Author Topic: THE END  (Read 207141 times)

Offline Piggynose

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« Reply #210 on: December 26, 2019, 06:30:50 PM »
I also love the updates!!! Keep us posted!

Offline Sparkle002

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« Reply #211 on: December 26, 2019, 06:38:06 PM »
I also love the updates!!! Keep us posted!

Thanks girl will do!

Offline Sparkle002

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« Reply #212 on: December 27, 2019, 06:54:10 PM »

So I read with Cookie again today to try to confirm what I was feeling about the IT Director.

Literally all of the things she has been telling me was about HIM! She confirmed it today.
She told me he is going to start coming around more, asking me about if Im in a relationship or not, he is really attracted to me, he wants to take me out and and he "undresses me with his eyes" and "gets a hard-on when he sees me" LOL

I swear I caught this dude weeks ago eyeing me up and down - it just dawned on me.
She also said that since I didnt really notice him she couldnt see a relationship - but she said I could be in one now that I have "opened my eyes".
She said the reading changed when I did.

She said that she saw LOVE not only that I will be in LOVE be he will be too.

She told me she could tell that I could "sense" him. Which is true and weird. She said both of us could wake up and think about each other - I could be at work and feel hair raise on the top of my head, sense him and turn around and he is right there!

She also confirmed on her own that I have been totally not wanting a relationship really or have been scared of a relationship due to my ex from 3 years ago. She said something changed my mind and now she is seeing a possibility with THIS GUY!

I also did a 10 question reading with Leanne - he also came up in the reading as the WAVY haired GUY again! She just wasnt particularly positive about him - she described his personality (which is demanding at work) but it didn't seem that positive (at least about his personality). But then again this woman is negative with almost everything and never really as bad as she says.

If he does start to approach me the way she says he will (wanting a relationship), I'm ending this thread ;D.
At this point my involvement with POI would be good and over (fwb) ending.
« Last Edit: December 27, 2019, 10:18:57 PM by Sparkle002 »

Offline tshine17

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« Reply #213 on: December 27, 2019, 07:22:09 PM »
Congrats! Love reading your updates!


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« Reply #214 on: December 27, 2019, 07:35:19 PM »
YAAAAAY!!!  Happy for you, Sparkle!  I hope 2020 is a year of happiness, fruition, and fulfillment for you.

Offline Sunshine75

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« Reply #215 on: December 27, 2019, 07:42:41 PM »
YAAAAAY!!!  Happy for you, Sparkle!  I hope 2020 is a year of happiness, fruition, and fulfillment for you.

Yes, have a great 2020! Thanks for your updates Sparkle they're the best and have been keeping me smiling, lol! ;D

Offline Sparkle002

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« Reply #216 on: December 27, 2019, 08:13:04 PM »
Awwww thank you so much youguys!!

I hope you all have a wonderful, healthy, happy new year!!

Have an Awesome 2020!

Offline sexyp

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« Reply #217 on: December 27, 2019, 08:44:23 PM »
how are you able to read with cookie so much? so happy for you Sparkle :):)

Awwww thank you so much youguys!!

I hope you all have a wonderful, healthy, happy new year!!

Have an Awesome 2020!

Offline Piggynose

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« Reply #218 on: December 27, 2019, 09:55:06 PM »
That’s awesome!! I’m so happy for you! Can’t wait to hear how all this unfolds!

Offline Sparkle002

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« Reply #219 on: December 27, 2019, 10:08:57 PM »
I book appts lol and for some reason she likes to accept them from me!

how are you able to read with cookie so much? so happy for you Sparkle :):)

Awwww thank you so much youguys!!

I hope you all have a wonderful, healthy, happy new year!!

Have an Awesome 2020!
« Last Edit: December 27, 2019, 10:11:00 PM by Sparkle002 »

Offline sexyp

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« Reply #220 on: December 27, 2019, 10:38:06 PM »
on keen or the other secret place?

I book appts lol and for some reason she likes to accept them from me!

how are you able to read with cookie so much? so happy for you Sparkle :):)

Awwww thank you so much youguys!!

I hope you all have a wonderful, healthy, happy new year!!

Have an Awesome 2020!

Offline Sparkle002

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« Reply #221 on: December 27, 2019, 10:42:36 PM »
Secret place lol

on keen or the other secret place?

I book appts lol and for some reason she likes to accept them from me!

how are you able to read with cookie so much? so happy for you Sparkle :):)

Awwww thank you so much youguys!!

I hope you all have a wonderful, healthy, happy new year!!

Have an Awesome 2020!

Offline sexyp

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« Reply #222 on: December 27, 2019, 10:43:53 PM »
lol. thanks Sparkle   ;D ;D

Secret place lol

on keen or the other secret place?

I book appts lol and for some reason she likes to accept them from me!

how are you able to read with cookie so much? so happy for you Sparkle :):)

Awwww thank you so much youguys!!

I hope you all have a wonderful, healthy, happy new year!!

Have an Awesome 2020!

Offline Sparkle002

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« Reply #223 on: December 28, 2019, 03:20:00 AM »
Additional UPDATES:

Even though my recent update seemed a bit positive with this new potential POI 5, I do want to mention some negatives that I received about this situation or potential relationship. I'll be honest it does put a damper on the excitement, but I don't want to brush it off either.

Leanne - in my recent reading, (god it was so depressing, honestly I can't read with her again...this was the second time ever, and the first reading with her was last October - yes pretty much all the stuff came true, but the guy she described in that reading (POI 4) she made it seem like there was potential there and didn't pick up he was a liar and cheater smh and didn't mention it at all. She just saw the positives of the relationship.) In this recent reading (Dec 2019) She basically didn't see me in a relationship for the next 18 MONTHS.

Anyway - here is what she has to say about the IT Director:

"And so, now I'm seeing you crossing paths with a guy who's tallish, kind of quite good cheekbones more of an oval or more of an Angular ish face, not a round soft, plump face or a long very thin face, and his hair is got slightly strongish nose, darkish eyebrows and his hair is brown to dark, and it looks like it's naturally thick, naturally wavy, even if he's wearing it short. That's the natural state of it. And I feel that this is somebody you're going to have association with maybe even less than within the next six months. But I feel I don't see this turning into, you know, a satisfying, long term relationship. It feels as if it would be where it almost as if he kind of runs the show a little bit. So you communicating with each other, it seems to be getting somewhere, but then he seems to be playing kind of a bit of fast and loose. So now you know that you don't have to put all your eggs in that basket. You can say okay, well, I recognize this situation. It seems intelligent, but to be honest with you, I'm not overly keen on his energy field. I feel like he's somebody who likes to be in control of his own space. You know what, nothing wrong with that, but that he can he can adopt to take it or leave it kind of attitude. So definitely not a relationship that you would want to invest a lot of time and energy in one of those things that comes and goes. But now you have the insight so that you know you're prepared for it. "

"So I do feel that before the end of March, that could be a guy that you could find yourself really liking. Again, he's got kind of an Angular face, His hair is brown, rather than really dark. And he's attractive in a sort of a Yeah, he's attractive. He's not dressed up to the nines as a you know, a really smart suit or anything, but neither is his scruffy, his hair looks like it's got a bit of thickness or a bit of length to it. And he seems like a really nice guy, but I don't know I feel it's more just The passing fancy really."

"I'm seeing you associating with a guy whose name begins with the letter J, who I feel is younger than you. At some point, he seems kind of quite laid back in some ways bohemian a little bit in some ways. Somebody that you'd you know, you'd like to get along with, but I again, I'd be surprised if it's a big relationship this person is a bit younger than you...And that's not the issue but so maybe just a good friend really, or somebody who becomes a good friend, but the name name begins with the letter J."

His last name begins with a "J". Tajah also picked up his initials.

December 2019:

Cookie - While she was positive about his movement forward, she told me "you won't be able to tell with him until the end of spring or summer" honestly if she ever says this - its been the KISS of DEATH for a relationship. Every guy Ive ever asked about or she told me about, when she says that it usually ENDS. Remember she also kept saying she didn't see me in a relationship either, but then she said it "depended on me"

Delores- She basically told me that I will not be in a relationship this year, nor will I meet anyone who is ready for marriage or marrying type this year. It will basically be just "FLINGS". Even with the IT Director, she only picks up up as a fling. She also picks up a couple of other guys (as does Cookie and Leanne) - which to me kinda tells me that I still may be single or the relationship with this guy really may not last long. She also said this person could just be a good friend or we hang out and call each other "friends" not boyfriend or girlfriend.

Kisha and QOC - they both saw interest and attraction, but didn't see him pushing over the boundary to actually pursue me. Well, based on what Cookie and Leanne see, it appears he actually does, but then falls flat. Kisha said in her recent text reading that she didn't see a big relationship, even though she has been predicting a committed solid relationship where he will pursue me ...and this person is of this exact description since June smh.

Sorry to put the depressing part on this thread...but I did want to make sure I had both sides of this prediction here.
Of course Ill update as things unfold. But it is kinda a bummer.

Note: This guy has been coming up in all of my general reads - real general, like I don't even ask about my love life.
So apparently he is significant if all of these readers see him, but for a short period of time.

« Last Edit: December 28, 2019, 06:06:53 AM by Sparkle002 »

Offline Sparkle002

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« Reply #224 on: January 04, 2020, 07:07:05 PM »
On the Next Episode of the Sparkle Show…

*IT IS until it ISNT*

The Theme of this show is all about how I literally got mixed and flipped readings from my dear readers Cookie (I think she mixed stuff) and Kisha does what she does best FLIP readings. While both of there overall readings does still mention me being in a relationship the guy that Kisha has been telling me about since June of this year, seems not to even have the effort to even properly pursue me! SMH. And Cookie literally has been seeing this guy for a whole 12 months!


Since before New Years I've met a few men that have pursued me, but not interested in them in any way for a relationship. Nice guys though, but its a “No for me Dawg”. They just weren't IT for various reasons. Cookie did tell me this would happen, that I would meet men who were interested in me but I wouldn’t be interested in them.

One guy, specifically with his name beginning with a “J” is someone that Leanne did see, yet I thought it was someone else. I met him at a New Years party and he has been pursuing the heck out of me ever since. He is 9 years younger than me:

"I'm seeing you associating with a guy whose name begins with the letter J, who I feel is younger than you. At some point, he seems kind of quite laid back in some ways bohemian a little bit in some ways. Somebody that you'd you know, you'd like to get along with, but I again, I'd be surprised if it's a big relationship this person is a bit younger than you...And that's not the issue but so maybe just a good friend really, or somebody who becomes a good friend, but the name begins with the letter J."

He definitely wants a relationship, but I don’t with him - he just isn’t THE GUY for me.

Now this makes me think long and hard about my readers predictions, did they like MIX SHIT UP? Meaning, did they SEE the ENERGY of Pursuit with ONE GUY yet, described ANOTHER? AND Was Cookie seeing all the things that she thought the IT guy wanted to do with me really AS the YOUNGER guy (see her detailed predictions below about some pursuing)

For example, I recently had 2 text readings with Kisha, one specifically about the IT DIRECTOR and one as a GENERAL LOVE reading. She brought this guy up in both readings and said the same things essentially - that he is interested, has chemistry but doesn’t pursue….this is literally the same dude she was describing in my general reads from August.

Here is the deal - was Kisha just seeing the ENERGY of the pursuit of this young guy, but visually describing the guy (IT DIRECTOR) that I have some chemistry with? Mind you the IT guy has not fully pursued me…just just started right before we left for the holidays, so I havent seen him since - and will be back to work on Monday.

So Lets examine these readings:


Kisha  Aug 2019 -  (haven’t met him yet)
“Two things, there's a male that comes with your future wise, who you actually have not met or even connected with in any way, this is going to be someone who is wanting a relationship that is committed, and this person is going to be in a position where they can kind of come in and they're very decisive, not someone that feels like indecisive or so this would be someone that you meet towards the colder months here. And this would be someone that solid but in terms of the colder months, I honestly don't know if this is maybe in the fall or in the winter. But this would be someone that you would actually have a pretty steady relationship with the energy to shows up here is someone that is fairly tall to me, maybe six feet, I'm this is just basically what I see.  But this person has a fairly light skin tones, I'm not certain that this would be someone that's maybe African American and light skin, or if this could maybe be someone of a mixed race success. But this person has darker hair milder lighter features, this is going to be someone that you actually have a turning point with when it comes to relationship, this isn't going to be someone that you just kind of feel like this in a category of dating.<--This is the IT guy, the young guy looks nothing like this And you know, and not really knowing where things go. So that would be when you do connect with this person, you're not instantly, you know, in this super, you know, solid relationship.<—KEY POINT HERE.  But this is someone that you'll have the opportunity to actually start to develop a pretty consistent relationship”

Kisha Nov 2019 - (met him in Nov)
“… someone who is very straight, like very forthcoming, very straightforward. I do guess that this is someone who is not necessarily in a position or in the space when you connect with them initially, that this person is necessarily going to maybe come off very strong<—KEY POINT HERE. Why, because right now the IT guy isn't coming on that strong its very subtle and flirty but I do get someone that was like very confident, but there's not like a sense of arrogance there. This man is, for me physically is someone that is notably rather fit and in shape, I guess and this is someone that has very dark hair was somewhat um wavey not necessarily curly<-- definitely the IT guy…. This is going to be someone that is going to pursue you for a relationship, a romantic relationship and the colder months.  So this will be over the course of the next few months. And as I said, I think that this that work recognition and also the romantic energy, this comes up within the period of two. So this will be within the next two months or between now in February. This would be someone that is not connected through a workplace or anything of that nature. But regardless of saying that there are some similarities when it comes to work. I get that his person works and a field that there's there's like an IT or technical field here, but it also  get that it is more so software opposed to being something like technical or something of that nature. As for as an IT background, I don't necessarily see that for you. <--I do have an IT background and our work is similar - we just dont work in the same buildings. So I don't know how that ties into the workplace, but …(Me: I work in IT! She didn't even see that , and yes he works with me) Oh Okay. Okay. So this is going to be someone that you have the option to develop a relationship with a rather serious relationship.


Let look at when I asked specifically about the IT guy December 22nd:
(again based on the readings above he matches the work, look and level of pursuit, no one else at my workplace like this)

"When it comes to [POI] pursuing you I am getting that when you connected with him there seems to be an awkward feeling, but a good awkward feeling if that makes sense.The awkwardness is because he wasn’t necessarily expecting to meet anyone and it doesn’t seem as if you were either. <— TRUE

It’s really a same place at the same time type of meeting from what I am seeing. So, this shows as being very organic and not something that is like online dating.<Yep he works with me. It seems that the two of you may have more in common than you actually know or possibly knew which is actually what allowed the two of you to cross paths.

I get that he is attracted to you as you are to him. So, attraction aside what is going to happen in terms of action? I do get that this connection seems fairly new and that this would have to be something that both of you would be willing to give a chance. I must say that it seems that in some ways the odds are against the two of you being able to really have a lot of time for development.<-- REALLY?

It’s not really due to lack of effort, but more so circumstances. I get him being not just attracted to you physically but attracted to your personality and he feels as if you are very independent. He has also asked other people about you. So, it seems that you may have a mutual friend or acquaintance in common. <— Circumstances may be due to work …IDK? There is a sense of him sort of checking in from time to time, but I don’t yet see a serious effort to build a solid romantic relationship.

So, thus far I am not seeing a great deal of effort to pursue a serious romantic relationship despite there being an interest. I get there being a period that he is distant, but he will be looking for you in his absence.  <— Distance is over the holidays we are working on a project remotely.

So, this may be him trying to maintain contact or going through social media. <— He emails me regarding the project. The distance doesn’t really show as being emotional it is due to circumstances pertaining to distance. In the back of his mind he would like to have a more aggressive approach, but he is also a bit insecure when it comes to this as well. Now he actually isn’t an insecure person in general by any means. He actually shows as being very confident and very well put together.

This seems to be an isolated occurrence that pertains to his connection with you.
He isn’t certain if more would come out of your connection and instead of at least making the effort to try to address things he just seems to “check in” opposed to really pursuing you.  I can’t tell you I get a big relationship here regardless of the two of you liking each other. It seems if the two of you were able to have more time together that would help build things up, but there is lack of time and the time that is put into the connection isn’t super frequent.<--LIKE REALLY LOL

General Reading January 4th:
There is a man you will be connected to who will not really know how to go about pursuing you initially<--Refer to the 2n General Reading.

I’m not sure why his behavior is so weird when it comes to you. It’s like this guy is very well put together, he is a sharp thinker, he’s stable, and when it comes to you it’s like he doesn’t know what the heck to even say almost.

This seems to be someone actually around your energy right now. I don’t feel like this is someone you will meet later, but someone you know just not someone who has actually approached you. This is someone you may feel a connection to or be drawn to, but he seems to fall short when it comes to actually approach you on a romantic level.

So, there is someone you will feel chemistry with and you might feel like he wants to approach you, but you can’t go off of chemistry and feeling like someone wants to do something. So, he doesn’t give you any real confirmation of things.

There is a man you will have the chance to fall in love with and the feelings will be mutual. This is going to be someone you do have some mishaps with that will be sorted out quickly in the beginning stages, but you will have a very solid relationship. This man is someone who is a problem solver, he can admit when he is wrong, and he will genuinely want to please you.

He will literally bring you roses and plan special outings. This is a relationship that will pick up in development in the summer months and you will also develop a bond with his family and friends as well.

By the Fall months this relationship will be fairly seasoned meaning it is not new and you will have already made this relationship public. I don’t know when you will meet this person I would have to be between now and the next few months because your relationship will be pretty serious by Summer. It is not someone you have dated or had a romantic relationship with it is a new energy.

Here is what COOKIE said about the IT guy SPECIFICALLY in my reading on December 27th:

1. You could notice that you have a lot of chemistry with him.
2. But he looks like he wants to get to know you outside of work.
3. So what you could notice is that either You could be going to breakfast lunch or dinner, or you and him could leave out at the same time at a lunchtime or either afterwards
4.  he could be trying to find out the things that you like<—Not sure if this is the younger guy -
5. Okay, and the way that he looks at you sometimes you could notice that the way that he looks at you is like he's undressing you so he finds you very attractive.
6. He could be trying to figure out what you're thinking about him.
7. He He looks like he's, like, undressing you but what looks different about him than other people? It look doesn't look like it's about sex.
8. it looks like he is he find something about you that he's attracted to
9. Looks he has attracted to you. But he could have, we could be attracted to you, you work with him.
10. maybe you might start to notice that he says something and you think it's funny or you say something and yes, that has happened lately? Yes. Yes. So he's attracted to you. And he, he likes being around you
11. Now, depending on where, where you are, and where he sits or works, he Sometimes positions himself to be closer or near to you. Okay. So does he come? Are you and him like sitting close together? Or does he have to get up?
12. he's looking for you. He's attracted to you. Yeah.
13. that's gonna cause it to go to another level? You and him are laughing at him like talking? And he started statue, he could ask you are you on social media… He could possibly ask you. How was your weekend…. He could be trying to figure out if you have a boyfriend ?????<—Not sure if this is the younger guy -
14. So you want to know where right now you and him could be talking personal, I mean work related, it starts to get more personal. Okay.
15. And he just looks like he starts to show up in places where you are, he feels the need to want to be near you or around you.
16. And you could feel somebody whose eyes on you what it looks like your team he always looks like he's trying to be in a place near to you That he can talk to you. Okay.
17. And when you get to the point to where you wake up through the night and he's on your mind, what he's doing is he sometimes is thinking about you. Even when you and him are not at work. Oh, it feels like he thinks is that you and him have something in common that he finds himself that he more or less he's just thinking about you and less because he's attracted to you.
18. But you're gonna be able to tell it, you could be doing one thing you could look up and it's like the hair sticking up on your head. And you could feel somebody thinking about you and you look and he he just appears
19. And right now like, he's in the position, he probably wants to ask you out and when he sees you he just smiles from cheek to cheek. <—Not sure if this is the younger guy, however I wont be seeing him
20. And you find out his age, you find out his age. He looks like he looks like he's, he looks young.  <—Not sure if this is the younger guy - the IT guy could be younger, just dont know his age yet. Okay, I don't know how old he is. But that's what I'm seeing you finding out things about him. And he he looks like he's trying to find out as your own social media. But he also looks like he wants to know if you're dating anybody <— Young dude asked about instagram and if I have a boyfriend or if I had kids, again dunno if IT will ask me this ….
21. Okay, and every time he sees you he gets a hard-on, Whoa! ...anything sexual about him like do you get horny or anything when you see him (me - no lol)?
22. But he's really attracted to you ..and did you change your bras? Your tits are sticking out. I don't know if it's your bra or is something but you look really lifted. But he's looking at your tits. So sometimes you look lifted. And he's looking at your body frame. He looks your body frame and he gets a hard-on
24. And out of the blue she says - 'll see you in love and I'll see the person returning that love is not right now is not right now because right now you're missing people..So you in love but not only you in love with somebody in love with you, and it's not one sided. He wouldn't be anybody that you would even have to ask me about. You would just be able to tell it.

So apparently there is SOMETHING THERE! Even QOC picked up on some CHEMISTRY. BUT it doesn’t look like he does anything with it other than STALK ME AROUND WORK!!

HERE IS what Im gonna do - LIVE IN REALITY and JUST ASK HIM MYSELF! I just need to know from the horses mouth…..

On that note…STAY TUNED for the NEXT SPARKLE SHOW!!
« Last Edit: January 04, 2020, 07:31:42 PM by Sparkle002 »

