Author Topic: Shaman kiri  (Read 158741 times)

Offline hope36

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #465 on: March 10, 2019, 02:45:46 AM »
I personally appreciate and am grateful for anyone sharing good or bad reviews/experience about the readers. Otherwise, I would have never known anything about any of these readers in the first place. Of course, there is not one reader who seems to have a perfect record of getting all the predictions right, so the reviews do help immensely.

Just because my was reading was negative, I'm not judging if Kira is right or wrong for me yet. To anyone who is interested, I didn't give her any info. Just asked what was coming up for POI and me. She immediately said she saw an ending and mentioned she did not have context for it though. At that point, I gave the background info. She said she saw a definite ending to whatever we have around Feb/March and it's vital that I don't hold on to any hope. She confirmed that she did not see a reconciliation or a new beginning.

I will definitely post if anything happens in that timeframe.

Just wanted to provide an update to my reading with Kira in Jan. I can now say that she was definitely wrong for me, in fact the exact opposite happened. I had very minimum communication (not personal), with POI over the past year and almost none in the months of Nov thru Jan 2019.  We started having some sort of personal communication in the past 4 weeks though, though nothing romantic, this is definitely personal and much more than what we had the entire 2018. I don't want to post more details, but PM if you need more info.

Glad to hear the negative prediction didn't happen @seeker
I also got kind of a negative prediction from Kira, she said poi and I will reconnect (talk/communication) in the future but it will not be romantic. Well, time will tell!

Offline seeker123

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #466 on: March 10, 2019, 02:55:15 AM »
I personally appreciate and am grateful for anyone sharing good or bad reviews/experience about the readers. Otherwise, I would have never known anything about any of these readers in the first place. Of course, there is not one reader who seems to have a perfect record of getting all the predictions right, so the reviews do help immensely.

Just because my was reading was negative, I'm not judging if Kira is right or wrong for me yet. To anyone who is interested, I didn't give her any info. Just asked what was coming up for POI and me. She immediately said she saw an ending and mentioned she did not have context for it though. At that point, I gave the background info. She said she saw a definite ending to whatever we have around Feb/March and it's vital that I don't hold on to any hope. She confirmed that she did not see a reconciliation or a new beginning.

I will definitely post if anything happens in that timeframe.

Just wanted to provide an update to my reading with Kira in Jan. I can now say that she was definitely wrong for me, in fact the exact opposite happened. I had very minimum communication (not personal), with POI over the past year and almost none in the months of Nov thru Jan 2019.  We started having some sort of personal communication in the past 4 weeks though, though nothing romantic, this is definitely personal and much more than what we had the entire 2018. I don't want to post more details, but PM if you need more info.

Glad to hear the negative prediction didn't happen @seeker
I also got kind of a negative prediction from Kira, she said poi and I will reconnect (talk/communication) in the future but it will not be romantic. Well, time will tell!

Thank you, did she give a timeline for you?

Offline hope36

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #467 on: March 10, 2019, 02:58:32 AM »
Thank you, did she give a timeline for you?

yes, she said she "knows" we will talk in 6-9 (she added that number is month, so june-sep)

Offline LetItBe123

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #468 on: March 11, 2019, 05:39:28 PM »
I gave shaman Kira a try and about 5-10 minutes into the chat reading I mentioned that my ex proposed to me, she instantly ended the chat and private messaged me to let me know she didn’t see anything about a proposal and she felt that she must not be connected, she then refunded my money. I felt that was very professional and ethical of her to realize she missed a recent event like a marriage proposal and then refunding my money.

Offline sharon

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #469 on: March 11, 2019, 05:59:39 PM »
I gave shaman Kira a try and about 5-10 minutes into the chat reading I mentioned that my ex proposed to me, she instantly ended the chat and private messaged me to let me know she didn’t see anything about a proposal and she felt that she must not be connected, she then refunded my money. I felt that was very professional and ethical of her to realize she missed a recent event like a marriage proposal and then refunding my money.

Wow respect.  This is exactly what I was expecting from Cookie (Spiritualist Reader). I spent hundreds of dollars, so she can ask me questions over and over. And when I told her that I am very disappointed with that reading, it should not be like that for 6.40 p/m she should have enlighten me and not keep asking me questions, she apologized and sent me 3 lousy minutes and its needles to say she never called me back, that means I could not even use those 3 free minutes and also ignored my mails after reading them. I have absolut no respect for her whatsoever.

Aries Intuition is also very ethical and professional, she refunded my money straight away when she realized she cannot answer my question.

Offline Heidimary

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #470 on: March 12, 2019, 05:48:16 AM »
I read with her around sep, when my ex had left me... you know she provided me with a lot of information... I mean like a lot.. btw she had told me she felt him and I would have a blowout in dec, we actually did have that blowout.. the biggest one we ever had...

Offline sharon

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #471 on: March 12, 2019, 03:53:23 PM »
Sounds great. I have never called her but she is on my call list. Divine Love and Shaman Kiri.

Offline Jili1945

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #472 on: March 13, 2019, 04:17:45 AM »
Sounds great. I have never called her but she is on my call list. Divine Love and Shaman Kiri.

Sharon, just as a friendly suggestion, please take her off from your list. To be honest, this reader (Kira) is one of the most unethical ones. We should not let her to fool us with some random positive gestures like what LetItBe described. Even I think what happened to LetItBe is more rude than ethical! I hate those readers that hang up on customers or end the chat abruptly. I would prefer much more to pay $6 more but hear her apology for not being connected and then respectfully say bye and end the chat. We all are spending too much for this reading stuff and no body gets broke with paying a few bucks more. Respect to customer should be their first priority that is not, unfortunately. I am pretty sure that this is some sort of advertisement. She thinks we are idiot.

In terms of prediction, non of her predictions for me came to pass. All wayyyyy off. She predicted a lot of bad stuff for my friend that made her life miserable. Thanks God, all turned out to be absolutely wrong. She has a happy life now.

Sharman Kira caused me to stop getting reading (I appreciate you, because I know you read here Kira, oh sorry, iCloud). She proved me that these readings stuff are mostly fake. I spent more than $10K for reading during last year and don't regret for most of it. But I do regret for every single penny that I paid to Kira/iCloud9. Her fake bad news just made my life more miserable.

Offline kdspirited

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #473 on: March 13, 2019, 04:25:15 AM »
Sounds great. I have never called her but she is on my call list. Divine Love and Shaman Kiri.

Sharon, just as a friendly suggestion, please take her off from your list. To be honest, this reader (Kira) is one of the most unethical ones. We should not let her to fool us with some random positive gestures like what LetItBe described. Even I think what happened to LetItBe is more rude than ethical! I hate those readers that hang up on customers or end the chat abruptly. I would prefer much more to pay $6 more but hear her apology for not being connected and then respectfully say bye and end the chat. We all are spending too much for this reading stuff and no body gets broke with paying a few bucks more. Respect to customer should be their first priority that is not, unfortunately. I am pretty sure that this is some sort of advertisement. She thinks we are idiot.

I agree Jili1945 she is awful I dont think she is real either. she has flipped her reading on me when her previous predictions didnt happen. I think this is a delioberate tactic. When her initial predictions dont pan out she gets really negative because she knows most people wont call back.

In terms of prediction, non of her predictions for me came to pass. All wayyyyy off. She predicted a lot of bad stuff for my friend that made her life miserable. Thanks God, all turned out to be absolutely wrong. She has a happy life now.

Sharman Kira caused me to stop getting reading (I appreciate you, because I know you read here Kira, oh sorry, iCloud). She proved me that these readings stuff are mostly fake. I spent more than $10K for reading during last year and don't regret for most of it. But I do regret for every single penny that I paid to Kira/iCloud9. Her fake bad news just made my life more miserable.

Offline naturegirl

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #474 on: March 13, 2019, 05:04:14 AM »
I'm on the fence about her. Before I joined the forum I lurked, and I read with her a few months ago based on the rave reviews. I can't say whether she is wrong or right, but she said one thing that made me question her connection with me and didn't really say anything that validated that she was connected or gifted. I felt it was too high of a rate for pretty general, relatively vague info. Predictions are so far out really that I won't know for months more whether she really has a gift or not. I wouldn't go back until I had that validation, that's for sure. I wouldn't discount her completely until that time has passed either though. I'm just gonna keep sitting on the fence about her for now.

Offline sharon

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #475 on: March 13, 2019, 03:24:19 PM »
Oh thank you.

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #476 on: March 14, 2019, 08:51:37 PM »
hmm so who has she been really right for predictive-wise? It seems that this thread shows more wrong predictions than right - just curious?

I posted my chat with her a bit ago - and what she said resonated with me (even though like others she didnt pick up on the current situation)...she did predict a 7 for me regarding contact - well even though I spoke to him within 7 days (which is typical) we did see each other on the 7th of March and he took me on a date (2 places in one night) so maybe she was seeing that?

Just wanted to know who predictively has she worked for other than icloud9?

Offline Jili1945

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #477 on: March 15, 2019, 04:45:05 AM »
I'm going to go ahead and strike her off my list.

She's done a major flip-flop on me and I felt like my last few readings with her she was just referring to earlier transcripts and making judgements off of what she already said, which only fits the situation if you look at it from a very very negative slant..

I felt like she was reading more off of my fears/anxieties than what is actually going on..

E.g., she kept saying that me and POI would be "friendly" again in June... like we would become friends again..but that I should move on and not think about him. When in my first reading with her it was all sunshine and rainbows and you get what you want from this guy etc. etc.

But the thing is he's not not "friendly" and we're still very close, he still asks to spend time with me every day and we talk everyday. He's just a little more emotionally aloof than he was before but we had a conversation last month about having more boundaries with each other so him being a bit more restrained make sense...

What other readers that I trust have said just makes more sense to me/fits in with my own intuition better. I really think she's just better for one reading one time and leave it at that because she hasn't given me a fresh reading since the first one. It's been all "What I said before" "I told you" and has gotten progressively negative

And icloud - before you come in with some twisted theory I really don't care.

Just want to update - she told me in February that things would take a negative turn (they didn't)

And that throughout March he'd be cold to me (he isn't)

So there you go.

Thanks for sharing! She always delivers (fake) bad news. I remember the day I talked to her about my POI, I cried non-stop for several hours. However, things did not go as she predicted. She just made my life miserable for several days.

Offline happyk

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #478 on: March 15, 2019, 05:16:17 AM »
She was wrong on my current too and when I pointed out she said sorry she couldn't connect and refunded. My first refund experience on Keen. It almost sounds like a lot of readers if they can't take their reading to match your situation, they'll say not connected. Just my opinion.

Offline wishes215

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Re: Shaman kiri
« Reply #479 on: March 15, 2019, 06:32:26 AM »
She was wrong on my current too and when I pointed out she said sorry she couldn't connect and refunded. My first refund experience on Keen. It almost sounds like a lot of readers if they can't take their reading to match your situation, they'll say not connected. Just my opinion.

She did the same with me. I actually realized within a second she was bullshittng.