When my POI, who everyone said was my twin flame, soulmate and who would never be with anyone else because it wasn't in our destiny, married someone else. When I found out he was getting married, i was done. I had been strung along for years and heard all the usual excuses that he was scared, his feelings were too strong for me, he didn't know how to express himself. And it wasn't just one psychic. I am embarrassed to say it was many and I spent a fortune over the course of 3 years.I got myself into debt over it.
Even when I was suspicious that there was someone else, i heard the same stories. It would never work out between them. It was just a passing infatuation. Fast-forward to 6 months later and he married her. That was it. I was done with psychics and never called one since. This all took place in 2012.
That was a dark time for me. i would go to bed on a Friday night and just stay ion bed til Monday morning. To say I was devestated is putting it mildly. I think part of it was because I so desperately wanted to believe them. I didn't think people could be that cruel and lead people on but sadly, those I dealt with, did. It took me a couple of years to get better and I am happy to say I am happily married now.
What I have with my husband isn't exactly what I felt for my ex. But he never leaves me wondering or lets me wait for a phone call. He was always very present and made sure he let me knew how he felt about me. And more importantly, he never makes me cry.
Wow - thanks for coming on and sharing your story Rosa. In a lot of ways, my story mirrors yours. Three+ years, one POI, ignoring the signs and instead believing the psychics, then finally waking up to reality when the fellow I called about moved in with someone else. Then some of the psychics I relied on -- some who had been right about enough things that I trusted them -- not only changed their tune but took a nasty tone with me and / or backtracked. One I recall saying "well we told you he was not ready and would need to have this other experience." She did say he was not ready, but did NOT tell me that he needed another 'experience'.
One thing that was confusing about my story is that during the year prior to meeting that POI, 2 different psychics I saw (the only 2, in person, I was not calling excessively then) predicted him, with fairly specific details (looks, personality, timeframe, how we would interact, hobbies and interests). He was presented as a twin flame by one and life partner by the other. That made me even more invested in the whole thing working out... I'd never even heard the term twin flame and hadn't asked her about that; I was actually asking about a house move.
These days, I do have the odd reading, and I'm not actually certain about whether or not I'll stop 100%. I don't ask about love. It's just too charged for me - both the positive and negative predictions get under my skin. I recently called Veruska on keen a few times and asked about a contract I was going for, and she was completely right about the whole thing. I called a few others as well and they were wrong; I almost did it just to see, because it was a short-term outcome that I could be certain about. It was so interesting to me to see how wrong most were.
At the start of this year, I called a few of the people who have the best reputations on here, or who are discussed most. I then pretty much stopped calling (except for that short round of calls with one question about work). I intend to do my report out once enough time has passed that I can say with some certainty who was right and to what degree.