Author Topic: Pls share stories that prove they are not just reading OUR thoughts?  (Read 8092 times)

Offline dascallie

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It's the number one thing that drives me crazy.

I think most everybody agrees ESP is real--even though 'how' it works is a mystery.

And we get so amazed when a psychic can blurt out our past---and our present--with details--like a movie script.

But if they are just reading OUR thoughts---info we already know--yes, it's an amazing feat-- but are we fooling ourselves and caught up in some circular loop, just having our conscious and subconscious minds relayed back to us?

How many have had information they had zero idea about-- told to them by a psychic and then have it validated later?

For me--i can think of 2 readers that gave given me info I did not know AT ALL--at the time.

Number one is Narnia at Psychic Source. Told me a diametrically opposite thing was going on in POI's head to the ultra positive future planning, endless love and ring talk he was showering on me.

It came to pass--dumped me about a month later-- and blew me Out. Of. The. Water.

(Of course in retrospect, I DO wonder--was I sensing some hints from him subsconciously that he was pulling back?? And Narnia somehow picked that up? ...But he seemed to be in full adoration mode :-( it seems she genuinely was in his head)

Number Two is Ursula, also at Psychic Source--she astounded me telling me the NAME of a local live music venue where poi had been socializing etc--ALSO--get this, the metro interstate number he drove down to get there ??? Said he hated taking that route??

I had zero info --never had an inkling, never had been there with him--never talked about it--no contact with poi in months--but it turned out TRUE.

Number three is Skye at California Psychics.
She is extremely gifted though it comes in erratic flows--this is the sign of authentic psychic talent in my experience. She gave me names of people popping in from spirit that were later confirmed, that i did not know at the time.

Honorable mention Elliot at California Psychics---amazing details, verifiable--to be honest, not sure if its 'precognition' or more of the mind reading --on the fence on him--but he's worth exploring and was impressive. He also pitches future 'vision' snapshots--he 'sees' them---moments in time--not full story lines of what will be which I feel does not seem authentic--too heavily 'authored' to be real to me.

Offline Miss Philosopher

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Re: Pls share stories that prove they are not just reading OUR thoughts?
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2018, 05:10:40 PM »
I'll say there hasn't been ONE of my readings with my fave psychic to where she was reading my thoughts. In fact, I was thinking opposite of the information she was giving me, only to have it happen a few months later to my disappointment.

I don't think REAL readers are doing that. However, I think 95% of readers just use personality psychology, relationship psychology, best guesses, life/personal experiences, and sometimes common sense so it may appear that they are reading your mind, but not really.

How do must of us think and feel when a break up happens? It's easy. We all typically feel the same ways. What's the most common reasons men break up? That's also an easy one. Just think about it. The number 1 reason anyone ever calls is due to relationship issues of some sort. After having spoken with dozens of people going through similar things, that "reader" will be able to make even better guesses.

Unless very specific, no way could anyone know, details are given, I brush them off. This is why I only have three readers out of the hundreds and hundreds I've spoken to. Most are just full of shit.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2018, 05:45:40 PM by Miss Philosopher »

Offline alphabetsoup

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Re: Pls share stories that prove they are not just reading OUR thoughts?
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2018, 05:18:59 PM »
What I find so interesting about this post is that all of the psychics you listed did not work for me.  I have mine that do, but it's interesting how energy works, none of your favs have worked for me.  Skye told me had to disconnect because she wasn't getting anything.  I just read with Eliott this morning he spent 4 minutes describing the psychical characteristics of a person and told me that I know this person, all I could do was say "I do not know such a person" and hang up. 

I agree with you, a lot of psychics just take how I'm feeling and tell me that's the way the POI is feeling too, romantic or business it doesn't matter.

The only psychic who's said something I couldn't believe that turned out to be true was Leena at psychic source. She blew me away with something that was not in my thoughts or realm of possibility and it happened.

Offline dascallie

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Re: Pls share stories that prove they are not just reading OUR thoughts?
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2018, 06:19:39 PM »
What I find so interesting about this post is that all of the psychics you listed did not work for me.  I have mine that do, but it's interesting how energy works, none of your favs have worked for me.  Skye told me had to disconnect because she wasn't getting anything.  I just read with Eliott this morning he spent 4 minutes describing the psychical characteristics of a person and told me that I know this person, all I could do was say "I do not know such a person" and hang up. 

I agree with you, a lot of psychics just take how I'm feeling and tell me that's the way the POI is feeling too, romantic or business it doesn't matter.

The only psychic who's said something I couldn't believe that turned out to be true was Leena at psychic source. She blew me away with something that was not in my thoughts or realm of possibility and it happened.

Yeah, it's so crazy--as they say "looking through a glass darkly"---and it does seem to vary person to reader. Problem is, we spend major bucks trying to gain a clearer picture and it just sucks to think it could our own hopes, fears and anxieties boomeranging back at us!

Offline dascallie

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Re: Pls share stories that prove they are not just reading OUR thoughts?
« Reply #4 on: December 10, 2018, 06:21:38 PM »
I'll say there hasn't been ONE of my readings with my fave psychic to where she was reading my thoughts. In fact, I was thinking opposite of the information she was giving me, only to have it happen a few months later to my disappointment.

I don't think REAL readers are doing that. However, I think 95% of readers just use personality psychology, relationship psychology, best guesses, life/personal experiences, and sometimes common sense so it may appear that they are reading your mind, but not really.

How do must of us think and feel when a break up happens? It's easy. We all typically feel the same ways. What's the most common reasons men break up? That's also an easy one. Just think about it. The number 1 reason anyone ever calls is due to relationship issues of some sort. After having spoken with dozens of people going through similar things, that "reader" will be able to make even better guesses.

Unless very specific, no way could anyone know, details are given, I brush them off. This is why I only have three readers out of the hundreds and hundreds I've spoken to. Most are just full of shit.

Can you share who are the 3 you like?

Offline alphabetsoup

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Re: Pls share stories that prove they are not just reading OUR thoughts?
« Reply #5 on: December 10, 2018, 06:46:51 PM »
Oh yeah, one time Melody said "I see suitcases" about a person I had not spoken to in over a year and later I saw on social Media that he was in fact traveling.  There was no way I could have known that.

Offline journalmuse

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Re: Pls share stories that prove they are not just reading OUR thoughts?
« Reply #6 on: December 10, 2018, 06:56:19 PM »
First thing that springs to mind was a time when Mattie saw that my ex would take a trip to somewhere near the water and that it would be a very stressful trip. I had no knowledge of any such plans. In fact the trip happened, to the water, and my ex told me after the trip was over that it was very stressful and was glad for it to be done. None of this could have been pulled from my mind, I don't think.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2018, 08:22:31 PM by journalmuse »

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Re: Pls share stories that prove they are not just reading OUR thoughts?
« Reply #7 on: December 10, 2018, 07:15:19 PM »
A really good reader shouldn't misjudge our thoughts for validation or the future.. For example thinking and longing for an ex, a good reader would say "I pick up that you are longing for this ex - but unfortunately from his side, I don't see things working out".

Offline journalmuse

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Re: Pls share stories that prove they are not just reading OUR thoughts?
« Reply #8 on: December 10, 2018, 07:40:08 PM »

Or do you feel like it goes hand in hand? accurately predicting future events = accurate assessment of POI's feelings'

Just a thought.

To me, a proven track record from a psychic suggests I can trust their accuracy in general, with the caveat that nobody is right 100% of the time, even people who have been accurate for you before. So it's always good to be cautious.

Offline LAW1974

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Re: Pls share stories that prove they are not just reading OUR thoughts?
« Reply #9 on: December 10, 2018, 07:52:16 PM »
I think with Empaths for sure...  as they are reading feelings so how in the world can they accurately predict.  Obviously someone may WANT to reach out, it doesnt mean they will.  But with clairvoyants its completely different.  Like above Mattie describing someone on a trip.  Mattie has told me of a trip POI will be on in the spring... described him showing me a house (i know what this is), etc.  That is something different!  I honestly dont know that she could have pulled that from me, do I know about the house, yes... have I been thinking about that - NO! 

when you say Melody, are you talking about MelodyMarie?  Is she Clairvoyant?

Offline LAW1974

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Re: Pls share stories that prove they are not just reading OUR thoughts?
« Reply #10 on: December 10, 2018, 08:15:29 PM »
Yes, Melody Marie. She's clairvoyant and a remote viewer.

Do you think she's legit?  Ive tt her but sometimes i think she's crazy!  but some of her stuff makes sense... none of her predictions have come to pass for me and i cant validate some of her stuff b/c im not in contact currently!

Offline dascallie

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Re: Pls share stories that prove they are not just reading OUR thoughts?
« Reply #11 on: December 10, 2018, 09:40:03 PM »
Oh yeah, one time Melody said "I see suitcases" about a person I had not spoken to in over a year and later I saw on social Media that he was in fact traveling.  There was no way I could have known that.

That is strong pickup.

Offline alphabetsoup

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Re: Pls share stories that prove they are not just reading OUR thoughts?
« Reply #12 on: December 10, 2018, 10:48:53 PM »
In regards to Melody Marie (keen reader)  I agree with StillTired.  Don't everybody rush to call her, she does get a lot of things wrong, and the information she does get is not so useful.  However she is legit if you want to try.

Offline dascallie

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Re: Pls share stories that prove they are not just reading OUR thoughts?
« Reply #13 on: December 10, 2018, 11:10:44 PM »
Any opinions on Channa (Keen)? She really just blew me away--warning: very expensive ($12/min, I did 5 minutes), which can signal bogus-- but from what she just told me, I'm beyond gobsmacked.