She just called me while I was driving and had my dog in the car. But I still answered, I just told her if she hears some heavy breathing in the background that is my dog, not me

I think this was the best reading that I had with her. She asked me if I have something brown around me and yes I had brown bags on the next seat, and my dog is also brown who was in the back seat. She told me the reading has changed now compared to past ones. And I was seeing the differences in real life too. That's why I called her. She said California, Chicago and Florida and if they make sense. I said my bf's father lives in FL. She said she started seeing family and friends around us and before she was just seeing me and him isolated. She said He might ask me to visit his father in FL with him. She said some good things to look forward to but also said I will still have obstacles and he may pull back from time to time. But he realizes that he wants me in his life permanently.
One thing that made me WOW was that, she said his job has something to do with DC. He actually works at DC Public schools and I never told that to her before. She also nailed that he doesn't spend the weekends with me and I don't like that. Which is true. He goes out of town to see his mother and friends in VA every weekend and it drives me nuts. Thankfully she said, she sees it is changing slowly and I will be around the family and friends and we will do things on the weekends too. But I never told her before that he was away on weekends.
This was the first reading that she really surprised me with details. Previous readings were more general. She even said she sees a place called Silver Spring, which is a city around us but at this time I don't know what Silver Spring has anything to do with us.
I am happy I did not miss her call