Author Topic: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)  (Read 1109156 times)

Offline bstalling

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #675 on: November 04, 2013, 07:56:48 PM »
I believe that some of the negative comments on here can influence how we as clients begin to perceive the talents of the psychics in a completely different light.

I say this because I have experienced this and specifically with Cookie.  I used to read rave reviews from Cookie, in terms of being a superb remote reader, on this forum.  Then, some members posted that even though she had seen specific things that could be validated in readings, the predictions that Cookie had made did not turn out to be accurate.  I can't say what has occurred with others, but I record my readings, and based on what I had been reading about Cookie's remote viewing not being all that important in the whole scheme of things, I tended not to replay my recording of the readings I had with her all that much.

Today, I chose to replay them and was shocked at just how accurate she really had been about the entire situation from the beginning!!! I have read with Cookie from December 2012 until now.  About a dozen readings in all.  After replaying all of these readings - it was alarming just how much of the first 5 minutes of her reading (without any prompting on my part) was totally accurate. I think she's been given a bad rap on here.

She has been given a bad wrap because she wasn't accurate for a lot of people in the end. Don't fall into the line of thinking that just because she was right for you that she can be consistent with everyone else.

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #676 on: November 04, 2013, 08:09:01 PM »

Though I agree many readers will tell you about love interests and jobs in advance and it never happens, or it takes a long long time for it materialize.

Because, eventually, we do meet someone and eventually we do find a job. It's life, not psychic abilities.

Yeah, then we wonder why we spent all that money calling them instead of just letting things unfold naturally.

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #677 on: November 04, 2013, 08:10:22 PM »
Well, I just believe that when rating the services of any professional we should bear in mind that no one is 100% accurate.  We shouldn't expect that of psychics either.  However, I went through 12 readings - all at least 30 minutes each, and I have to say that the first details shared in the first 5 minutes were on point in each of the 12 readings.  Where I think Cookie, and other psychics fall down is when asked to elaborate.  I think its a natural tendency to fill in the blanks.  We all do it - so I don't find it so shocking that psychics would have the same tendency either.

If I listen to the first things shared by Cookie, BEFORE I begin to ask questions (other than my one and only opener..."what do you see happening with XYZ?") she has in retrospect picked up every important even that has occurred in the last 12 months in my situation.
I, for one, still regard Cookie as being on point in all of my readings thus far...and for me that is one heck of a track record.
I believe that some of the negative comments on here can influence how we as clients begin to perceive the talents of the psychics in a completely different light.

I say this because I have experienced this and specifically with Cookie.  I used to read rave reviews from Cookie, in terms of being a superb remote reader, on this forum.  Then, some members posted that even though she had seen specific things that could be validated in readings, the predictions that Cookie had made did not turn out to be accurate.  I can't say what has occurred with others, but I record my readings, and based on what I had been reading about Cookie's remote viewing not being all that important in the whole scheme of things, I tended not to replay my recording of the readings I had with her all that much.

Today, I chose to replay them and was shocked at just how accurate she really had been about the entire situation from the beginning!!! I have read with Cookie from December 2012 until now.  About a dozen readings in all.  After replaying all of these readings - it was alarming just how much of the first 5 minutes of her reading (without any prompting on my part) was totally accurate. I think she's been given a bad rap on here.

She has been given a bad wrap because she wasn't accurate for a lot of people in the end. Don't fall into the line of thinking that just because she was right for you that she can be consistent with everyone else.

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #678 on: November 04, 2013, 08:13:51 PM »
I think she's been given a bad rap on here.

I disagree. I still try readers based on some of the reviews from this forum regardless if they worked for some of the callers or not. Even when posters say the reader was off, predictions didn’t pan out, they didn’t think the reader was psychic at all, whatever. Except for one thing: discourteous or flat out insolent readers. According to the caller’s review, if they say the caller hung up on them, acted like they were being interrupted, rushing them off the phone, ginormous egos like they were the right hand of god, or the reader was just an outright snot, I won’t call. I’m paying and you’re treating me like dirt?  NOT! Sorry, that won’t be happening in my life time.

I often chalk up the reviews to either the caller was having a bad day and not receptive to the information, or the reader was having a bad day – because as we all know Every Reader doesn’t work for Everyone. Even when the review (from this forum) states the reader was negative, that still doesn’t sway me not to call. I look at what the reader offers, where their strengths lie, what tools they use (if any), and if I have to ask a lot of questions. I have no problem with direct, no b.s., honest readers. Personally I prefer them.

For some reason using the same reader over and over isn’t helpful either.  They start to know you more, almost like a friend instead of a client and can no longer be objective/impartial when giving information. They feel to some degree they need to start giving you advice. If that’s the case, they shouldn’t be charging, but the weaker, cheaper readers I will still call, just for a pick me up pep talk. That’s all they’re good for anyway.

I just felt that for Cookie’s prices, nothing she said was mind blowing enough for me to review, let alone remember.  I won’t call her back based on her rates, not because she didn’t work for me. I prefer readers who hit the ground running, with little or no information (which are extremely hard to find). The call was too short and from reading some of the reviews here, I was under the impression you have to give Cookie time in order to understand how she reads, in order to get the most out of your reading.

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #679 on: November 05, 2013, 02:19:16 AM »
I agree with Bark angle on the fact that cookie's first couple of minutes that she talks without asking any questions are the best parts of her readings.

Offline bstalling

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #680 on: November 05, 2013, 02:39:14 AM »
I agree with Bark angle on the fact that cookie's first couple of minutes that she talks without asking any questions are the best parts of her readings.

I do agree that this is the best way to work with readers.

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #681 on: November 06, 2013, 08:57:57 PM »
I'd like to expand upon my earlier comment about Cookie actually hitting some pretty important information in my readings.  After consulting literally dozens and dozens of readers in the last year and a half, I have found most to have skills, but either not refined enough to give me any comfort in knowing that they are seeing something that is in the future, or they used "buzz" words that turned me off.  Frankly, as stated earlier, if I hear that someone is my twin flame - I shudder now.  Those expressions have been uttered too often by too many psychics that I consulted that just got nothing right for me so far.

There are a handful of truly skilled readers that I now focus on. We've all experienced readers that can relate the past fairly accurately, but fail on future events.  We've all experienced readers that read the current situation fairly well, but fail on future events as well. Well,  Cookie, not only hit on past and present details with an amazing accuracy, but she also predicted a series of events that would occur and did occur just as she said.  I cannot state that the final outcome has materialized as she suggested, because it is still some time off, but I was literally gobsmacked when I re-read my notes to see just how many little situations she was able to forecast that actually did occur later on.

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #682 on: November 06, 2013, 09:51:03 PM »
they used "buzz" words that turned me off.  Frankly, as stated earlier, if I hear that someone is my twin flame - I shudder now.

Although I've personally never heard this word used, it's right up there with Soul Mate, another shuddering word(s). I just don't believe in it.

I also can't stand when a reader says, there is some negativity around you OR some negative people/person around you.  Doesn't this pertain to every human being on the planet? Seriously? How does this add any substance to the reading? What purpose does this information hold for the caller?  I haven't hung up or stopped the last reader who harped on this. I pretty much directed the call to more important things, but I specifically ask, how does knowing this help anything?

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #683 on: November 06, 2013, 11:03:26 PM »
Cookie definitely gets little things and I believe every one would agree with that, the only problem is that the little things that she picks up (at least in my case) where such an unimportant and useless things which had nothing to do with the reason I called her. However when I saw those little things happening I got so excited and kept calling her but nothing significant manifested from her predictions. For example she told me I will hear from someone I have not heard of for a long time and yes I heard from three old friends one of which I had no contact with for almost 20 years. But nothing  she told me about the douche lord manifested not even the smallest one.

Offline Amaranth

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #684 on: November 07, 2013, 12:04:10 AM »
In my experience, if you ask her about specific subjects or people or timelines, therein the disappointment lies as you wait weeks to even years for any sign any of it is coming to pass.  However, if you just don't direct her and let her go on her merry way, she has has predicted some of the most bizarre, oddball things that everytime I am thinking 'wow, you are way off this time, Cookie' and then sure enough, it ends up coming true/occurring within the week. 

As it is with 90% of all psychics, their readings are based off vibrations, so they're really good with things that are going to occur no further out than a couple of months.  Big-picture predictions such as 'soul mates' returning, marriages, births, finances, etc have so many more factors involved, and a lot of the time, all the factoring elements are probably not in the right place to give you an accurate prediction at the time of your question.  This why a lot of times predictions can change over the course of time- it's another part of that 'free will' equation.

Coming from a family of practicing mediums and psychics, I've debated a lot on posting a really long essay here on how psychics receive their information- and how a message is received and then the left part of the brain then tries to analyze the message and rationalize and interpret it as they are feeding the information back to you.  This is where a lot of the inaccuracies come from.  And honestly, this is where a psychic should tell you 'I'm getting this but I don't know what this means' if they're honest while others might try to spin a totally outrageous story/prediction out of one word/image.

Also, how you ask a question is very important, and it's important you have a trustworthy psychic that knows how to appropriately ask for the information you are seeking.  Like, for an example, I asked my own guide if I would hear from someone in September.  No matter how many times I asked her, she kept responding yes.  September.  Well, come September 30 I was very flustered and almost mad with her.

Will so-and-so contact me in September?
September of this year!!???

Well, I felt like an ass.  I just automatically assumed it would be this September.  It could be any September.  If I had been more specific in my query, I wouldn't have wasted so much time being hopeful for something.  It really taught me a lesson on the significance of properly phrasing questions.

When I asked about contact from another person I hadn't heard from in over half-a-year, I made sure to be more specific.  'By the end of October this year?'. 'Yes'.

Talk about cutting it close, but at 4 am on October 31st, I heard from the person I was asking about.  My own timing/contact prediction was more accurate than 95% of the psychics I have read with on Keen, lol.

But anyway, I have debated making a long, informative post on how psychics get their information, insight into the world of intuition and the gift of it and how you need to introduce manifesting as a considerable part to getting more accurate readings and successful outcomes.  However, the tone of this board has changed so much the past couple of years and I don't know how many people would be open to that and considerate if they happen to not agree.

If you want to hear me just rattle off the names of other psychics who have had the most accuracy for me ( as most my predictions have come through to some degree ) then they are:

Cookie, Sapphire21, Elisabeth Hart, Wizardmask, LadyPersephone, and SourcePower. 
Cookie has become a solid go-to not only because the one thing she predicted that even *I* didn't believe would ever happen in a million years came to pass, but she again and again has nailed short-term predictions for me, and accurately gave me the name of the current man in my life 2 weeks before I even met him.
Wizardmask and SourcePower both for accurately describing the new man in my life a month before I met him ( described his appearance, his profession, etc accurately and Wizardmask spoke an exact line word for word that later to my shock fell out of his mouth after I had finally met him and started talking to him )
Elisabeth Hart for being very accurate with timing and for last year accurately predicting when I was unemployed when I would find work and accurately describing the type of job/work I would end up getting ( I hate the job but she got it all correct )
LadyPersephone for just generally nailing outcomes and situations repeatedly

And I shouldn't have to but DISCLAIMER- your experiences with these psychics should you choose to read with them may not yield similairly accurate results in your case!

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #685 on: November 07, 2013, 12:28:51 AM »
I'll try Wizardmask, just because of your recommendation and I'll look up E. Hart as well. I don't really like what I see on the net about LadyP and SourceP, so I'll have to think about those two. Does either E. Hart or Wizardmask have their own sites?

I'm not new to psychics and understand how they get their information as well as how specific, callers' questions should be.

I had an ex-friend who read for a couple of phone lines (now sites) and one of these lines tested her extensively and she was so accurate they hired her on the spot. I use to ask her questions repeatedly about what she saw, how she saw things, her interpretations, blah, blah, blah.  Being friends with readers isn't all that it's cracked up to be, so I NEVER had her read for me.

With all the kudos nevertheless, she was just as much wrong as she was right.  Knowing how different readers can be for everyone, I am open-minded to their ratings depending on what the caller said about them and how they read for others, so I don't mind giving them a try just to see how well or not, they work for me.

Offline Amaranth

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #686 on: November 07, 2013, 01:36:51 AM »
An interesting side note- the first reading I ever had with Wizardmask a couple of years ago I was actually really unhappy with.  I didn't like the vibe of the reading and the information seemed very generic and not relevant to my situation at all.  Just on a strange whim I decided to give her another shot earlier this year and it was exceptional.  There are a few things my own predictions have trumped her on ( like my own prediction of October contact was accurate whereas her prediction for contact from this person was not until the New Year ) but she has been correct on outcomes and scenarios which is far more important to me than timing.

I don't know of personal websites of theirs, but they are both on Keen and are usually readily available.

And I know what you mean- I typically try to make it a policy not to read for friends- and I made the mistake of breaking that policy with my ex-best friend.  I accurately predicted her 'turning on me' and it was kinda weird even saying it to her.  And she acted so surprised- 'No way!  You're like my sister!  That would never happen!'. 2 months later....

But yeah, we can't connect with everyone, and deciphering the images their guides put in our heads can be difficult sometimes- sometimes it's nothing.  I once misread the image of a man while hearing 'Austin' as the querrent was going to meet/date a man named Austin.  Fast-forward a few weeks and she met this man alright, but his name wasn't Austin, she met him while visiting her parents in Austin, Texas. D'oh!

And as a footer, I don't read with her often because of cost, but Sincerity has been very amazing accurate with outcomes, past and present, and fine details ( even told me I was dieting at the moment, which was true, lol ) the couple of times I have read with her.

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #687 on: November 07, 2013, 02:08:54 AM »
I didn't like the vibe of the reading and the information seemed very generic and not relevant to my situation at all.  Just on a strange whim I decided to give her another shot earlier this year and it was exceptional.

ok this. Why does this happen? Sometimes the reader is great, then the second read, not so much...or....they are sort of good and then the second read, great.  If the reader is generic the first time, and don't land on at least two/three things pertinent to me, there is no way I even give them another shot.  I go ahead and anticipate the reader is going to be generic, so that if they do hit on anything specific, I can honestly be surprised.

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #688 on: November 07, 2013, 02:55:16 AM »
There can be several factors.  I don't know how long Wizardmask has been doing readings professionally but a lot of times, psychics/mediums/tarot readers despite being born into a family of generations with a natural gift and tons of practice reading for friends and family don't realize it is indeed a hugely different leap doing it as a source of income over the phone or through a parlor- its almost like re-learning the art.  The first few years their gift will definitely be obvious, but it isn't fine-tuned enough to adapt right away to taking phone call after phone call and keeping the energy 'clean' from one client to the next.

Another thing is guides.  It is very rare that a person will have the same guides all their lives.  Some guides come into our lives temporarily only to see us through certain situations.  Others have been with us for years and may be around a good several decades, but most likely not our entire lives.  Some of our guides lived at one time, some of them never did.  What is certain is that each guide has a very distinct personality- but all guides are very defensive and protective of their person.  I have one guide who is a fireball of attitude, and if he could physically strangle my ex best friend, I think he would, lol.  Then I have another guide who does NOT like to talk about my ex-fiancé at all.

In the majority of readings, the information your psychic is receiving is coming from your guides.  So sometimes their willingness or unwillingness to communicate has to do with the quality/accuracy/vibe of a reading.  That's also why sometimes if you go on psychic binges, predictions pan out less than if you get just get a couple from your go-tos and then patiently wait for things to pass.  Asking the same question over and over and over again not only wears out the guides, but also perpetuates you have no faith in the answers they and The Universe/God/whatever are providing you, which kinda undos the whole law of unattraction.

Of course, I don't want to lay it all on our guides.  Sometimes a psychic just gives a really crappy reading.

Like any job, stress or personal life events can really affect performance.  Honestly, psychics who are under a lot of personal stress or struggles shouldn't do readings, because they're playing with someone else's life here.  Their physical and emotional health can drastically affect the overall tone, energy, and how they perceive the electromagnetic field they are reading.  Emotions are energy.  Stress produces chemical and electrical activity in the brain which can then directly impact the electromagnetic field and vibrations through which they receive their information- skewing it- distorting it- misinterpreting it- what is actually a good outcome may suddenly become a negative one.

And on that same wavelength, it's why typically psychics should take breaks inbetween readings, to make sure to be complete clear of any residual energy from one client to the next, which can wreak havoc when it comes to accuracy or the general 'vibe'.

In all honesty- what happened in my personal life is what initially kicked off my cycle of calling psychics.  I was so stressed and so far gone that I couldn't even read for myself anymore or communicate with my own guides anymore.  Everything was negative- the only thing I saw for myself was disaster, disease, death, and emptiness- just utter total hopelessness and despair.

It took a lot of time and self-healing, and a new guide showed up specifically to help me out of this place where even my other guides couldn't reach me- and finally my accuracy is back, my intuition is back, and my life is finally moving forward, and all those stale, old predictions I never thought would move finally did.  But it really does take a lot of personal effort.

And who knows- that first reading I had with Wizardmask, she may just have been having an 'off' day, or carrying residual energy from too many readings before me.  Or it could have been me, because I was in such a bad, low, horrible place at the time and she simply was picking up my own bad energy and my own distrust that NOTHING would ever be okay ever again.

Anyway- I've rambled enough ^^

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Re: Spiritualist Reader (Cookie)
« Reply #689 on: November 07, 2013, 02:58:48 AM »
*the law of attraction, I meant to say, not unattraction.  Yeesh XD

