Oh for bloody hell's sake. See, this is the crap that I absolutely HATE. You've been focused on working through your issues, thinking everything is worked through, then someone tells you that you still aren't through those issues. It takes time to get over it, but the thing is if you keep focusing on *working through these issues* then I think you are holding yourself back from just experiencing. If you are they type of person who is attracted to unavailable men, then STOP. That's it. Just cut it out! If you meet someone and he's hot, attractive and you like him, try to date him. If you date him and you realize that he's not treating you the way that you want him too, you only have two choices, roll with the punches as this is the guy that he's showing you he is and accept it, or toss him.
This isn't brain surgery, time to over analyze or think to yourself *I'm bringing in these men because I have issues that I haven't worked through.* What a mind fuck. *Excuse the terrible ise of language but i needed to put emphasis there* Seriously! Doesn't that shit make you feel terrible? Like it's all your fault? I'm bringing in all these crappy guys and I still need to deal with my issues etc. Cut all that out! This isn't about your issues at all. This isn't about blame, this isn't about you trying to internalize everything thing and putting so much pressure on yourself. Take the pressure off, stop OVER THINKING EVERYTHING and just get off your ass and get out there.
Everyone has issues. We ALL have our issues, but when you constantly over analyze what's happening around you instead of just rolling with it and having fun dating, meeting new people and just enjoying your personal relationships, it's YOU that is messing everything up.
I'm not saying date every guy that comes along, but what I am saying I this: ms 5'11"? Dude says to you, wow you are tall, but I like tall women. Your response shouldn't be in your head-what a douch-your response out of your mouth should be *really, you think I'm tall? You should meet the rest of my family! Lol! Or, how about, wow bud, I've never realized that, what a keen observation! Lol! Laugh! For god's sake ladies, would you please just laugh it off! Or another one you could say is," oh I know, us tall ones are actually better in bed" then give the little short squirt a big smile, a cheeky grin and laugh!
We need to change our perspective on dating. Stop looking at it like a job. Everyone hates to date blah, blah, blah. No wonder why you aren't meeting worthy guys. Look at your attitude towards dating. Dudes LOVE to date, ya know why? Because its fun for them. They want to meet someone worthy, someone that is going to make them fall to their knees, blindside them with happiness and fall in love. Guys have a great time enjoying the loving, adoring attention of wonderful women. Why the hell aren't we?
Sure it's hard to put yourself out there, but suck it up. This is what it is all about. How are you going to meet someone worthy if you don't get off your couch, stop *working on your issues* and go meet someone?
This is the only thing or rather a major thing that I dislike about this forum. It's the negative attitude behind dating. We women are so worried about fixing ourselves that we miss out on so many great guys to have fun with, enjoy spending time with, have fun getting to know etc. why do we miss out on these opportunities? Because we are too lazy to get ourselves out there.
Sometimes you get in your moods etc. and you just don't want to leave the house on a Sunday afternoon. That's totally fair. But THAT wonderful guy isn't sitting on the couch beside you, he's out and about meeting new women, spending time doing what he wants to do etc.
I don't mean to get snappy here on you guys, but the last thing I want to do is look on this forum and see people feeling sorry for themselves. I want to jump on this forum and see how they are taking readings and applying them in a positive way to their lives. Now seriously, what are you going to do to get yourself out there and do something about meeting that guy?
Cookie gave me an el crappo reading the last time I talked to her. She said she didn't see me in an actual relationship all through 2013. She told me that I have to open myself up and take action. I did that about a month ago, met loads of guys, forced myself to get out there and meet new people and although I didn't find anyone that I wanted to spend my time with, I really had a good time and made some new friends. It wasn't a fail, it was a pass. I collected my $200- at GO and the arrows keeps pointing to movement. Maybe one of these days I'll land on Park Place or maybe *Reading railroad* but if I don't keep rolling the dice and keep moving along the board, I'm never going to find my *Boarwalk*
For those who don't understand my analogy, please google *monopoly* and go play. Lol!