Here is your warning that this will be long.
So I have been lurking in this forum for last few weeks. It took awhile to get my account created but since the beginning of October you could say I have been having a bit of a psychic addiction. Because something has been bothering me. It was October and the spirit of Halloween I wanted to ask a psychic about my love life and if a POI was going to come back. I was really hurt by this POI but I bounce between wanting them back or not. By this point my POI and I have been broken up since March 2018 and my POI has been with someone since mid June 2018. So my first reading was on October 5th 2018 and my last was November 9th 2018. I really didn’t think anything of it at the time and was very skeptical. I still am skeptical right now whether any of the predictions would happen but here is my experience with some readings.
After the first reading I got that my POI was coming back. I was like let’s get a second opinion and I got the same outcome and they even said similar things. This started a search of sorts. Is this really happening or some kind of fluke of false hopes. So here is a review of all the psychics I did readings in order and what I remember from them.
Starbreezetarot (Keen) I asked about what my love life will be and if there is anyone in my past that will came back. Am I soon to find the one. She asked for my name and DOB. Told me that someone will be coming into my life soon. That when I meet them I wouldn’t think of them as someone to spend my life with but we would just click. That it would seem all of the sudden and she felt it would be through a gathering with friends. Then she checked to see if my POI would be coming back by getting her name and DOB. She said yes and that I would have a choice between my POI and this new person. That no matter who I would choose they are both long term partners but she really said that my POI and I would reconcile. She also said that my new relationship with my POI would be different than our previous. It wouldn’t be a bad thing and actually a really good renewed relationship. She also mentioned that see got tarot cards indicating that we would reconcile. She predicted a 6 which she said as 6 days/weeks. Only thing that happened so far was I bumped into my POI at a fast food restaurant during lunch. We didn’t speak and not sure if she even saw me. Still a week left of the 6 weeks so verdict is still debatable if a start of reconciliation will happen with POI or if I meet this new person. But I might have to give a bit to her that we did indeed come in contact in some way even though we didn’t talk. The only thing that I can say that has come true so far from her prediction was the quick bumping into my ex at a fast food restaurant during lunch. We didn't talk and I don't even know if she saw me. She told me there would be contact but not sure if that really counts as contact since we didn't talk. Maybe being in the same place within feet of each other does count. As for the reconcile part which is really something long term. That is still pending. Meeting this new person hasn't happened yet but I didn't get a timeframe on that so also still pending.
BEST PSYCHIC LAURA (Keen) I asked about my future love life and if I will reconcile with my POI. She said yes I will but it won’t happen for awhile. She got a 3 which she said could be 3 days/weeks/months. She was leaning more on it being 3 months of it though on when my POI would contact me to start to reconcile which helps explains why she felt it won’t be for awhile. She also mentioned there would be someone else before my POI contacts me. Said the same thing as Starbreezetarot that this person I could be with as well. But she included that if I choose my POI that this new person has the potential to be a lifelong friend but if I choose the new person, my POI wouldn’t be that kind of person in my life and would more likely be gone for good. This is still pending as she was predicting three months out to that first contact which is the end of the year but still waiting on this other person.
Brodi (PS x7563) I asked if she saw my POI coming back. Brodi was really sweet and I enjoyed talking with her. I felt like we did connect really well and she saw that my POI would come back. She was getting an 8 for weeks but she really felt it would just be sometime later this holiday season maybe into January that my POI will contact me. She did see a future with her and even predicted us having three kids. She did feel like there could possibly be another person introduced just before my POI contacts me. Outcome still pending
Mylie (PS x8974) I asked if she saw my POI coming back. I really felt like we connected well and she said that my POI would be coming back but it would be awhile. She saw my POI contacting me in about January but maybe a bit earlier. She even predicted that we would end up together and have three kids as well. She also mentioned that my POI is a twin flame that was a runner. Which is why my POI broke up so abruptly and out of the blue. I asked her if she saw anyone else for me and she said she didn’t but she just focuses on the A to B and can miss things that are in the middle. So she wouldn’t hold out saying that I might not meet someone else before my POI contacts me. Overall though is she saw possible holiday season for POI to make contact but more likely right after the New Year and that we would definitely reconcile. Outcome still pending and I talked to her again within the last couple of weeks and her prediction was the same as it was in October. In fact she said that both mine and ex's spirit guides are talking to each other to get the final things going for her to contact and us get back together.
Serenity (PS x9213) I asked about if she saw my POI coming back. This was a very brief call but I felt as most of it was scripted. She kind of went more into my POI’s feelings which I thought was partially right but could work for just about anyone. She did say that I would reconcile with my POI and that my POI will be reaching out within a week. She also predicted that I would be married in 2020 and would have three kids. Her prediction of a week has come and gone. So maybe her timing is off on the first contact but she did see she would reconcile. So first contact prediction was off but the married in 2020 and reconciling is really still pending.
Kristine (PS x8223) I wanted to know more about my love life coming up and if my POI was coming back. We did a check first on my love life and determine that I wouldn’t be single much longer. We then checked about my POI and she sees that my POI will contact me in 12-14 weeks. So right after the start of the new year into mid January. She also saw that my POI will break up with her current bf right before she reaches out. I honestly told her that I couldn’t see it happening. She said that I should call her back then because she was confident it was going to happen and she wanted to help me with my next steps after POI makes contact. I really don’t know what to think of this reading so we will see if her prediction on contact happens. Still single but the rest of her predictions are still pending as the timeframe hasn't gotten here yet.
Betty (PS x7514) I asked her if my POI would be coming back. I honestly didn’t feel like we connected at all and I barely remember what she all said. I want to say that she saw we would be getting back together but at the same time I can’t say she said wouldn’t. So I am just going to say the latter here and that I will not reconnect with my POI but she did see someone else. That is about all I can remember from her call. So haven't found anyone else and I haven't gotten back with my ex but still with that pending I can only say that at this moment she was wrong about me finding someone else.
Queen of Cups18 (Keen) I asked what she saw coming up for me and my POI. She said no she wasn’t going to come back. She then asked why I had so much negativity about the situation. That kind of threw me for a bit. I wasn’t expecting her to sense that out of me and it was true. I mentioned it was because of the past and what my POI has done to me since the breakup I am upset over it since I didn’t deserve it. She definitely could tell I wasn’t happy about the situation. From what I got out of my reading from Queen was that I felt like it was more of the present than really a prediction. She read my POI well and my POI’s current bf. She was able to see traits about my POI that I didn’t mention at all. Picked up a medical condition about my POI that I wasn’t expecting her to say. So I would say as some others on this forum have mentioned that she picks up on the present more so the future. So as reconciling with my POI I would say she is correct that we are not at the present but I think her future prediction of us not reconciling might be wrong. I think she is great at reading the present but not really making future predictions. So really I feel like yes she was right at that time but not in 3 or 6 months from now. Which a lot of the psychics I talked to were predicting that timeframe of contact from my ex.
Love Clairvoyant Brittany (Keen) I asked what she saw coming up for me and my POI. She said that we would reconcile and that she would contact sometime as early as December but more likely will be January or maybe February. She felt stronger for January. She was able to describe some things about my POI well but some things I felt like it was scripted or a canned response. Examples like she has commitment issues. Now I did feel right after the break up that there might be commitment issues there but I am not entirely sure on that. She also said that she sees a trip sometime after my POI contacts me. Could that be a trip together? Seemed to talk more about what my POI was feeling between me and her current bf. It was that she loved me and not really him. That she actually is quite bored with him. How she does compare me to him. But overall was that she did see her reaching out and then us reconciling and us getting married. So still pending but here is an interesting thing. I am talking with a few online friends about a trip in May. So that could be the trip she was seeing.
Aries Intuition (Booked 30 min phone call through her site) I asked her what she saw coming up with my POI? I didn’t want to mention an ex POI to see what she would say. I was honestly shocked. The detail she gave me from now to into the later part of next spring. She described my POI really well. Her prediction was that my POI would reach out to me and we would slowly start to reconcile. That reconciliation wouldn’t really happen fast and would go into the spring. She described in detail how the reconciliation process would be with my POI and why it wouldn’t be so fast. The interesting thing was that she mentioned cold. She wasn’t sure if I lived somewhere cold or not but she just said that contact from my POI will take place during the winter months. I live where we experience the “nice” winter weather and with fall really rolling around right now. It will be awhile before my POI contacts me. The coldest time of the year is January into the first part of February. So does that cold meaning tie into our coldest time of the year? Interesting way of predicting a timeline without numbers. Aries was thinking that January would be when she will contact me. She also mentioned that the person around her right now would not be completely out of the picture when my POI contacts me but not to worry as that will not last. There would be just some overlap. I was honestly prepared for her to say that I wouldn’t reconcile with my POI at all but she did see it happening. But she gave me the opposite and a clear path after that first contact. Something that no one else ever did. Most just said yes she will contact you and you will be together. Nothing about the finer details. I actually had a great time talking with her and we were laughing as it was Halloween night when we talked. I did tell her that I find it very hard to believe what she is telling me and that I feel like it might not be that way. I explained that I am about 50/50 when it comes to if my POI will really come back and she told me that is a good thing. That I am completely open and I will get the choice if I want to take my POI back or not when that time comes. Still pending but her reading seems very realistic.
Bridgette (PS x8133) I asked what she saw coming up for my POI and I. Surprisingly she got something no one else said about my POI. That my POI wanted space after we broke up. She told me to just give her space and that she saw her coming back right after the start of the year. The weird thing was that she saw a kid. Neither my POI nor I have any children. When I told her that she mentioned that she does see a child. So not sure what that all means but maybe in the soon future? She talked a bit more about the present and what my POI was feeling but she was sure that my POI would come back and we would reconcile with that first contact the start of the year. One thing else I want to mention is that she said someone will enter my life unexpectedly and shortly before my POI will contact me. As my POI will feel that she is losing me because of this person might be what causes her to contact me. Something else was that she said that my POI and I have a strong connection cord with each other that isn’t severed and that will bring us back together. Still waiting for this new person but first contact with my ex is still pending.
Moira (PS x7776) I was in line for a phone call when the system messed up and I got impatient. So instead of a phone call I did a video session so I didn’t have to wait another day to get with her. We had a video session for just over an hour. I asked what she saw coming up for my POI and I. I really felt like we connected but it did feel a bit more as a counseling session to me than a reading. We discussed a lot about my POI and her feelings. She was able to nail some of my POI’s friends that I think have been causing some problems. One she even described her appearance really well. At first she wanted me to contact her but wait awhile. It was then I mentioned that something happened with my POI in September that doesn’t make me want to contact first in fear of legal reasons. At that point Moira said that she takes back the contact part but she does see my POI contact me after the start of the year. That I should be really careful around my POI for my own safety. She really was on my side and I felt like we discussed more about the present than the future. The only future prediction was my POI would contact me. Moria also thought that maybe I should meet someone new as that would get to my POI to reach out. She didn’t specifically say that there was another person but interesting that she at least mentioned it. She also mentioned that she could see that I have some empath abilities and I have an amazing aura around me. That I should trust those when my POI does make contact. So overall she does see contact roughly the same timeline as everyone else that predicted but we didn’t really look that far so can’t say on the reconciliation. It was a positive reading though and I did enjoy talking with her. First contact prediction is still pending.
Sandra Logan (Found based on an article about her. Booked through her site for 1 hour phone session) I had a great time talking to Sandra and it was like talking to your grandma. She had a bit different style than the other psychics. We first started off with my love life and my POI. She was able to pick up my POI really well and believes there is a chance of us coming back together after the start of the New Year. She basically was saying that my POI needs to miss me and right now she isn’t but she will. She told me to trust in my spirit guides. They have a plan and are working for me and my POI to bring us back together. She told me to just try and live my life and let them take care of it. I asked her in the call if she saw someone else coming into my life before my POI contacts me. Her reply was that was why she told me to live my life. Because she does see someone entering but she didn’t want me to think about it. From there we talk about finances and my life in general and I can say that she saw 2019/2020 being really good years for me. Overall it was a good phone session and I was happy to talk to her. Overall predictions are still pending but regarding my ex first contact lines up with others. Still haven't met this new person though.
I had a couple more psychic calls just before Sandra but they followed the pattern of what everyone else said. So here is the shocker for me out of all of these readings. I get one thing that my POI will be coming back and they all basically got roughly the same timeline on when my POI will make contact. Aries was able to give a more detailed account after that first contact than the rest. I think that with the majority getting the same timeline is interesting along with seeing her coming back. I really was expecting a high percentage of saying yes but if you look through most they all say about the same thing. Now some of this can be canned phrases and work for the majority of people but if that was the case then why do all have such similar timelines? I would expect them to be all different or at least have more variation than what I got. So I would have to say there has to be some sort of gift that they have. It could be that I got a lot of good guessers and out 13 I had the high majority say positive things. Now I also thought do they all have a way to see other readings I have done? Well I didn’t do it all from the same psychic source. They are different and I still got roughly the same outcome.
So if I were to concise everything down into one timeline here is the final predication. That sometime between now and the end of the year I will meet someone unexpectedly. This person has all the potential to be a life partner for me. Shortly after my POI will break up with her current boyfriend and then make contact with me sometime right after the New Year. From there we will slowly start to rebuild our relationship to a reconciliation that will lead to marriage and not something short term.
Now here is my final conclusion on that prediction. Will it happen? Honestly I do not know. I am still very skeptical about the prediction and I can say that I don’t see it happening. It does feel a lot like a really big false hope. I see my POI staying with the guy she is with and never wanting to talk to me again. But with all the bad things that have happened there also have been subtle clues that maybe she will come back. I also have this really faint gut feeling about her making contact with me. So in time we will see what happens but for now I am going to just store this information and just live my life and let my spirit guides do their thing. I will not worry about it and just see what happens. I'm also fortunate that I am able to afford what I did. So I do not condone anyone to do what I did by talking to so many psychics if you cannot afford it. If something happens and I remember I will come back and post an update.
Going to be giving a bit of an update on this. Most of the predictions really are still pending and will be that way until March of next year. That is just when I feel comfortable enough to say enough time has passed. I would like to give a bit of a buffer regarding some of the predictions as I know timing can be really hard.
All these readings happened in October except for Sandra which was on Nov 9th. Since then I have talked to a few more psychics but on California Psychics. The list of some noticably mentioned psychics in this forum are: Effie, Kikiyo, Tara, Mattie, Nathan, Neveda, Trinity along with a few others. Some over were pretty much in my case just either reading from a script, cold reading or just giving out false hopes. But here is the thing. Out of all the new psychics. Trinity was the only one that said I would not be getting back with my ex. The rest that I do not consider fake all predicted my ex coming back making first contact after the start of the new year. Except for Effie. She said August of next year. The fact that they all predict the same timeline was a shocker for me. Some saw me meeting someone new just before then as well others picked up my ex's current guy. Usually what I found was that most that picked up her current guy where empaths.
The one thing that was the most shocking is Mattie had the same details as Kisha but she saw a new person entering my life. Mattie also saw a trip to the caribbean that was supposed to be a building moment for my ex and I. That after all the long months we would be together and that trip is the final icing on the cake to finish the reconciliation. I don't know if that will happen but I kind of felt like that was a past thing since my ex and I went to Puerto Rico 2 weeks before she broke up with me in Feb. One other thing she mentioned was that there was to be a status change regarding my ex and to not worry about it as it means nothing. I think this might have just happened with a fb profile pic change. I can go more into why I think that but it does line up with her prediction.
I did do a 3 question email with Shelly regarding my ex. What does she see coming up for my ex and I? If she saw contact from my ex? We will reconcile? I ended up getting some markers with a prediction that my ex will make first contact after christmas but just before the new year. Out of about 10 markers. I only have 2-3 that haven't happened in the span of a couple weeks. So according to those I am on track for contact with my ex. Reconciling is dependent on whether some interference will go away from my ex that she thought is a women. I can tell you that part is true and I think the interference is actually starting to go away now.
Still waiting on my rescheduled general reading with Yona which is mid Jan but from the 45 min that we did talk. She did give me a situation of communication improving. Just do not know who with. When we ended the call she said that all the situations she gave me should happen before our new appointment in mid-Jan. So is it possible that improved communication is my ex? If so that means she saw the same timeline as everyone else.
Overall I am currently not feeling so optomistic over my POI. My feeling on it fluctuates from day to day. I still have the gut feeling that she will reach out to me which I had long before calling any psychics. The problem is right now it is really deep and I barely feel it. Maybe that is something that will trigger my ex to reach out. That she is losing me which some psychics have mentioned. I really feel like it is a long shot but I have so many psychics give me the same outcome with the same timeframe. Either I am really easy to connect with and they are all working for me. Or they are all wrong. If they all gave me different timelines I wouldn't be thinking that but really all say the same thing. I know this is long but I am giving an in depth account of my experience. I am fortunate that I am able to do this as I know others cannot afford to do what I have done. My thought is hopefully some people will see a live overview of readings as they happen instead of just yep this person worked for me or not.