It's the number one thing that drives me crazy.
I think most everybody agrees ESP is real--even though 'how' it works is a mystery.
And we get so amazed when a psychic can blurt out our past---and our present--with details--like a movie script.
But if they are just reading OUR thoughts---info we already know--yes, it's an amazing feat-- but are we fooling ourselves and caught up in some circular loop, just having our conscious and subconscious minds relayed back to us?
How many have had information they had zero idea about-- told to them by a psychic and then have it validated later?
For me--i can think of 2 readers that gave given me info I did not know AT ALL--at the time.
Number one is Narnia at Psychic Source. Told me a diametrically opposite thing was going on in POI's head to the ultra positive future planning, endless love and ring talk he was showering on me.
It came to pass--dumped me about a month later-- and blew me Out. Of. The. Water.
(Of course in retrospect, I DO wonder--was I sensing some hints from him subsconciously that he was pulling back?? And Narnia somehow picked that up? ...But he seemed to be in full adoration mode :-( it seems she genuinely was in his head)
Number Two is Ursula, also at Psychic Source--she astounded me telling me the NAME of a local live music venue where poi had been socializing etc--ALSO--get this, the metro interstate number he drove down to get there

Said he hated taking that route??
I had zero info --never had an inkling, never had been there with him--never talked about it--no contact with poi in months--but it turned out TRUE.
Number three is Skye at California Psychics.
She is extremely gifted though it comes in erratic flows--this is the sign of authentic psychic talent in my experience. She gave me names of people popping in from spirit that were later confirmed, that i did not know at the time.
Honorable mention Elliot at California Psychics---amazing details, verifiable--to be honest, not sure if its 'precognition' or more of the mind reading --on the fence on him--but he's worth exploring and was impressive. He also pitches future 'vision' snapshots--he 'sees' them---moments in time--not full story lines of what will be which I feel does not seem authentic--too heavily 'authored' to be real to me.