So I had couple of readings by now with cookie, she is the sweetest lady, she even advised me that I should stay away from the person of interest because I deserve way better

god bless her heart. But something that I do not understand is that she never gave me a happy ending as far as the relationship with this person. She said he will be back, he is sorry, he is thinking about me, he is missing me and so on and he will be back but she did not see any relationship between us happening. So I think my question is in regards to what everyone says here to be a little careful when she is talking about emotions, so does this mean that when she sees him sorry and missing me, I should not buy this? Also she is so consistent every time I read with her, and she remembers the names and so on, did it ever occur to anyone here that she might be taking notes? I mean it sounds stupid even to myself when I am writing this but being this persistent...also she said the she tries to tune in and see what is happening in someone's life and what is going on in their mind. Well when she tuned into me for example, she saw stuff which honestly at that very moment I did not see them but later on I saw exactly what she was talking about. S I guess my question is that if we should not count on what she sees about emotions, then when she says that she is tuning in someone's head and is seeing that person thinking about me, I should not buy that ? It is really confusing to me. She gives some details about someone's personality which is literally like watching a scary movie. She told me exactly the sentence that my ex told me, I mean verbatim.
Anyway, would you guys be able to share some of her predictions that come to pass for you guys and some that did not, specially did anyone have a none happy ending type of story like what she is giving me which came to pass? I mean she is giving me a happy ending but not with the person I am asking about.