Author Topic: I think I understand why sometimes readings can change. (Myself as an example)  (Read 11160 times)

Offline icloud9

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I can't speak for other people, but I think this whole "Free will" stuff is way too real for me to completely disregard it. When psychics put a great emphasis on free will (aside from the occasions where these psychics are actually not connecting to your particular situation at all and just using "free will" as an excuse) I believe it is something we do need to take into account.

So, my POI has pulled back for a bit. Although this WAS shown in my reading and therefore, was expected, I can't deny that it is still a downer. He is presently dealing with some legal issues and his ex is back in the picture (She pops in to make his life miserable from time to time, and she really knows how to push his buttons) which sort of has him want to retreat and go into a hermit mode.

I've been very patient and faithful with the situation.. and I actually do feel there's a future for us. I just feel he has some stuff to clear out his way right now, which has nothing to do with me so I need to keep my cool and let him deal with that. Aside from my own intuition, my trusted advisors told me that we would eventually end up together, so that's another thing that I am keeping in mind also. I digress. Here's my thing about someone's FREE WILL, though, and how I feel that can really CHANGE the course.

Okay, so, while I'm having this "Quiet period" with my current POI, my ex-fiance who still has yet to let me go although it's been almost two years since I called off the wedding and left the relationship. God knows ever since I made that decision of finally letting it all go, I KNEW I did NOT want to be with him. Although I came back around not too long after, it was only for the friendship, and we were still communicating as "friends". (We have too much history together for me to just completely drop him and kick him to the side..and I do care for him as a PERSON.) HOWEVER....  He is constantly around me and for the past two years he's been basically BEGGING me for another chance. It's funny because the whole reason why I left him is because he cheated on me TWICE, and seeing him beg for me for all this time makes me look at him in a different way. (but then again I dont want to get fooled AGAIN, so i've been brushing this whole thing off).

Recently though, weird things started to happen in my head- like I find myself actually start to "CONSIDER" his plead. I mean this actually only started to happen VERY recently... I don't know if this is happening because I am feeling quite lonely because of my situation with my POI, or because somehow my soul is recognizing the sincerity in my ex's plead.  I feel super confused right now that I find myself thinking about my ex again in THAT way..But I'm also brushing it off and tell myself that this is an illusion..I am trying not to feed into these weird feelings because I really feel it mainly does have to do with my loneliness, and I do not want to give this a false sense of fuel. I need to think logically and remind myself that my ex had completely broke my trust during our relationship. It's just so frustrating that he is still around and it's also because our families have ties, too.

and by the way, I'm also not going to get readings on this dilemma because I actually don't want these readings to confuse me more.

But my point here is....ALTHOUGH I do (supposedly) have this destined path of being with my current POI....IF I actually choose my EX in this situation for WHATEVER reason, theoretically, then all the readings I've gotten would be WRONG...And it would be because by my OWN free will I decided to be with someone else.

So this is the thing - I feel there are just so many different factors involved when you ask about the potential between you and a POI. They might be reading the potential between you two, but they can't always see interferences of other people interjecting, and your own free will, and your POI's free will.
So I feel, this is where and how the readings can be wrong sometimes.

Let's just hope that my current feelings of confusion and re-consideration about my ex don't get further developed. It sucks that we can't always seem to control our feelings...
« Last Edit: December 12, 2018, 08:44:09 AM by icloud9 »

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Personally I think that there's more to life than free will. If there's free will always, what's the point of having readings if the outcome could constantly change? I'm still on the fence, I've seen evidence for both free will and destiny.. So perhaps they're intwined? Anyway, best of luck with your POI.

Offline LAW1974

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I can't speak for other people, but I think this whole "Free will" stuff is way too real for me to completely disregard it. When psychics put a great emphasis on free will (aside from the occasions where these psychics are actually not connecting to your particular situation at all and just using "free will" as an excuse) I believe it is something we do need to take into account.

So, my POI has pulled back for a bit. Although this WAS shown in my reading and therefore, was expected, I can't deny that it is still a downer. He is presently dealing with some legal issues and his ex is back in the picture (She pops in to make his life miserable from time to time, and she really knows how to push his buttons) which sort of has him want to retreat and go into a hermit mode.

I've been very patient and faithful with the situation.. and I actually do feel there's a future for us. I just feel he has some stuff to clear out his way right now, which has nothing to do with me so I need to keep my cool and let him deal with that. Aside from my own intuition, my trusted advisors told me that we would eventually end up together, so that's another thing that I am keeping in mind also. I digress. Here's my thing about someone's FREE WILL, though, and how I feel that can really CHANGE the course.

Okay, so, while I'm having this "Quiet period" with my current POI, my ex-fiance who still has yet to let me go although it's been almost two years since I called off the wedding and left the relationship. God knows ever since I made that decision of finally letting it all go, I KNEW I did NOT want to be with him. Although I came back around not too long after, it was only for the friendship, and we were still communicating as "friends". (We have too much history together for me to just completely drop him and kick him to the side..and I do care for him as a PERSON.) HOWEVER....  He is constantly around me and for the past two years he's been basically BEGGING me for another chance. It's funny because the whole reason why I left him is because he cheated on me TWICE, and seeing him beg for me for all this time makes me look at him in a different way. (but then again I dont want to get fooled AGAIN, so i've been brushing this whole thing off).

Recently though, weird things started to happen in my head- like I find myself actually start to "CONSIDER" his plead. I mean this actually only started to happen VERY recently... I don't know if this is happening because I am feeling quite lonely because of my situation with my POI, or because somehow my soul is recognizing the sincerity in my ex's plead.  I feel super confused right now that I find myself thinking about my ex again in THAT way..But I'm also brushing it off and tell myself that this is an illusion..I am trying not to feed into these weird feelings because I really feel it mainly does have to do with my loneliness, and I do not want to give this a false sense of fuel. I need to think logically and remind myself that my ex had completely broke my trust during our relationship. It's just so frustrating that he is still around and it's also because our families have ties, too.

and by the way, I'm also not going to get readings on this dilemma because I actually don't want these readings to confuse me more.

But my point here is....ALTHOUGH I do (supposedly) have this destined path of being with my current POI....IF I actually choose my EX in this situation for WHATEVER reason, theoretically, then all the readings I've gotten would be WRONG...And it would be because by my OWN free will I decided to be with someone else.

So this is the thing - I feel there are just so many different factors involved when you ask about the potential between you and a POI. They might be reading the potential between you two, but they can't always see interferences of other people interjecting, and your own free will, and your POI's free will.
So I feel, this is where and how the readings can be wrong sometimes.

Let's just hope that my current feelings of confusion and re-consideration about my ex don't get further developed. It sucks that we can't always seem to control our feelings...

I think you and I's situation is VERY similar!  My ex husband didnt want the divorce and still thinks Im coming back.  There are times when I think that life would be easier for me and my 3 kids if I just went back.  I had a great life but wasnt in love with him.  My friends tell me Im just lonely and it will pass (it will for you too) -- I know they are right and I wont really go back!

I think POI will eventually be together but it may not be beg of year like most predicted...  He has been going through a lot this past year too!  (It's really a lot of why we didnt work out I believe - timing was horrible for us).  Readers have picked up on his stress, anxiety and moods but when ppl are going through big things in their life there's no way they can even consider trying to reach out to us, much less reconcile.  For one, they are feeling too low and for two they have so much else on their minds.  I cant really blame a reader for not knowing when his life will simplify and he will be able to think about "us" again!  He too has an ex who is manipulative and pulls his strings....  she comes in and out of his life.  I believe this is needed for them to have someone to keep them "not lonely" - our connection is too much to be that person, we cant do light and meaningless (he and I) and I suspect you cant either.  QoC described it to me that he is enjoying a sexual relationship with someone because it's all he can manage right now emotionally! 

Anyway, I think this is why sometimes these guys show up a year or even 5 later (if we are all really meant to be) -- This is why letting go is important!  Not to bring them back but so that you can move on with life and be happy!  If they really are your person then it will work out down the road!


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I can't speak for other people, but I think this whole "Free will" stuff is way too real for me to completely disregard it. When psychics put a great emphasis on free will (aside from the occasions where these psychics are actually not connecting to your particular situation at all and just using "free will" as an excuse) I believe it is something we do need to take into account.

So, my POI has pulled back for a bit. Although this WAS shown in my reading and therefore, was expected, I can't deny that it is still a downer. He is presently dealing with some legal issues and his ex is back in the picture (She pops in to make his life miserable from time to time, and she really knows how to push his buttons) which sort of has him want to retreat and go into a hermit mode.

I've been very patient and faithful with the situation.. and I actually do feel there's a future for us. I just feel he has some stuff to clear out his way right now, which has nothing to do with me so I need to keep my cool and let him deal with that. Aside from my own intuition, my trusted advisors told me that we would eventually end up together, so that's another thing that I am keeping in mind also. I digress. Here's my thing about someone's FREE WILL, though, and how I feel that can really CHANGE the course.

Okay, so, while I'm having this "Quiet period" with my current POI, my ex-fiance who still has yet to let me go although it's been almost two years since I called off the wedding and left the relationship. God knows ever since I made that decision of finally letting it all go, I KNEW I did NOT want to be with him. Although I came back around not too long after, it was only for the friendship, and we were still communicating as "friends". (We have too much history together for me to just completely drop him and kick him to the side..and I do care for him as a PERSON.) HOWEVER....  He is constantly around me and for the past two years he's been basically BEGGING me for another chance. It's funny because the whole reason why I left him is because he cheated on me TWICE, and seeing him beg for me for all this time makes me look at him in a different way. (but then again I dont want to get fooled AGAIN, so i've been brushing this whole thing off).

Recently though, weird things started to happen in my head- like I find myself actually start to "CONSIDER" his plead. I mean this actually only started to happen VERY recently... I don't know if this is happening because I am feeling quite lonely because of my situation with my POI, or because somehow my soul is recognizing the sincerity in my ex's plead.  I feel super confused right now that I find myself thinking about my ex again in THAT way..But I'm also brushing it off and tell myself that this is an illusion..I am trying not to feed into these weird feelings because I really feel it mainly does have to do with my loneliness, and I do not want to give this a false sense of fuel. I need to think logically and remind myself that my ex had completely broke my trust during our relationship. It's just so frustrating that he is still around and it's also because our families have ties, too.

and by the way, I'm also not going to get readings on this dilemma because I actually don't want these readings to confuse me more.

But my point here is....ALTHOUGH I do (supposedly) have this destined path of being with my current POI....IF I actually choose my EX in this situation for WHATEVER reason, theoretically, then all the readings I've gotten would be WRONG...And it would be because by my OWN free will I decided to be with someone else.

So this is the thing - I feel there are just so many different factors involved when you ask about the potential between you and a POI. They might be reading the potential between you two, but they can't always see interferences of other people interjecting, and your own free will, and your POI's free will.
So I feel, this is where and how the readings can be wrong sometimes.

Let's just hope that my current feelings of confusion and re-consideration about my ex don't get further developed. It sucks that we can't always seem to control our feelings...

I think you and I's situation is VERY similar!  My ex husband didnt want the divorce and still thinks Im coming back.  There are times when I think that life would be easier for me and my 3 kids if I just went back.  I had a great life but wasnt in love with him.  My friends tell me Im just lonely and it will pass (it will for you too) -- I know they are right and I wont really go back!

I think POI will eventually be together but it may not be beg of year like most predicted...  He has been going through a lot this past year too!  (It's really a lot of why we didnt work out I believe - timing was horrible for us).  Readers have picked up on his stress, anxiety and moods but when ppl are going through big things in their life there's no way they can even consider trying to reach out to us, much less reconcile.  For one, they are feeling too low and for two they have so much else on their minds.  I cant really blame a reader for not knowing when his life will simplify and he will be able to think about "us" again!  He too has an ex who is manipulative and pulls his strings....  she comes in and out of his life.  I believe this is needed for them to have someone to keep them "not lonely" - our connection is too much to be that person, we cant do light and meaningless (he and I) and I suspect you cant either.  QoC described it to me that he is enjoying a sexual relationship with someone because it's all he can manage right now emotionally! 

Anyway, I think this is why sometimes these guys show up a year or even 5 later (if we are all really meant to be) -- This is why letting go is important!  Not to bring them back but so that you can move on with life and be happy!  If they really are your person then it will work out down the road!

I can relate to you guys. iCloud I think it’s the loneliness. Men are such strange creatures it’s like they can’t see how their actions will affect the future and then realize what they’ve done and come pleading back.

Offline HornetKick

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I think you and I's situation is VERY similar!  My ex husband didnt want the divorce and still thinks Im coming back.  There are times when I think that life would be easier for me and my 3 kids if I just went back.  I had a great life but wasnt in love with him.  My friends tell me Im just lonely and it will pass (it will for you too) -- I know they are right and I wont really go back!

I think POI will eventually be together but it may not be beg of year like most predicted...  He has been going through a lot this past year too!  (It's really a lot of why we didnt work out I believe - timing was horrible for us).  Readers have picked up on his stress, anxiety and moods but when ppl are going through big things in their life there's no way they can even consider trying to reach out to us, much less reconcile.  For one, they are feeling too low and for two they have so much else on their minds.  I cant really blame a reader for not knowing when his life will simplify and he will be able to think about "us" again!  He too has an ex who is manipulative and pulls his strings....  she comes in and out of his life.  I believe this is needed for them to have someone to keep them "not lonely" - our connection is too much to be that person, we cant do light and meaningless (he and I) and I suspect you cant either.  QoC described it to me that he is enjoying a sexual relationship with someone because it's all he can manage right now emotionally! 

Anyway, I think this is why sometimes these guys show up a year or even 5 later (if we are all really meant to be) -- This is why letting go is important!  Not to bring them back but so that you can move on with life and be happy!  If they really are your person then it will work out down the road!

What in the world is this? A typo? because it absolutely is not a word. An apostrophe I??
I'm not even a grammar nazi, but this one was flat out weird to me.

Offline jhuskindle

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For me the decision would already show up made. “Tempted but decided not to” or “tempted and decided to, broke up 6 mo and POI was still around”.

Man should not be letting you feel lonely, I guess in the first phases but that’s not really a good habit long term. A good psychic will see what decision you make.

There is no shame in re trying with your ex, it might give him some closure if it doesn’t work out again. He might be on the other side getting readings about YOU!

There’s also no shame in waiting POI out, just make sure if you ARENT committed you aren’t selling yourself short or missing opportunity for HIS hermit zone. I don’t like men like this, it tells me they don’t know how to communicate, and aren’t mature enough to maintain relationships (yes of any form) during hard times. If a lawsuit stresses you out, you should see my friend who is a lawyer juggling 3 kids, 35 cases, two offices and a love life. She manages to text and call all her romantic interests too. Excuses for not having coping mechanisms are never a good thing.

Just my .02! POI might be the one, but might be after you give your ex a shot or not, that’s why there is no real free will, a psychic will see what decision you make. (Good ones anyways)


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For me the decision would already show up made. “Tempted but decided not to” or “tempted and decided to, broke up 6 mo and POI was still around”.

Man should not be letting you feel lonely, I guess in the first phases but that’s not really a good habit long term. A good psychic will see what decision you make.

There is no shame in re trying with your ex, it might give him some closure if it doesn’t work out again. He might be on the other side getting readings about YOU!

There’s also no shame in waiting POI out, just make sure if you ARENT committed you aren’t selling yourself short or missing opportunity for HIS hermit zone. I don’t like men like this, it tells me they don’t know how to communicate, and aren’t mature enough to maintain relationships (yes of any form) during hard times. If a lawsuit stresses you out, you should see my friend who is a lawyer juggling 3 kids, 35 cases, two offices and a love life. She manages to text and call all her romantic interests too. Excuses for not having coping mechanisms are never a good thing.

Just my .02! POI might be the one, but might be after you give your ex a shot or not, that’s why there is no real free will, a psychic will see what decision you make. (Good ones anyways)

Men aren’t women though. A lot of women can juggle things, men can’t. Men have all their life aspects in different compartments. You just have to know the type of man that you’re getting involved with and whether you can deal with that. Men with a lot of masculine qualities and more independent type tend to need a cave to escape to for some time. The more feminine ones don’t. Pick your poison, no one is perfect. 

Offline LAW1974

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For me the decision would already show up made. “Tempted but decided not to” or “tempted and decided to, broke up 6 mo and POI was still around”.

Man should not be letting you feel lonely, I guess in the first phases but that’s not really a good habit long term. A good psychic will see what decision you make.

There is no shame in re trying with your ex, it might give him some closure if it doesn’t work out again. He might be on the other side getting readings about YOU!

There’s also no shame in waiting POI out, just make sure if you ARENT committed you aren’t selling yourself short or missing opportunity for HIS hermit zone. I don’t like men like this, it tells me they don’t know how to communicate, and aren’t mature enough to maintain relationships (yes of any form) during hard times. If a lawsuit stresses you out, you should see my friend who is a lawyer juggling 3 kids, 35 cases, two offices and a love life. She manages to text and call all her romantic interests too. Excuses for not having coping mechanisms are never a good thing.

Just my .02! POI might be the one, but might be after you give your ex a shot or not, that’s why there is no real free will, a psychic will see what decision you make. (Good ones anyways)

Men aren’t women though. A lot of women can juggle things, men can’t. Men have all their life aspects in different compartments. You just have to know the type of man that you’re getting involved with and whether you can deal with that. Men with a lot of masculine qualities and more independent type tend to need a cave to escape to for some time. The more feminine ones don’t. Pick your poison, no one is perfect.

^^^^ THIS!  100%. It's what my therapist will tell me all day long and what woman dont understand.  Men are so different than us. Most dont multitask well.  When they're focused on work, they really are focused on work!  We can think about them, work, our kids and the 10 loads of laundry that needs folded, all at the same time:). They are also capable of burying feelings.  It's why there are sooo many articles out there as to why women actually move on from relationships quicker than men.  And explains why they come back sometimes years later! 
« Last Edit: December 12, 2018, 04:08:35 PM by LAW1974 »

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this is can't multitask for crap.  LOL 


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For me the decision would already show up made. “Tempted but decided not to” or “tempted and decided to, broke up 6 mo and POI was still around”.

Man should not be letting you feel lonely, I guess in the first phases but that’s not really a good habit long term. A good psychic will see what decision you make.

There is no shame in re trying with your ex, it might give him some closure if it doesn’t work out again. He might be on the other side getting readings about YOU!

There’s also no shame in waiting POI out, just make sure if you ARENT committed you aren’t selling yourself short or missing opportunity for HIS hermit zone. I don’t like men like this, it tells me they don’t know how to communicate, and aren’t mature enough to maintain relationships (yes of any form) during hard times. If a lawsuit stresses you out, you should see my friend who is a lawyer juggling 3 kids, 35 cases, two offices and a love life. She manages to text and call all her romantic interests too. Excuses for not having coping mechanisms are never a good thing.

Just my .02! POI might be the one, but might be after you give your ex a shot or not, that’s why there is no real free will, a psychic will see what decision you make. (Good ones anyways)

Men aren’t women though. A lot of women can juggle things, men can’t. Men have all their life aspects in different compartments. You just have to know the type of man that you’re getting involved with and whether you can deal with that. Men with a lot of masculine qualities and more independent type tend to need a cave to escape to for some time. The more feminine ones don’t. Pick your poison, no one is perfect.

^^^^ THIS!  100%. It's what my therapist will tell me all day long and what woman dont understand.  Men are so different than us. Most dont multitask well.  When they're focused on work, they really are focused on work!  We can think about them, work, our kids and the 10 loads of laundry all at the same time:). They are also capable of burying feelings.  It's why there are sooo many articles out there as to why women actually move on from relationships quicker than men.  And explains why they come back sometimes years later!

Yup this is also why when a woman’s upset, it affects all areas of her life. Which is not always good. Men can turn it off. I know this type oh too well because I Have a love/hate relationship with  alpha males hahah. I’ve tried the more emotional feminine ones but I just can’t do it. Too needy and I feel suffocated. They don’t even get my lady parts excited lmfao.  Maybe this is how men feel about us lmfao. I like some independence so I can understand when they need to do their own thing. I have never met a dude who multitasks well. One thing is always at the forefront. 

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For me the decision would already show up made. “Tempted but decided not to” or “tempted and decided to, broke up 6 mo and POI was still around”.

Man should not be letting you feel lonely, I guess in the first phases but that’s not really a good habit long term. A good psychic will see what decision you make.

There is no shame in re trying with your ex, it might give him some closure if it doesn’t work out again. He might be on the other side getting readings about YOU!

There’s also no shame in waiting POI out, just make sure if you ARENT committed you aren’t selling yourself short or missing opportunity for HIS hermit zone. I don’t like men like this, it tells me they don’t know how to communicate, and aren’t mature enough to maintain relationships (yes of any form) during hard times. If a lawsuit stresses you out, you should see my friend who is a lawyer juggling 3 kids, 35 cases, two offices and a love life. She manages to text and call all her romantic interests too. Excuses for not having coping mechanisms are never a good thing.

Just my .02! POI might be the one, but might be after you give your ex a shot or not, that’s why there is no real free will, a psychic will see what decision you make. (Good ones anyways)

Men aren’t women though. A lot of women can juggle things, men can’t. Men have all their life aspects in different compartments. You just have to know the type of man that you’re getting involved with and whether you can deal with that. Men with a lot of masculine qualities and more independent type tend to need a cave to escape to for some time. The more feminine ones don’t. Pick your poison, no one is perfect.

^^^^ THIS!  100%. It's what my therapist will tell me all day long and what woman dont understand.  Men are so different than us. Most dont multitask well.  When they're focused on work, they really are focused on work!  We can think about them, work, our kids and the 10 loads of laundry all at the same time:). They are also capable of burying feelings.  It's why there are sooo many articles out there as to why women actually move on from relationships quicker than men.  And explains why they come back sometimes years later!

Yup this is also why when a woman’s upset, it affects all areas of her life. Which is not always good. Men can turn it off. I know this type oh too well because I Have a love/hate relationship with  alpha males hahah. I’ve tried the more emotional feminine ones but I just can’t do it. Too needy and I feel suffocated. They don’t even get my lady parts excited lmfao.  Maybe this is how men feel about us lmfao. I like some independence so I can understand when they need to do their own thing. I have never met a dude who multitasks well. One thing is always at the forefront.


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@icloud: Too many opinions from other people will cause confusion just like calling tooooooooo many psychics will do the same. Some will say you're rethinking things out of loneliness, others will say it's because maybe you still have some feelings that you pushed away that are still there for your ex. At the end of the day, you have to listen to YOU. This is a huge reason why a lot of relationships don't work. Too many voices in someone's ear giving their opinions as to what they should do or what they think going on. You are the one that had the connection with both people. Only you know what it feels like with each one. Only you can decide which route to take that "feels" right to you. I can definitely understand your hesitation with someone that has cheated, not just once, but twice. That's really tough. I think only you will be able to know or "feel" if he's changed or not. I wish you lots of luck in your situations though.


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@icloud: Too many opinions from other people will cause confusion just like calling tooooooooo many psychics will do the same. Some will say you're rethinking things out of loneliness, others will say it's because maybe you still have some feelings that you pushed away that are still there for your ex. At the end of the day, you have to listen to YOU. This is a huge reason why a lot of relationships don't work. Too many voices in someone's ear giving their opinions as to what they should do or what they think going on. You are the one that had the connection with both people. Only you know what it feels like with each one. Only you can decide which route to take that "feels" right to you. I can definitely understand your hesitation with someone that has cheated, not just once, but twice. That's really tough. I think only you will be able to know or "feel" if he's changed or not. I wish you lots of luck in your situations though.


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For me the decision would already show up made. “Tempted but decided not to” or “tempted and decided to, broke up 6 mo and POI was still around”.

Man should not be letting you feel lonely, I guess in the first phases but that’s not really a good habit long term. A good psychic will see what decision you make.

There is no shame in re trying with your ex, it might give him some closure if it doesn’t work out again. He might be on the other side getting readings about YOU!

There’s also no shame in waiting POI out, just make sure if you ARENT committed you aren’t selling yourself short or missing opportunity for HIS hermit zone. I don’t like men like this, it tells me they don’t know how to communicate, and aren’t mature enough to maintain relationships (yes of any form) during hard times. If a lawsuit stresses you out, you should see my friend who is a lawyer juggling 3 kids, 35 cases, two offices and a love life. She manages to text and call all her romantic interests too. Excuses for not having coping mechanisms are never a good thing.

Just my .02! POI might be the one, but might be after you give your ex a shot or not, that’s why there is no real free will, a psychic will see what decision you make. (Good ones anyways)

Men aren’t women though. A lot of women can juggle things, men can’t. Men have all their life aspects in different compartments. You just have to know the type of man that you’re getting involved with and whether you can deal with that. Men with a lot of masculine qualities and more independent type tend to need a cave to escape to for some time. The more feminine ones don’t. Pick your poison, no one is perfect.

^^^^ THIS!  100%. It's what my therapist will tell me all day long and what woman dont understand.  Men are so different than us. Most dont multitask well.  When they're focused on work, they really are focused on work!  We can think about them, work, our kids and the 10 loads of laundry that needs folded, all at the same time:). They are also capable of burying feelings.  It's why there are sooo many articles out there as to why women actually move on from relationships quicker than men.  And explains why they come back sometimes years later!
this is can't multitask for crap.  LOL 

I can multi-ta.... wait what was I doing just now? ;D

Joking aside I actually can multi-task just fine.  The key I found is balance though if I really need to focus on something I will shift on only that.  Though like LAW said we will bury feelings.  I will do that but I can tell you one thing.  When I find that one special person that I want to spend the rest of my life with I don't bury anything.  I am completely open with them and it takes a lot for a guy to get there for someone.  Because since we compartmentalize everything that when one section gets destroyed.  It is hard for that hole to replace.  So feelings get extra protected.  That is also why it is hard for us to move on.

I want to say something on destiny vs free will.  I am indifferent on the topic and can see both points but here is something to make you ponder about destiny.  In destiny that actually would include your "free will" choices.  Free will is just an illusion in destiny because guess what.  In destiny, it was already determined you would make that choice.  Yes you might think you had the choice but really you didn't.  It was all planned out for you long before you even realized.  Going to use this scene from one of the Matrix movies to explain it a bit better I think.  As they actually had a similiar discuss regarding free will or choice.

Basically he is saying that you just have to think that you have a choice but really the choice was already made before you got there.  Which in turn is destiny.

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For me the decision would already show up made. “Tempted but decided not to” or “tempted and decided to, broke up 6 mo and POI was still around”.

Man should not be letting you feel lonely, I guess in the first phases but that’s not really a good habit long term. A good psychic will see what decision you make.

There is no shame in re trying with your ex, it might give him some closure if it doesn’t work out again. He might be on the other side getting readings about YOU!

There’s also no shame in waiting POI out, just make sure if you ARENT committed you aren’t selling yourself short or missing opportunity for HIS hermit zone. I don’t like men like this, it tells me they don’t know how to communicate, and aren’t mature enough to maintain relationships (yes of any form) during hard times. If a lawsuit stresses you out, you should see my friend who is a lawyer juggling 3 kids, 35 cases, two offices and a love life. She manages to text and call all her romantic interests too. Excuses for not having coping mechanisms are never a good thing.

Just my .02! POI might be the one, but might be after you give your ex a shot or not, that’s why there is no real free will, a psychic will see what decision you make. (Good ones anyways)

Men aren’t women though. A lot of women can juggle things, men can’t. Men have all their life aspects in different compartments. You just have to know the type of man that you’re getting involved with and whether you can deal with that. Men with a lot of masculine qualities and more independent type tend to need a cave to escape to for some time. The more feminine ones don’t. Pick your poison, no one is perfect.

^^^^ THIS!  100%. It's what my therapist will tell me all day long and what woman dont understand.  Men are so different than us. Most dont multitask well.  When they're focused on work, they really are focused on work!  We can think about them, work, our kids and the 10 loads of laundry that needs folded, all at the same time:). They are also capable of burying feelings.  It's why there are sooo many articles out there as to why women actually move on from relationships quicker than men.  And explains why they come back sometimes years later!
this is can't multitask for crap.  LOL 

I can multi-ta.... wait what was I doing just now? ;D

Joking aside I actually can multi-task just fine.  The key I found is balance though if I really need to focus on something I will shift on only that.  Though like LAW said we will bury feelings.  I will do that but I can tell you one thing.  When I find that one special person that I want to spend the rest of my life with I don't bury anything.  I am completely open with them and it takes a lot for a guy to get there for someone.  Because since we compartmentalize everything that when one section gets destroyed.  It is hard for that hole to replace.  So feelings get extra protected.  That is also why it is hard for us to move on.

I want to say something on destiny vs free will.  I am indifferent on the topic and can see both points but here is something to make you ponder about destiny.  In destiny that actually would include your "free will" choices.  Free will is just an illusion in destiny because guess what.  In destiny, it was already determined you would make that choice.  Yes you might think you had the choice but really you didn't.  It was all planned out for you long before you even realized.  Going to use this scene from one of the Matrix movies to explain it a bit better I think.  As they actually had a similiar discuss regarding free will or choice.

Basically he is saying that you just have to think that you have a choice but really the choice was already made before you got there.  Which in turn is destiny.

Such a good point.