hi Synergy, how long have u two were together?
my opinion is it is not helpful to hv no choice
but to see each other everyday.
a person will action for two main reasons: joy or pain.
seeing u everyday and being friends with you
don't give rise to any of these two emotions.
I am not saying it is not a joy to see you, he did reminisced
that showed he has feelings for you. but he doesn't
have to worry becos he can see you are still there.
this setting will surely delay the patching up.
one way may help is you must act light hearted n as
if you hv moved on. don't take initiative to talk to him,
let him take all initiative regarding non work matters,
n you respond nicely. sometimes reject his invitation to
lunch. throw him off balance, the key is to take away his security
about you.