Author Topic: Jean  (Read 56834 times)

Offline lightme

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Re: Jean
« Reply #45 on: October 08, 2011, 09:29:59 PM »
4ever, I think there is nothing wrong to love someone quietly
in our heart. I used to love my first love in my heart for 13 years, until
my SM replaced him totally. then I found him in fb we started to talk and
I realized I don't love him anymore and he is not even my type now.
he is considered good looking but knowing his personality now I don't understand
why I even liked him.

someone wrote here that if we are still crazy over someone it is
probably we don't know that person well enough yet. not implying
anything regarding your situation. I think you contributed alot
to this forum about how real are the psychics.

Offline Elaan

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Re: Jean
« Reply #46 on: October 08, 2011, 09:36:45 PM »
I dont care anymore what other people think, or how long its been. Im not ashamed to say that I still love the man. But Im not sitting around waiting for a phone call that very well may never come, but at the same time it just might. No one knows. And it hurts no one for me to still have feelings for this man. At least I know that I felt true unconditional love for someone at least once in my life.


I have to say I think that what you just said are some of the most truthful and healing comments I have read on this board.  We all have to come to our healing our own way and if this is the way for us, then no one can say its wrong.  Thank you for your honesty because I know that I have and do feel the exact same way. 

When the world says, "Give up,"
Hope whispers, "Try it one more time."
~Author Unknown

You are true to your name.  Kudos for you!! 

Offline positivethoughts2

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Re: Jean
« Reply #47 on: October 08, 2011, 09:38:40 PM »
Yes 4ever - be true to thyself. Whatever form that comes in.

Offline 4everhopeful

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Re: Jean
« Reply #48 on: October 08, 2011, 10:37:27 PM »
Thank you both. I guess I am true to my name, lol. I dont give up easily. And the last psychic I spoke with told me that I know in my heart what the outcome will be. I seem to wonder sometime if its wishful thinking on my part but maybe it really is my heart and intuition telling me not to completely give up.
I am open to meeting someone new and if someone comes along that makes me feel great and content and happy, then I will gladly accept a relationship with that new person. But there has to be feelings of wanting to be with that new person and no feelings of hesitance or resistance. If it is meant to be with someone new, I will have the feelings Im supposed to have early on. So I am open to something new, but inside I still wish my predictions would come true as they have for some of the others here. All I want is another chance, if it doesnt work out, then I will absolutely put it in my past. But like the song says, "A heart needs a second chance".
And thank you for understanding and not bashing me or insinuating that Im stupid for hanging on.

Offline loveblooms

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Re: Jean
« Reply #49 on: October 10, 2011, 01:06:45 AM »
4ever for how long have you not been in touch with your ex. I was in some sort of relationship, although it was not defined, but that was a strong connection I had ever felt, for me its 16 months no contact. I am definitely not waiting but hoping, sometime I feel foolish but that is how life goes on, no matter what I do, with whomsoever I am, memories bounce back. True love never fades away.
I think it's okay, why to resist those feeling, after all it was a relationship which we had nurtured with our love, feelings and compassion. I feel the pain but trying to make it my strength.
4everhopeful, believe it no matter what we are destined to be happy,  keep the doors open, greet every love with love so that we will never regret that we played it cool, who knows one day Love would knock at the door smiling and will sweep you away  :)

In my heart I still believe love will bloom.

Offline 4everhopeful

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Re: Jean
« Reply #50 on: October 10, 2011, 02:08:23 AM »
Hello Loveblooms, Its been two years since I have had contact with my ex. And the circumstances now tell me it will be a while longer, maybe never. But one of the first readings I ever got said that it would be 3 to 4 years before we were back together. And one reading I got back in the spring of this year said there was a five year span for this thing to run its course. The thing is with that particular reading, I said nothing more than for him to focus on love/relationships and he went off telling me I had met someone within the past 5 years and I confirmed it was 3 years ago. He then said there was a span of 5 years so he saw hope that I would reconnect with the ex and have the opportunity for things to work out. No promises, no guarantees, just that the opportunity would be there. I told this young man nothing at all except for confirmations of what he had already stated while doing the reading. I added dollars to my account 3 times that day. I couldnt get enough of what he was saying and explaining. I honestly do realize that some of us will not see our predictions come true, and I may very well be one of those persons, at least the way things are looking I will be. But I also know that I did find true love and this seems to be the only place I can express that anymore. I feel that I have lost a very good friend due to my predictions not panning out and her not wanting to be exposed to my negativity as I think she feels this will spill over onto her situation. And I really hate it. But all I know is that she doesnt call me as much and doesnt seem as interested in talking to me anymore since I have been snapped into reality with my ex getting this woman pregnant. I guess with my situation turning out as it has, it makes her lose hope in her situation and that is understandable. But I hate that she and I cant have a friendship like before because of psychic readings. Its really sad and I miss talking to her. Oh well, another life lesson I suppose. Im really tired of life lessons, lol.

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Re: Jean
« Reply #51 on: October 10, 2011, 02:45:54 AM »
I would recommend a spiritual cleansing for everyone here I think it will help everybody.

Offline Synergy

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Re: Jean
« Reply #52 on: October 10, 2011, 02:43:12 PM »
Hi Lightme,

My SM and I have not been together since May.  I don't know if I should say fortunately or unfortuantely, but I see him almost daily because we work together.  We are in two different departments, but each of us makes excuses to see the other, we often spend our lunches together.  I have an advisor on Keen who is always accurate when it comes to our communication.  She tells me when he'll seek me out, when he's going to invite me to lunch, when our communication will increase and when it will decrease... she's amazing!  (Her name is Kisha, but she goes by Aries Intuition, if anyone is interested.  I don't usually recommend readers on Keen, but she is very good with timeframes).

Other than that EVERY single big prediction has been delayed.  Readers told me we would reconnect romantically in July... didn't happen.  Then, it was September... didn't happen.  Meryl's timeframe is approaching, as she stated it would be in late October/early November.  He and I spent some time together last week, and he did start reminiscing about our time together, but then he changed the subject.  It made me hopeful that we may be together again soon. 

It's so frustrating!! 

Offline Synergy

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Re: Jean
« Reply #53 on: October 10, 2011, 02:52:42 PM »

Thank you for sharing your story.  This forum makes me feel as if I am not alone because I sure have been feeling crazy for the past few months!!  The thing is, I don't think you're being silly at all!  There is something to this.  There are so many of us here with similar stories.  These soul connections are real! 

My friends ridicule me for being hung up on this man.  He and I were only together between November 2010 to May of this year, and he never made a commitment, yet I've been unable to move on.  Every psychic tells me the same thing... that he feels the connection too, that he's scared, blah blah blah.  And guess what???  In my heart, I believe it!  I know it when we're together.  So, I know that you feel your connection with your SM too!  I don't think it's crazy that you still hope for him to come back.  I hope that one day you can share with us that he has returned. 

Offline lightme

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Re: Jean
« Reply #54 on: October 10, 2011, 03:08:00 PM »
hi Synergy, how long have u two were together?
my opinion is it is not helpful to hv no choice
but to see each other everyday.

a person will action for two main reasons: joy or pain.
seeing u everyday and being friends with you
don't give rise to any of these two emotions.
I am not saying it is not a joy to see you, he did reminisced
that showed he has feelings for you. but he doesn't
have to worry becos he can see you are still there.
this setting will surely delay the patching up.

one way may help is you must act light hearted n as
if you hv moved on. don't take initiative to talk to him,
let him take all initiative regarding non work matters,
n you respond nicely. sometimes reject his invitation to
lunch. throw him off balance, the key is to take away his security
about you.

Offline lightme

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Re: Jean
« Reply #55 on: October 10, 2011, 03:21:07 PM »
synergy, six months are enough for a person to love
very deeply. besides psychic, I would recommend you to
buy a get love/ex back for more support n advice.
I followed the advices n they really worked for me.
after patching up we still need to know what to do to
make it work.

Offline Synergy

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Re: Jean
« Reply #56 on: October 10, 2011, 03:42:09 PM »
You're right, lightme.  Seeing him everyday does make matters worse.  It's so difficult for me to stay away, but I have too.  I do find that the times I've stayed away for a few days, he has come back around sending me flirtatious texts or asking me to lunch.  He gives enough to keep me around, but not enough to start seeing each other romantically once again. 

Everyone says I deserve better, but I honestly don't think he's playing games.  I think he has immersed himself in law school completely, and he has no idea how to multi-task and make the time for a relationship.  He wants it, but he has convinced himself that he doesn't need it right now. 

I'll definitely take your advice.  It's what all my advisors have been suggesting.  I spoke with Steve Gunn a couple months ago.  He told me to focus on myself, which I've been doing.  I'm not sitting around waiting for this man, but I do remain hopeful that he'll realize what we had is worth pursuing. 

Offline lightme

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Re: Jean
« Reply #57 on: October 10, 2011, 03:51:26 PM »
from what you wrote I think your case is not
that hard. you moved away a few days and he already
asked you to lunch. imagine if you disappear? he
will go nuts and chase after you for sure.
since you cannot disappear, there are other ways
to handle this. please get a good get ex back package,
you can get him back, high chance.

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Re: Jean
« Reply #58 on: October 10, 2011, 04:07:02 PM »
I have to say I agree, I think you should disappear alltogether it really makes the man go nuts. I know it made mine go nuts, when I disapperared, it took a couple of months for him to contact me again, but are situation is a little different the I am sure the typical relationship.


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Re: Jean
« Reply #59 on: May 08, 2016, 04:16:17 PM »
Jean was very judgmental. Did not like her at all. I didn't get a reading; she was too busy bad mouthing the person I asked about