Welcome Newbies 
Highlyfavored: who have you used on CP and what were your experiences?
Is there communication now between you and your sm?
To answer the shortest question first yes, there is communication between he and I. It is sporadic and via text about once a week! It consist of him telling me he is in love with me (BLAH) and misses me (BLAH) his actions are completely different so that is why I say (BLAH) if you missed me you would communicate more..right?? logically that's the right answer. But anyway.
I was BIG on timing at one point b/c I had a reader that Spoiled me and every time she said communication, contact, or an event or anything dealing with timing would occur she was right. She dealt with OUTCOMES. She didn't read the past FUTURE only! If she couldn't see a date or time frame she would say so. So I was sooo spoiled. Then she left the network I was using! So in between the time I found her again I tried out all these others and wasted MONEY!!!
California Psychics: (These are from July/August) when my guy & I were separated. I went overboard calling (NEVER AGAIN)
Allison- Gave me a specific time frame for communication and it didn't occur. She and I didn't have a connection. It never occurred
Venus - I didn't like the reading, but what she told me has been the truth. She doesn't see my guy in commitment territory till December. I spoke to her in August.
Darcy - told me when communication would occur - gave me three dates, it happened. She told me she was 99.9% accurate
Venice- I had such high hopes for her & 3 pages full of notes! She gave me dates and times and checked and double checked. I spoke to her in July. She said my guy and I would be in Full Relationship status by the 1st day of Fall..um..NOPE hasn't occurred. Still up and down! She said that I would marry this guy. She repeated it 3 times! She said Next year 2012 ( yeah well, I'm not holding my breath or unto that prediction) I don't know it could be a factor of waiting but she sounded SO CONFIDENT in her dates.
Abrielle - Told me I would see my guy the weekend of Labor Day or the next weekend. It has not happened. Said my guy calls me a Pet Name. She wanted to know what it was. I told her but I had other people tell me she told them that too. She also sees marriage. None of her predictions for me have panned out. She did however read the PRESENT very well.
Devyn- Told me to leave the guy, that I would meet someone new that was my soulmate before the end of September. (5) More days left & the countdown continues.
Danni- Gave a 3 week prediction that happened, everything else was advice.
Nina- Told me the month of September would be silent and a little into October. Told me that I would see him in October and there would be (intimacy) and November his heart would start talking to him. It would take 4 months from November - Feb 2011. I will get a full commitment after Feb 2011 talks of marriage, engagement. ect. So far she has been right about the month of September. She also told me DO NOT CALL HER BACK for a while to check in maybe Oct/Nov but don't call her often. Give the predictions time to manifest. (WOW) She was very confident. All I told her was my name and she took off from there. September Prediction has been true. (Time frame for Prediction hasn't occurred)
Samadi- Um

? She speaks to Spirit guides. She couldn't give me a time frame. She said she can tell me that it will be 8 more weeks up and down. My guy has work to do with his Ego and The Universe is getting everyone into alignment. "Yeah" She's on some DEEP..DEEP..type stuff I don't recommend for the faint at heart. You must be highly developed on your spiritual journey to talk with her.(Time frame for Prediction hasn't occurred)
Meryl- Sounded Very confident told me that I will marry my (S/M) in July/August 2012
(I don't believe her) Said I would meet his family in Dec/Jan(2011/2012) that's when engagement would occur. End of October Better w/Communication. (Time frame for Prediction hasn't occurred)
Mona- Sounds like she's 12 but don't let that fool you. Prediction's for December for things picking up and no commitment till March of next yr and then things move extremely fast. marriage & engagement will occur very quick.(Time frame for Prediction hasn't occurred)
Miriam- I actually liked She just asked my name and took off!Told me my guy wants this relationship so bad and is terrified at the same time (Same thing he said to me in June) Has Predictions for this upcoming week for communication either Monday or Thursday (She told me she is not good with time frames) She said she sees communication the last week in September but can't pinpoint exactly when and it will be just friendly. Stated tht Oct/Nov up and down. She also sees intimacy in October like Nina. Told me to PLEASE give it more time & not walk away. I've already started walking (Time frame for Prediction hasn't occurred)
Natalie - Saw that my guy was checking up on me on facebook. She was right about that my guy sent me screenshots of my facebook updates for a week. Wondering if I was seeing someone else. He and I are not facebook friends, so I don't know how he was able to see it Said she didn't know cause I have (3) men around me. My guy
was in front and the other two are on the side, and I will have a choice to make. I HAVE NO IDEA who the other two guys are! Timeframe for contact didn't occur
Anasela- Called her twice she got the same cards both times. Now she picked up on My guy's personality very well, what he did for a living everything in the PRESENT she get's 10 stars for. She was great. She gave NO TIME FRAMES. She just gave predictions. said we will live together, get married, and I started laughing on the phone. She told me "She will have the last laugh" She said I don't have to believe her She prefers that I don't but it WILL HAPPEN! VERY CONFIDENT.
Michelle- Told me to date other people and her time frame for contact did occur.
Charlie - Accurately described my physical appearance and has good empath abilities. He didn't make any predictions
Jaqueline - She was very Quick! Accurate description of the situation her prediction for contact occurred, but not in the time frame she gave. About 3 days later. Her predictions are for Nov/December.
Now "If" I decide to call California Psychics again It will be in 2012. I have enough "PREDICTIONS" to last me until then! I'm trying to go with my own intuitiveness for now and FAITH!
Hopes this help someone.