Author Topic: Don’t know who or what to believe. Summary post.  (Read 6239 times)

Offline jhuskindle

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Re: Don’t know who or what to believe. Summary post.
« Reply #15 on: December 22, 2018, 03:20:13 PM »
I agree if she is posting about him and he not her she is probably more into him than her. I have a friend who is going through a dirty divorce but the soon to be ex wife keeps posting how much fun they are having as family, except he is miserable. Just dont fall into the “LOA” trap of victim blaming. The stress you are feeling wont ruin your prospects of it happening, but it just injures yourself. If you know its not over, it’s NOT over.
I should tell you the story of my 5 year maybe twin flame.. who Ive currently ghosted on another level.. who will be back by the end of 2019. That will make a year of him being blocked for him to end up seeking me out, I will have already moved and had another boyfriend in that time. But I KNOW, its not over... lol
Sadly for me its “for better OR WORSE” cause this one is a devil.

Still, I think if you know it will happen it will happen, and yes be wary of “contact” even I read my girl, he will contact you in a month, it turned out he called her from a blocked number on mute. We only found out cause it happened a few more times then the brother called, after she told the bro to fuck off, the calls stopped. That sucks, but that can sadly be a contact.

Further, I get a lot of women asking me “Are there any other women I need to worry about” I dont even read this if they aren’t in a relationship. That’s just a way to add stress to yourself. NO WOMEN matter except you. If they end up with you, maybe they learned their lesson about how valuable you are through being in a bad new relationship, right? So to stress about another woman is useless. No woman compares to you, period.

I say that because you go out of your way to read on this person, you clearly care about them in a big way. This shows your character. It would be a loss if he stayed with her, but he probably wont, I will also break up with my boyfriend before my 5 year (well it will be 6 by then) love flame twin guy comes back. I dont even know my next boyfriend. I just know I’m getting one. It’s not law of attraction, I tried for years, and my spirit guides did not produce. It was just a matter of timing.

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: Don’t know who or what to believe. Summary post.
« Reply #16 on: December 22, 2018, 09:31:03 PM »
hmm so my thoughts on Shaman Kira, now it has nothing to do with "concrete" info to back things up. Because you really don't need that for a predictions. But i'm starting to feel this is her thing,  the probability of POI not coming back or working out is much higher than them coming back.  So for accuracy sake, she'd get more hits, than misses saying forget about it.  Because this is a public forum and anyone can read here without a being a member (which i wish they'd change) she can lurk and read the boards and get a feeling of what  people are saying.  I imagine that most advisors google their names to see if people are talking about them, or to just simply see where they come up in a search engine, IE: close to the top searches. 

So here are some of my thoughts, you can take them or leave them, but something to possibly consider.  You are now confused and don't know what to think or believe because of all of these readings you've had.  When we have so many readings on the same situation, the energy we are sending out is screaming we are in doubt, that we don't believe, so what we put out is what we get back. This is why they say to limit readings and also limit the number of advisors. Each time you connect with them, you are allowing their energy to also flow and connect.   These are just my thoughts and beliefs, and if not yours, it's cool.

Like others' have said , December isn't over yet. But you are already doubting, and sending out that energy.  Contact might be something as simple as a Merry Christmas gif or meme.  Whether you both end up together, may just not be established yet based on all of this energy, so it goes from one extreme to the other. Or depending on the day and the flow of energy at that time, that is what the reader is picking up. So it might not mean they are a bad reader, they are just picking up what the main and strongest flow of energy is at that moment.  The outcome also depends on you, on what you do now and what you do when you reconnect with each other.  We all have a part in this.  Having all these readings with different outcomes, not only messes with your energy, but with your head and puts you in this emotional place you don't need to be. My suggestion, take it or leave it pick the one or two advisors that seemed to the most consistent for you in your predictions and believe that. Then say to yourself okay cool, this is how it's going to be. Then go and just do your thing. Focus on what makes you happy and let the energy flow, remember whether you realize it or not, this tense energy and fear and doubt, he feels this as well on an energy level, whether he realizes it or not. This is why psychics who especially understand quantum energy, will tell you to let it go (and believe me those are words i absolutely hated hearing! my back would go up, but there's more truth to it than not) don't think about what you don't have, and focus on what you have. It won't happen over night, it's a process. But each time you find yourself feeling anxious or sad or doubtful, send some loving energy to that place and try to refocus on something else. ( i know it can be hard) Even if this doesn't give you the ending you want, what it will do is make it an easier process for you, one with out the mental anguish and give some happier moments.

Anyway, i hope that is at least helpful and if not then i hope that you do find something that works for you and may this message find it's way to the person who may need to hear it. :)

Thanks so much - I’d like to PM you my reply if you don’t mind. There is much I agree with and find helpful in theory but difficult to put into actual practice. But I am making headway - honestly I really am - but the social media thing is really a difficult addiction for me. The constant checking is more about wanting to know what’s up more than worrying its NOT going to happen. More like wow, I really really believed in my instincts that we weren’t completely over and done for good and yet here. Look. It is doubting of my own self you’re right. But it is incredibly difficult for me not to look and check and see what I can see. I struggle with it even though I know it’s not logical.

And the whole concept of LOA I struggle with because on the one hand I think there’s a lot to it and it makes an awful lot of sense to me and I’ve seen it at work. But on the other hand I feel like then there’s a blame that goes along with it to if someone else (or me!) thinks “well you’re not letting go enough. You’re not doing it right.”  You know I mean I did “let go.” But what that means to one person in actual practice is different to another person I think. And I really did decide okay let me just go out with other people and I did, went on several dates. And it wasn’t like I wasn’t giving it a fair shot. I was really open to being with someone new. But they just didn’t jive. So I don’t know. I find that for me what works is letting myself feel how I feel whatever it is.

But I do believe a lot of what you’re saying and a lot of what you’re saying was echoed to me by some of those readers. One who no one else seems to like but I thought was very spot on for me... told me... well he’s going to sense that you’re fed up. He’s going to feel that and he’s not going to want you to be gone so he’ll reach out. And believe me you will be together by ___ date. You have to believe that. And recommended mirror work for me. Like talking to myself as if I was hearing what I wanted to hear. To boost my confidence she said.

It is a mind mess too. Because yes the whole thing makes me so self conscious of if I do hear from him how do I handle it? How would I possibly even feel about how to reapond? If I keep it low Kelly maybe he’ll think I’m not that interested. If I am up front with my feelings I will scare him away. So I’m a mess in my own head about how I would even respond. But I go back and forth between that and being ... well remembering ... that when we were together .... I would get this same exact intense anxiety. Like a lot. But that every time we were together or talked... it just totally magically disappeared. And no one ever ever had that affect on me.

I remember my telling him he made me feel at ease. And he said well aren’t you always like this? And I said no. Actually I’m not. ... and we both smiled a bit.

Anyway. Yeah I’m getting better at separating for me the fact that I can still recognize my genuine feelings and not feel bad about them or like I’m “doing something wrong and not letting go enough” if I miss him. But more like acknowledge it and trust that whatever will happen the way it’s meant to and let go more of the outcome vs how I feel. I’m much better with that and doing well over all - but yesterday was hard.

Thanks so much again. Really appreciate your thoughts and insight.

I'm just going to chip in if OK? Having a look at your POI's social media won't help things at all. People generally like to paint a pretty picture on social media, I've seen men happily recently married who have tried to lead a separate life with me (which ain't happening on my watch). So they must be miserable to be cheating and looking for a double life elsewhere. You'd never guess it from their professionally made tailored pics on Facebook that are very smart. So your guy could be posting pics with a woman, or she might be with him but doesn't mean to say he isn't thinking of you in any way shape or form. I used to stalk exes Facebook but realised it didn't do me any good.. Everytime I looked, I felt sick to the pit of my stomach and second guessed everything, things wound me up and stressed me out. Now I don't look, because it's best not to know what's going on. For all you know, he might come back and say "well actually I was getting bored and left her", or something else along those lines. So not everything is always as it seems. But my god I understand why you'd be panicking and want to look, and I feel your pain and frustration.

^^ All of this!

I seriously just saw this play out on someone's social media. Man and woman who had broken up after having a child together decided to give "their family " another try. Pic after pic together as a happy family.  Family vacation pics, getting a family dog after gushing post. Then all of a sudden a random post that he proposed and SHE SAID NO and they're single again. So, yeah, social media posts, especially public ones, can be a lot of smoke and mirrors. And it's usually for someone else's benefit.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2018, 09:32:34 PM by Fidget1028 »

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Re: Don’t know who or what to believe. Summary post.
« Reply #17 on: December 22, 2018, 09:38:24 PM »
hmm so my thoughts on Shaman Kira, now it has nothing to do with "concrete" info to back things up. Because you really don't need that for a predictions. But i'm starting to feel this is her thing,  the probability of POI not coming back or working out is much higher than them coming back.  So for accuracy sake, she'd get more hits, than misses saying forget about it.  Because this is a public forum and anyone can read here without a being a member (which i wish they'd change) she can lurk and read the boards and get a feeling of what  people are saying.  I imagine that most advisors google their names to see if people are talking about them, or to just simply see where they come up in a search engine, IE: close to the top searches. 

So here are some of my thoughts, you can take them or leave them, but something to possibly consider.  You are now confused and don't know what to think or believe because of all of these readings you've had.  When we have so many readings on the same situation, the energy we are sending out is screaming we are in doubt, that we don't believe, so what we put out is what we get back. This is why they say to limit readings and also limit the number of advisors. Each time you connect with them, you are allowing their energy to also flow and connect.   These are just my thoughts and beliefs, and if not yours, it's cool.

Like others' have said , December isn't over yet. But you are already doubting, and sending out that energy.  Contact might be something as simple as a Merry Christmas gif or meme.  Whether you both end up together, may just not be established yet based on all of this energy, so it goes from one extreme to the other. Or depending on the day and the flow of energy at that time, that is what the reader is picking up. So it might not mean they are a bad reader, they are just picking up what the main and strongest flow of energy is at that moment.  The outcome also depends on you, on what you do now and what you do when you reconnect with each other.  We all have a part in this.  Having all these readings with different outcomes, not only messes with your energy, but with your head and puts you in this emotional place you don't need to be. My suggestion, take it or leave it pick the one or two advisors that seemed to the most consistent for you in your predictions and believe that. Then say to yourself okay cool, this is how it's going to be. Then go and just do your thing. Focus on what makes you happy and let the energy flow, remember whether you realize it or not, this tense energy and fear and doubt, he feels this as well on an energy level, whether he realizes it or not. This is why psychics who especially understand quantum energy, will tell you to let it go (and believe me those are words i absolutely hated hearing! my back would go up, but there's more truth to it than not) don't think about what you don't have, and focus on what you have. It won't happen over night, it's a process. But each time you find yourself feeling anxious or sad or doubtful, send some loving energy to that place and try to refocus on something else. ( i know it can be hard) Even if this doesn't give you the ending you want, what it will do is make it an easier process for you, one with out the mental anguish and give some happier moments.

Anyway, i hope that is at least helpful and if not then i hope that you do find something that works for you and may this message find it's way to the person who may need to hear it. :)

Thanks so much - I’d like to PM you my reply if you don’t mind. There is much I agree with and find helpful in theory but difficult to put into actual practice. But I am making headway - honestly I really am - but the social media thing is really a difficult addiction for me. The constant checking is more about wanting to know what’s up more than worrying its NOT going to happen. More like wow, I really really believed in my instincts that we weren’t completely over and done for good and yet here. Look. It is doubting of my own self you’re right. But it is incredibly difficult for me not to look and check and see what I can see. I struggle with it even though I know it’s not logical.

And the whole concept of LOA I struggle with because on the one hand I think there’s a lot to it and it makes an awful lot of sense to me and I’ve seen it at work. But on the other hand I feel like then there’s a blame that goes along with it to if someone else (or me!) thinks “well you’re not letting go enough. You’re not doing it right.”  You know I mean I did “let go.” But what that means to one person in actual practice is different to another person I think. And I really did decide okay let me just go out with other people and I did, went on several dates. And it wasn’t like I wasn’t giving it a fair shot. I was really open to being with someone new. But they just didn’t jive. So I don’t know. I find that for me what works is letting myself feel how I feel whatever it is.

But I do believe a lot of what you’re saying and a lot of what you’re saying was echoed to me by some of those readers. One who no one else seems to like but I thought was very spot on for me... told me... well he’s going to sense that you’re fed up. He’s going to feel that and he’s not going to want you to be gone so he’ll reach out. And believe me you will be together by ___ date. You have to believe that. And recommended mirror work for me. Like talking to myself as if I was hearing what I wanted to hear. To boost my confidence she said.

It is a mind mess too. Because yes the whole thing makes me so self conscious of if I do hear from him how do I handle it? How would I possibly even feel about how to reapond? If I keep it low Kelly maybe he’ll think I’m not that interested. If I am up front with my feelings I will scare him away. So I’m a mess in my own head about how I would even respond. But I go back and forth between that and being ... well remembering ... that when we were together .... I would get this same exact intense anxiety. Like a lot. But that every time we were together or talked... it just totally magically disappeared. And no one ever ever had that affect on me.

I remember my telling him he made me feel at ease. And he said well aren’t you always like this? And I said no. Actually I’m not. ... and we both smiled a bit.

Anyway. Yeah I’m getting better at separating for me the fact that I can still recognize my genuine feelings and not feel bad about them or like I’m “doing something wrong and not letting go enough” if I miss him. But more like acknowledge it and trust that whatever will happen the way it’s meant to and let go more of the outcome vs how I feel. I’m much better with that and doing well over all - but yesterday was hard.

Thanks so much again. Really appreciate your thoughts and insight.

I'm just going to chip in if OK? Having a look at your POI's social media won't help things at all. People generally like to paint a pretty picture on social media, I've seen men happily recently married who have tried to lead a separate life with me (which ain't happening on my watch). So they must be miserable to be cheating and looking for a double life elsewhere. You'd never guess it from their professionally made tailored pics on Facebook that are very smart. So your guy could be posting pics with a woman, or she might be with him but doesn't mean to say he isn't thinking of you in any way shape or form. I used to stalk exes Facebook but realised it didn't do me any good.. Everytime I looked, I felt sick to the pit of my stomach and second guessed everything, things wound me up and stressed me out. Now I don't look, because it's best not to know what's going on. For all you know, he might come back and say "well actually I was getting bored and left her", or something else along those lines. So not everything is always as it seems. But my god I understand why you'd be panicking and want to look, and I feel your pain and frustration.

^^ All of this!

I seriously just saw this play out on someone's social media. Man and woman who had broken up after having a child together decided to give "their family " another try. Pic after pic together as a happy family.  Family vacation pics, getting a family dog after gushing post. Then all of a sudden a random post that he proposed and SHE SAID NO and they're single again. So, yeah, social media posts, especially public ones, can be a lot of smoke and mirrors. And it's usually for someone else's benefit.

Yeah. It's quite sad to be honest that some people try to create a false life of happiness to others that covers up the truth of what's actually going on.

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: Don’t know who or what to believe. Summary post.
« Reply #18 on: December 22, 2018, 09:51:56 PM »
When it's public, it also makes you wonder who they want to know people you perhaps can't be friends with on social media.

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Re: Don’t know who or what to believe. Summary post.
« Reply #19 on: December 22, 2018, 09:53:24 PM »
When it's public, it also makes you wonder who they want to know people you perhaps can't be friends with on social media.

Yeah, it's kinda like your ex blocking you from social media but him knowing your friends could check it out so he puts stuff up that he knows your friends will show and tell you that's gonna get to you.

Offline flora0250

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Re: Don’t know who or what to believe. Summary post.
« Reply #20 on: December 22, 2018, 09:57:31 PM »
All true for sure. In my case it was public but (ahem) I had to do a bit of digging to see it. ::hangs head in shame:: so... it might not be so applicable in that way in my particular case but yes I’ve seen that!! I do however think ... like I said *hes* not really posting anything about them or anything... so ... idk. Can’t make much of that either. Most guys probably don’t post much. And since he’s still going through his divorce (I think???) he may not want anything to be public. She doesn’t have much public at all and really nothing about them ... so idk. Like you all said though you can’t make much of anything. Me personally since I haven’t been with someone in so long I would actually want to share good news if there was any and I was really pretty sure of it. Because it would be something people would be happy for me about I think after all this time. When he and I were together I didn’t dare send him a friend request even because I thought it would be too intrusive. (More eye rolls at self).

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: Don’t know who or what to believe. Summary post.
« Reply #21 on: December 22, 2018, 10:14:05 PM »
Yeah, in the posts I was referencing (and to be clear, this wasn't my POI, just friends of mine) it was the woman who put the posts up. My first inclination was that it was intended for his ex girlfriend's eyes. Regardless,  it was tacky as hell, and not appropriate when there's a child involved.

Offline flora0250

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Re: Don’t know who or what to believe. Summary post.
« Reply #22 on: December 23, 2018, 06:57:48 PM »
Update. Okay. I think I’m sufficiently fed up enough now. Nothing happened btw. Just feeling kind of ... ugh. Over it. Lol maybe it’s temporary. Ugh so awful though because when a reader would tell me - “you’ll hear from him once you let go” - well every time I start to feel more like I’m letting go (and not like an angry let go but a let it be kind of let go)... I’m like. Okay. Well so now I’ll hear from him??? Lol. Freaking “let it go.” Lol. I think that’s the worst thing a reader or anyone has ever said to me. That I’ll hear from him once I “let go.” Because then I get all sucked back in to not letting go. Smh.

Offline flora0250

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Re: Don’t know who or what to believe. Summary post.
« Reply #23 on: December 23, 2018, 06:59:31 PM »
Thank you also to all those that have reached out and replied publicly and privately much appreciated although I haven’t had time to respond a lot yet. Happy holidays to all.

