pass or do you call to get random readings and update her? I do really like her and I'm looking for someone to call my favorite or my "go to". But I'm having a hard time

I've read with her too often I think - as she will repeat herself if you do that - and she is a slow talker and it burns through minutes.. but I find if I read with her and ask her what is coming up over the next few days, it will be very accurate.

I have done that over the past few months because a lot has been happening in my life and she has seen it all - but a very few details (which, if she had seen, I would have changed my actions, so I kind of feel that those things were meant to happen - as horrible as they were.)

She is really too expensive in my opinion, you need 30 mins with her for a good reading.. if you have that time to spare, she can warm up through the reading and really hit on some amazing things. 

She has been very very accurate with me - so she is my "go to."  When she sees something or hears it, it happens.  Other things that we have tried to manifest have not always worked (i.e. visualisations) But to answer your question, I feel that reading with her twice a month should be plenty.  If you read with her and she doesn't see much happening in your life until later in the year.. then my advice would be to hold off and trust. Once her predictions come to pass - call back..

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1058 on: January 22, 2018, 04:50:39 PM »
How often do you guys read with her ?Do you wait for predictions to pass or do you call to get random readings and update her?

I have read with Cookie for about five years, maybe once or twice a year. To date I will list the things that have come true and things that have not (at least not yet):

Things that were true or have happened:
Said I would have hip issues and seek treatment
Saw a period of unemployment for "someone" - it was me
Saw a fight with a female at work - My old boss and I did not get along and there was an argument
Saw what state I live in - it's not a popular state
Said I would be on and off with someone romantically, correct
Saw me having thoughts about children - I think about whether or not I want them all the time

Things that were either wrong or have not yet happened:
Said I would be moving but in a series of three readings gave me several different cities I would possibly be going to (?)
Said I would meet someone during specific months and I actually met the person in a different season
Saw me needing x-rays and a treatment plan for my hip issues (see above, I did have issues with my hip but I did not need either one of those and it's been about four years)
Said I would not get a university job that I asked about and I did get the job
Saw someone missing me and reaching out but then changed the reading to him having a passive interest and me having to reach out (this is the person who blocked me on social media)...
Saw me getting "better at meditating"- I have never meditated
Said I would get a new job before this January and that did not happen

Cookie is no doubt fun to read with. She definitely has a gift. When I read with her now I try to just ask what she sees instead of specific questions.

Offline Kate

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1059 on: January 22, 2018, 05:52:51 PM »
How often do you guys read with her ?Do you wait for predictions to pass or do you call to get random readings and update her?

I have read with Cookie for about five years, maybe once or twice a year. To date I will list the things that have come true and things that have not (at least not yet):

Things that were true or have happened:
Said I would have hip issues and seek treatment
Saw a period of unemployment for "someone" - it was me
Saw a fight with a female at work - My old boss and I did not get along and there was an argument
Saw what state I live in - it's not a popular state
Said I would be on and off with someone romantically, correct
Saw me having thoughts about children - I think about whether or not I want them all the time

Things that were either wrong or have not yet happened:
Said I would be moving but in a series of three readings gave me several different cities I would possibly be going to (?)
Said I would meet someone during specific months and I actually met the person in a different season
Saw me needing x-rays and a treatment plan for my hip issues (see above, I did have issues with my hip but I did not need either one of those and it's been about four years)
Said I would not get a university job that I asked about and I did get the job
Saw someone missing me and reaching out but then changed the reading to him having a passive interest and me having to reach out (this is the person who blocked me on social media)...
Saw me getting "better at meditating"- I have never meditated
Said I would get a new job before this January and that did not happen

Cookie is no doubt fun to read with. She definitely has a gift. When I read with her now I try to just ask what she sees instead of specific questions.

That's interesting. I find her most accurate when I just ask her what she "sees" coming up for me.  If i ask her specific questions about what she does not see initially, she will say "well it looks like" and that's not always correct.

Things she has seen have not always turned out how I visualised them when she saw them.. but they have always manifested.

She honestly blows me away all the time.  Things that she has seen that I thought had no chance of happening have happened...

If she saw you moving in three readings, I would kind of expect it to happen at some point..  Have you thought about moving?

Sometimes she sees my thoughts as future manifestations... even if it's not going to happen..

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1060 on: January 22, 2018, 06:38:59 PM »
"If she saw you moving in three readings, I would kind of expect it to happen at some point..  Have you thought about moving?"

I plan to, yes. Kisha (Aries Intuition) has also brought this up on her own in my readings.

But even with Cookie being a fantastic remote viewer, she has gotten several things flat out wrong for me. Like things that can't be eventually correct.

Offline sawthelight

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1061 on: January 22, 2018, 06:41:43 PM »
she seemed to have no idea what the numbers she got meant when I read with her..she said pick a number between 5-9...and unless it was 5-9 years, nothing came to pass lol. (I read with her long ago).  She didn't get one single thing that made me say OMG.

I honestly don't get the hype with her.

She did seem like a really nice lady though.  Is she much older?  I got the impression she was...
« Last Edit: January 22, 2018, 07:28:33 PM by sawthelight »

Offline Kate

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1062 on: January 22, 2018, 07:00:26 PM »
"If she saw you moving in three readings, I would kind of expect it to happen at some point..  Have you thought about moving?"

I plan to, yes. Kisha (Aries Intuition) has also brought this up on her own in my readings.

But even with Cookie being a fantastic remote viewer, she has gotten several things flat out wrong for me. Like things that can't be eventually correct.

I'm glad I haven't had that experience with her. She has never been flat out wrong. She has tried to get me to manifest things.. and she has "seen" those manifestations (that have not *yet* come to pass...) but in what she has seen on her own, I can't think of much she has got wrong...

There have been things that happened that I wish she had seen! 

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1063 on: January 22, 2018, 08:52:26 PM »
"There have been things that happened that I wish she had seen!"

Yeah, I wish she would have seen something wrong with our family dog before her tumor ruptured but then again no psychics that I have spoken to saw it happening, so...

Offline Xssweater

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #1064 on: January 22, 2018, 10:19:46 PM »
I am looking forward to some of the positive things she told me in the second reading and they are pretty far out. I'll wait til later in the year to call
For now I will just look at other peoples predictions unfold from her

