Author Topic: My Story (Newbie)  (Read 16524 times)


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My Story (Newbie)
« on: September 25, 2011, 04:37:28 PM »

I'm new so I'd thought I'd post my story with how I began to use these psychic Networks (Most of which I regret)

It all started in Feb 2010 when I ended a 3 and 1/2 year relationship with a guy who I was never in love with. I loved him at one point, but I was never in love with him. I met him at work along with my (SM) I chose him b/c the (SM) seemed to hard and complicated(which I would later find out to be true) this guy was the "safe" choice. I knew I would not get hurt from Day (1), and by hurt I mean heartbroken Unfortunately he ended up getting hurt and still is till this day...more on that later.

Now, where were we? ok yes Feb 2010 I broke up with the "safe" guy and in March 2010 I started having dreams about the (SM) I had not seen him since 2008 (2years) so it kind of freaked me out, and every time I would dream about him I would get contact from him or communication. So I called a Psychic. I chose The Psychic Power Network $1.99 a minute and so it began. Most would tell me that that the (SM) and I would never be together and I would meet someone in 2 months, 3 months 6 months..ect..) Then I ran across this one psychic on the network who told me in March that he and I would be in a relationship and he would finally tell me that he wants to be in a relationship with me before the end of August, 2010. It was March I'm thinking "yeah right" That was 6 months down the road. Each prediction she made for contact "DID" happen. If it was 10 Days, 5 Days 1 Day on the 25th, whenever IT HAPPENED (100%) But I doubted he and I would ever be in a relationship. He's very handsome and had women falling all over him throwing themselves at him. He'd never settle down!

Fast forward August 30th, 2010 he asked me to be in a relationship! The one of (3) who I trust was RIGHT! but it has been an up & down battle with him every since. It hasn't been easy and for now I'm letting  God take control. The relationship hasn't been bad, there is no cheating or other issues. He is afraid, his feelings are intense and he has told me so things are "stuck" not moving forward. I've made the decision to date other people. I've consulted with Steve Gunn the "soul mate expert" I 've read the book "When Two Souls Connect" and it helped me to understand the dynamics of the relationship. So I know all about the deeper dynamics going on in the relationship. But since we are "stuck" and have been for 3 months I can't sit by and "do nothing" as I've been told, and wait for contact ect..

Now until I have commitment, which "most" say I will get but it will be end of this year or next year, I'm going to date other people. and who knows what may happen? I've streamed down my consultations to once a month & not with anyone new. My soul-mate will have to either deal with the "fear" or lose me in the process. That's his choice. Venus(who I hated at first) but came to find out she was right told me to take care of me and she was right! I'm not hoping he comes around. I "KNOW" he will, but will I be there when he does???

Now I have talked to a TON! and I do mean a TON so if u every want my opinion on who at California, Source, Access, PPN, Independent then I can tell you. I didn't have any success at Keen and only was there a short time.

I use to do Readings about 10 years ago on other people using Playing Cards, but I never tried on myself. I had a high accuracy rate, but it was draining and I would get called 24hrs to do readings so I stopped & want to try doing them on myself at some point. But for now I will relinquish the "NEED TO KNOW" and just have "FAITH" instead.

Offline lightme

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Re: My Story (Newbie)
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2011, 10:01:22 PM »
hello Misty, Maryjane and Highlyfavored, big welcome to you all and is so nice to have new members to join us and share your stories!

highlyfavored, can you elaborate more on "your SM is stuck by fear"? i am sure you obviously like him, so what is his fear based on? is it something to do with commitment phobia? what did the psychics say?

can you share your reviews on Thereas PS, Isabella and Raven star ( PA ) if you had tried them?i haven't tried Thereas before but very keen. would appreciate your comments , thank you!


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Re: My Story (Newbie)
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2011, 11:56:07 PM »
hello Misty, Maryjane and Highlyfavored, big welcome to you all and is so nice to have new members to join us and share your stories!

highlyfavored, can you elaborate more on "your SM is stuck by fear"? i am sure you obviously like him, so what is his fear based on? is it something to do with commitment phobia? what did the psychics say?

can you share your reviews on Thereas PS, Isabella and Raven star ( PA ) if you had tried them?i haven't tried Thereas before but very keen. would appreciate your comments , thank you!

lightme ..Sure
When I say stuck I mean he's afraid to move forward to more committed territory engagement and marriage. Now the thing is I was told this by a few Psychics even the one's I trust, but I didn't believe them. He was too confident and put on a front really well.  He told me in June that he is terrified of moving the relationship forward b/c he feels he will fail and that fear of failure is keeping things the way they are. I'm TIRED and EXHAUSTED. I'm scared too, but I can't let my life be controlled with that fear. I invested a lot emotionally and spiritually in this relationship and Ive seen the HIGHEST HIGH'S and the lowest LOWS. He has two fears to deal with (1)Losing Me (2)Moving the relationship forward-Commitment. I don't want to hurt him, but this back and forth pulling away and coming together is wreaking HAVOC on me Mentally and Physically I'm drained!!!!


Therese(Psychic Source) I haven't spoken to her in a while. She was accurate for me on when there would be Communication and Physical Contact from my guy. She is known for her timing abilities. She was wrong about me getting a job that she said I would get offered. I didn't get offered the job. She reads Tarot and is good at it. She is better for me dealing with relationship issues.

Raven Star(Psychic Access) I called her when my guy and I broke up. We had been broken up for 2 and 1/2 weeks at the point I called her. She asked me how long we had been broken up and I told her. She said it will be a month, or exactly 4weeks you have 2 more weeks to go. She was right it was exactly a month to the date. I called her once before and she was accurate on timing on when I would see my guy again. She said 3weeks at the most is your longest wait. She was right again. She is worth calling she's cheap and has good emphatic abilities.

Isabella(Psychic Access) I spoke to her once in July before the break-up, and she told me he was my soul-mate things would be bad for 3 to 4 months and I would have to have patience. (My patience is GONE)(lol) She said things would get better. I haven't given her prediction time to manifest b/c my patience is on the line. She is quick too

Hope this helps!

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Re: My Story (Newbie)
« Reply #3 on: September 26, 2011, 12:46:21 AM »
Hi High,

i feel the same as you towards Raven and Isabella. i think Raven is pretty good on short term prediction for her price.

you said your SM is confident on the front, do you mean he acted like he was very sure in the beginning but later couldn't follow thru his words? ( my guy is like this.) i totally understand what you mean by being drained and exhausted. so i guess you are waiting for the big prediction? what is your timeline like?


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Re: My Story (Newbie)
« Reply #4 on: September 26, 2011, 01:13:50 AM »
Welcome Newbies :D

Highlyfavored:  who have you used on CP and what were your experiences? 

Is there communication now between you and your sm?


To answer the shortest question first yes, there is communication between he and I. It is sporadic and via text about once a week! It consist of him telling me he is in love with me (BLAH) and misses me (BLAH) his actions are completely different so that is why I say (BLAH) if you missed me you would communicate more..right?? logically that's the right answer. But anyway.

I was BIG on timing at one point b/c I had a reader that Spoiled me and every time she said communication, contact, or an event or anything dealing with timing would occur she was right. She dealt with OUTCOMES. She didn't read the past  FUTURE only! If she couldn't see a date or time frame she would say so. So I was sooo spoiled. Then she left the network I was using! So in between the time I found her again I tried out all these others and wasted MONEY!!!

California Psychics: (These are from July/August) when my guy & I were separated. I went overboard calling (NEVER AGAIN)

Allison- Gave me a specific time frame for communication and it didn't occur. She and I didn't have a connection. It never occurred

Venus - I didn't like the reading, but what she told me has been the truth. She doesn't see my guy in commitment territory till December. I spoke to her in August.

Darcy - told me when communication would occur - gave me three dates, it happened. She told me she was 99.9% accurate

Venice- I had such high hopes for her & 3 pages full of notes! She gave me dates and times and checked and double checked. I spoke to her in July. She said my guy and I would be in Full Relationship status by the 1st day of hasn't occurred. Still up and down! She said that I would marry this guy. She repeated it 3 times! She said Next year 2012 ( yeah well, I'm not holding my breath or unto that prediction) I don't know it could be a factor of waiting but she sounded SO CONFIDENT in her dates.

Abrielle - Told me I would see my guy the weekend of Labor Day or the next weekend. It has not happened. Said my guy calls me a Pet Name. She wanted to know what it was. I told her but I had other people tell me she told them that too.  She also sees marriage. None of her predictions for me have panned out. She did however read the PRESENT very well.

Devyn- Told me to leave the guy, that I would meet someone new that was my soulmate before the end of September. (5) More days left & the countdown continues.

Danni- Gave a 3 week prediction that happened, everything else was advice.

Nina- Told me the month of September would be silent and a little into October. Told me that I would see him in October and there would be (intimacy) and November his heart would start talking to him. It would take 4 months from November - Feb 2011. I will get a full commitment after Feb 2011 talks of marriage, engagement. ect. So far she has been right about the month of September. She also told me DO NOT CALL HER BACK for a while to check in maybe Oct/Nov but don't call her often. Give the predictions time to manifest. (WOW) She was very confident. All I told her was my name and she took off from there. September Prediction has been true. (Time frame for Prediction hasn't occurred)

Samadi- Um :o ??????? She speaks to Spirit guides. She couldn't give me a time frame. She said she can tell me that it will be 8 more weeks up and down. My guy has work to do with his Ego and The Universe is getting everyone into alignment. "Yeah" She's on some DEEP..DEEP..type stuff I don't recommend for the faint at heart. You must be highly developed on your spiritual journey to talk with her.(Time frame for Prediction hasn't occurred)

Meryl- Sounded Very confident told me that I will marry my (S/M) in July/August 2012
(I don't believe her) Said I would meet his family in Dec/Jan(2011/2012) that's when engagement would occur. End of October Better w/Communication. (Time frame for Prediction hasn't occurred)

Mona- Sounds like she's 12 but don't let that fool you. Prediction's for December for things picking up and no commitment till March of next yr and then things move extremely fast. marriage & engagement will occur very quick.(Time frame for Prediction hasn't occurred)

Miriam- I actually liked She just asked my name and took off!Told me my guy wants this relationship so bad and is terrified at the same time (Same thing he said to me in June) Has Predictions for this upcoming week for communication either Monday or Thursday (She told me she is not good with time frames) She said she sees communication the last week in September but can't pinpoint exactly when and it will be just friendly. Stated tht Oct/Nov up and down. She also sees intimacy in October like Nina. Told me to PLEASE give it more time & not walk away. I've already started walking (Time frame for Prediction hasn't occurred)

Natalie - Saw that my guy was checking up on me on facebook. She was right about that my guy sent me screenshots of my facebook updates for a week. Wondering if I was seeing someone else. He and I are not facebook friends, so I don't know how he was able to see it Said she didn't know cause I have (3) men around me. My guy
was in front and the other two are on the side, and I will have a choice to make. I HAVE NO IDEA who the other two guys are! Timeframe for contact didn't occur

Anasela- Called her twice she got the same cards both times. Now she picked up on My guy's personality very well, what he did for a living everything in the PRESENT she get's 10 stars for. She was great. She gave NO TIME FRAMES. She just gave predictions. said we will live together, get married, and I started laughing on the phone. She told me "She will have the last laugh" She said I don't have to believe her She prefers that I don't but it WILL HAPPEN! VERY CONFIDENT.

Michelle- Told me to date other people and her time frame for contact did occur.

Charlie - Accurately described my physical appearance and has good empath abilities. He didn't make any predictions

Jaqueline - She was very Quick! Accurate description of the situation her prediction for contact occurred, but not in the time frame she gave. About 3 days later. Her predictions are for Nov/December.


Now "If" I decide to call California Psychics again It will be in 2012. I have enough "PREDICTIONS" to last me until then! I'm trying to go with my own intuitiveness for now and FAITH!

Hopes this help someone.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2011, 01:26:57 AM by Highlyfavored1 »

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Re: My Story (Newbie)
« Reply #5 on: September 26, 2011, 01:37:40 AM »
thanks for sharing so much with us, very interesting.

who was the psychic who spoilt you and did you find her after she left that network?

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Re: My Story (Newbie)
« Reply #6 on: September 26, 2011, 02:07:18 AM »
Hello High, So happy to meet you and I must say that I wish I had your attitude and courage when my ex first broke up with me. I think I would be in a completely different place at this time. I admire you very much. Youre very uplifting and appear to be a strong confident woman. Like I used to be, lol. But Im getting back to that place after so long. Good luck to you.


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Re: My Story (Newbie)
« Reply #7 on: September 26, 2011, 02:30:52 AM »
Hello High, So happy to meet you and I must say that I wish I had your attitude and courage when my ex first broke up with me. I think I would be in a completely different place at this time. I admire you very much. Youre very uplifting and appear to be a strong confident woman. Like I used to be, lol. But Im getting back to that place after so long. Good luck to you.

Hello 4ever!

OH!!!! Let me just tell you it hasn't always been that way. I use to be embarrassed to tell anyone this b/c I was ashamed I let myself get this far. But it "AINT" easy. I have always prided myself in being able to walk away from any MAN! But this has taken (2) Complete Breakdown's I mean full FLEDGED can't get out of BED type! Mom has to come take care of me! Taking LEAVE from WORK & SCHOOL (GRAD SCHOOL)

It's your own opinion, but this Soul-Mate stuff is REAL. Physically and MENTALLY I just can't do it!!! I can't  I'm IN LOVE to the 10th POWER!!! I can't even look at a picture of him..It's THAT BAD!

BUT before I go COMPLETELY BROKE & INSANE b/c I'm prescribed anxiety & sleeping medication!!! During the time we were broke up.  See I'm the one who is WALKING AWAY from HIM! He's scared I know, but I can't keep getting my heart broken. he comes in really hard then he pulls away <--------> its back and forth and I CAN'T. If the predictions happen I will be ELATED!! OVERJOYED!!! but in the meantime I've decided to surrender..wave the white flag!! I'm not reaching out anymore & if he wants me in his life b/c I can't be HIS FRIEND! (tried that..he can't either) he has to give me commitment so until then(if it happens) I'm GONE!

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Re: My Story (Newbie)
« Reply #8 on: September 26, 2011, 09:49:12 AM »
Oh I totally understand the soulmate thing. Even with everything that has happened and no contact from my ex for very, very long, the feelings are still there. They just dont leave. But there comes a time(in my situation) to just give up and walk away for good. But the feelings dont leave that easily. And the dating world is vicious. Too many young beautiful women there seeking attention from the gentlemen, even the ones that are my age. Im 54, so dating just doesnt come as easily as it used to. Outer beauty fades and is replaced by signs of aging, this is something that is not attractive to most men. Unless they take the time to know a woman of my age, they usually just arent interested. The world is so superficial these days. But I am finding my strength again, one day at a time. I guess some things were just never meant to be so I have to accept it.
You did make one comment about Abrielle telling you that he called you a pet name, but she asked you what it was. She told me the same thing except that she told me what the pet name was. I didnt tell her. I was so surprised when she blurted out the name. I almost fell off the bed, lol. Then she also gave me another little quirk of his that no one would have known. Some of this psychic stuff I do have faith in, but some of the predictions I still see as fluff. Something to make us feel good in the moment and maybe to help us to let go in our own time, but really the fluff just keeps us hanging on and never lets us loose from the hope. Takes a long time to let go of it since it is embedded in our brains, even when reality hits us in the face like a freight train, lol.
Good luck with your ordeal, I hope he comes to his senses and decides to give his all to your relationship.

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Re: My Story (Newbie)
« Reply #9 on: September 26, 2011, 03:20:05 PM »
HF1, I think you are amazing by being able to let go so quickly. I was stuck in a rut for 18 mos and finally let myself go to be with someone else who has been interested in me for awhile. Literally since winter, maybe 6 mos I held this new r/s at arms length hoping my ex would come around. Damned if it hasn't been now 5 weeks since I last heard from him in any form, save from a pic he posted on his fb wall last week.

Yes, it is draining and exhausting but I did it believing it would show how much I loved him and really wanted to be with him. I so get the the BLAH! LOL

I believe that I had to get to a certain point in order to be able to let go and I reached it last month. A few psychics told me I would have a choice to make and it looks as though they are right - if he ever decides to seek me out again. At this stage I am much more interested in the guy I am seeing now, as HE WANTS to spend time with me and my ex could care less.

Yes, I always felt I was strong and independent and this knocked me on my ass! I refused medication, don't know if it would have helped me move along at all. Pain killers and cold meds are all I ever take. I spent many many hours in bed wondering what on earth I was doing. I admire you for picking yourself up! Kudos to you.  :)


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Re: My Story (Newbie)
« Reply #10 on: September 26, 2011, 10:59:10 PM »
4everhopeful and Sunandmoon!

Thank's its hard, but I just feel the more I hold on to him, I may be blocking someone who is not scared to step up to the plate to come along!!

He's dragging his feet Another many WILL COME ALONG I'm sure and when he does I'm not going to look back. For now, he has a grace period in which if he would step up to the plate I would take him back. But that will be ending soon as my heart is hardening towards him daily. I will always have love for him, but I won't always be in love with him. We will share the connection, but I'm tired!

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Re: My Story (Newbie)
« Reply #11 on: September 27, 2011, 02:34:42 AM »
I sure understand being tired H. Me too. And after the reading I had this afternoon, I feel better than I have in a long time. I wont let anyone take this feeling away.  It is time to move on and if he resurfaces I will deal with it at that time, if he doesnt then it is his loss and I know in my heart that he knows he made a mistake. He is trapped and he will feel the remorse no matter what road he decides to take. He has no way out now. There will be regrets in either direction. But I have options. And one of my options is to be happy no matter what my circumstances because I have healthy children, a nice home, a good job, and nothing to pressure me. But he on the other hand, he is faced with a responsibility that he never wanted. So he is trapped and can't be relieved of the responsibility without regrets and remorse. To be honest with you, as we say in the south, "Its gravy on my grits" that he has gotten himself involved in such a mess. Because I know he never wanted such a thing. All he ever wanted was a woman with no ties, no children, nothing but attention for him. Now he has to share it all and support a woman and a child. LOL. Forgive me but I have to laugh just a little. I will be free of the child rearing in just a few short years, he has at least 18 yrs to go, lmao. I guess I got the last laugh after all.
The reason I say this is that the reading I received this afternoon covered this issue. I told her that I hated that he was faced with such an issue and I hoped that he was happy but just wanted to know how he felt. She said he wasnt happy at all with the situation and that it wouldnt last. I know what he went through after his divorce and involving his children. If he leaves another child behind, it will eat him alive. Maybe karma really does bite you in the butt. And he isnt gonna have a butt left, lol. Oh well. I told him he was making a mistake when he left me. I think I was right.
I dont mean to sound cruel or mean. But I think it serves him right to try so hard to find a woman without children or family and now to find himself with a child on the way. Especially while Im free to do what I want, when I want. With the exception of having a teen age son, who by the way, is a budding football star, which the ex would have loved if he had just taken the time and effort to take the chance. Looks like he will miss it all. I feel sorry for him in a way. But thats the way the cookie crumbles. Thank you so much Jewels Edwards, for such an honest and uplifting reading. Even if it wasnt what I really wanted to hear. It has set me free.

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Re: My Story (Newbie)
« Reply #12 on: September 27, 2011, 04:42:58 PM »
Hi Friends, what do you think of the following statements:

" i am single, i like this girl soooo much, and she likes me so much too and she appears crushed that i am not contacting her. i have such intense feelings towards her and i am so scared ! so intense that i need to disappear for i-dont-know-how-long."

i observed that many of us are here because our guys had stepped back ( way too much and for too long ) and even hanging out with other women. and i observed the pattern that the most psychics say the same thing no matter how bad the situation is: he has such intense feelings for you that he is scared. and it is just a casual relationship with the girl he is with right now ( and it is ABSOLUTELY LOGICAL that he is spending tons of time with her and not with you but you are the one he has intense feelings for. and feelings grow with time but he is choosing to grow feelings with her and not with you. he has strong connections with you but beats me why he has no craving to see you. )

i am not directing the above at anybody, but i am directing it to the psychics.

i had read relationship books and breakup packages with sound and logical advices. there is such thing call commitment phobia, and bordom and losing interesting and checking other people out. there is no such thing as i have intense feelings for you and i am so scared that i have to disappear for a long long time ( unless there is valid reasons like he is married or he has terminal illness and only has 6 months to live.) i am a man in my 40s, but i feel so scared like a little rabbit in front of the woman i love so deeply. i have to leave her and sleep with someone else.

seesh.... does the above even make sense? 


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Re: My Story (Newbie)
« Reply #13 on: September 27, 2011, 05:06:20 PM »
Lightme, you are so right!!!!

Almost every single psychic I have spoken with says the same exact thing.  With my guy, I know he's busy with law school and work.  I get it.  He also told me directly that he does not want a commitment due to the fact that law school is his number one priority.  With that said, this doesn't stop him from going out and meeting other women.  The advisors I trust and speak with repeatedly all say that he's not involved with anyone seriously, and he spends time with other women because he's a man and... wait for it... he's SCARED of the feelings he has for me.  GIVE ME A BREAK!!!  This man is 45 years old!  He's been in enough relationships and one failed marriage to know all about feelings and how to handle them. 

Sure, I have fears too!  Especially considering all the stuff the father of my children put me through, BUT I know that there are good men out there, and I know that not everyone is going to be like my ex.  Why can't this new man just face his fears or ignore them or move past them to move forward with me??  If he wants me, he'll be with me.  So then why can't I just accept that?  Instead, I've convinced myself that he has these deep, intense feelings for me and that I should just wait around for him to realize I'm worth the risk.  Please.  In the meantime, it is very likely that he'll start to get closer to one of these meaningless flings, and he'll move on from me!  This is so ridiculous.

I'm turning 30 on Thursday.  Only one psychic has said that this man will do something for my birthday.  All others say he's stressed, he's busy, he wants to do something, but he just can't.  Are you kidding me?!  I see him everyday at work.  I've done stuff for him for Christmas, his birthday, and Valentine's Day.  He has not done the same for me.  I'm not asking for anything big, just some acknowledgement or a date!  I won't hold my breath.  Why?  I know it's not because of all these intense feelings he supposedly has... NO, it's because he just doesn't care. 

I'm embarassed to think I've held on with basically nothing from him since May.  The saddest part is that even though I just spelled it out for myself, I'm going to continue hoping he'll come around and realize what he could have with me.   :-[  As I do that, I'll also continue spending money on psychics who aren't going to tell me anything different than what they've been telling me since January. 

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Re: My Story (Newbie)
« Reply #14 on: September 27, 2011, 05:18:18 PM »
I agree with Synergy, if I really stop and think about it the scenario descrided fits my siutation to a tee. my friends have told me to move on but that is not what I want to hear, I want to believe what the psychics have told me, this woman I see him with is just a friend, he really wants to be with me but is affraid to come forward for blah blah blah reason. I have convinced myself that all these psychics can not be wrong and they know more than my friends do so I am going to believe the psychics. 
I think for me its hard to let go because everyone once in a while I will see something in him that gives me that small glimmer of hope that what the psychics have told me is true.  I hope they are right but if they are not, I hope I come to that reality soon.