Author Topic: vincent, mylie, renee, sonata,  (Read 10515 times)

Offline tinamarie

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vincent, mylie, renee, sonata,
« on: October 05, 2018, 12:11:05 PM »

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« on: Today at 12:04:48 PM »

 (hi everyone, i'm posting this line on all of the topics i'm about to post. i'm going to create a separate topic for each reader i have curiosity/stories/questions about. think there should be a thread for each individual reader. it will help those looking for honest reviews on them)

Has anybody read with these? i was curious about them because they all picked up on one specific detail about a situation that i asked about, without my mentioning it. of course this could be guessing. but vincent especially seemed to pick that up straight away on that detail and stated it with confidence. mylie 'sensed' it and asked about that detail towards the end of the reading. renee said she felt like that thing had to do with my situation. and it came up vaguely as a symbol relating to my situation in her reading.

so i wonder what others experiences are with them?

short term predictions vincent, mylie and renee were very accurate when i first asked them about an issue i had. sonata i only spoke to recently and she spoke more long term.

Offline tinamarie

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Re: vincent, mylie, renee, sonata,
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2018, 12:08:43 PM »
I just want to update on these people

I'm not sure of. there was one or 2 things that he predicted that came true, but they were questions i had asked that only really had a yes or no response. he also picked up about the energy of someone else in my situation. but it seems like he might be a bit biassed and has some psychic insights maybe but the rest is logical advice.

very interesting ... first time i spoke to her she insisted on something being non true, that i thought was true. and as time has gone on there has been speculation where that thing was true or not, so i can't give confirmation on whether she was right but it was interesting that she was adamant and against what i was thinking .... she's very friendly and nice .. one reading she picked up a lot of random stuff that didnt make sense and didnt have to do with what i asked ... sometimes i think she reads a bit of a fairytale ... interestingly i had a bit of a worrying reading with someone else, and then went to her and she picked up on that same worrying info, although that bit of info hasnt been proved in my situation. it seems actually to be totally wrong... i like that she picks up random stuff, it feels like she's honest and is relaying what is coming into her mind ..

interestingly renee had been predicting a certain thing for a few months and it looks like this thing has just happened. there were other things she was a bit off about

she is very interesting, she reads in a very different way to others, with cards and with astrological signs. the kinds of things she sees seem to make sense. like prediction major turn of events soon, which seemed to have happened but she couldnt be too specific about what. her descriptions of the people involved seem accurate

Offline simsim

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Re: vincent, mylie, renee, sonata,
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2018, 12:28:25 PM »

 i spoke to him twice! first time about a guy he told me that likes me bla bla and gave me no predictions.

second time i spoke about a new person who i was dating and ended and he was the only person who told me my ex wont be back while every one els told me he will be...but what threw me off is he thought i was asking about the guy i spoke to him about a year ago and asked me if we did a thing or that together.... which was confussing

they says "let me check if im picking up on the right person"... what was he checking? i started to think this guy keeps notes.

anyways the 3rd time i called him he hung up on my face.

so that was that.

 she randomly asked me during a love reading if i was looking for a new job (next day i actually had a job interview)
and told me my POI likes me but she isnt feeling something right and that i'll meet someone new. since then i met 5 new people so who konws

but she can ask lots of questions which im not a huge fan off 

Offline poorprincess

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Re: vincent, mylie, renee, sonata,
« Reply #3 on: November 12, 2018, 01:50:26 PM »

 i spoke to him twice! first time about a guy he told me that likes me bla bla and gave me no predictions.

second time i spoke about a new person who i was dating and ended and he was the only person who told me my ex wont be back while every one els told me he will be...but what threw me off is he thought i was asking about the guy i spoke to him about a year ago and asked me if we did a thing or that together.... which was confussing

they says "let me check if im picking up on the right person"... what was he checking? i started to think this guy keeps notes.

anyways the 3rd time i called him he hung up on my face.

so that was that.

 she randomly asked me during a love reading if i was looking for a new job (next day i actually had a job interview)
and told me my POI likes me but she isnt feeling something right and that i'll meet someone new. since then i met 5 new people so who konws

but she can ask lots of questions which im not a huge fan off

@simsim - Vincent for sure keeps notes. On my third call to him he even made mention that he was referring back to things we spoke about before!

Re Mylie: worth a shot?

Offline simsim

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Re: vincent, mylie, renee, sonata,
« Reply #4 on: November 12, 2018, 03:52:40 PM »

 i spoke to him twice! first time about a guy he told me that likes me bla bla and gave me no predictions.

second time i spoke about a new person who i was dating and ended and he was the only person who told me my ex wont be back while every one els told me he will be...but what threw me off is he thought i was asking about the guy i spoke to him about a year ago and asked me if we did a thing or that together.... which was confussing

they says "let me check if im picking up on the right person"... what was he checking? i started to think this guy keeps notes.

anyways the 3rd time i called him he hung up on my face.

so that was that.

 she randomly asked me during a love reading if i was looking for a new job (next day i actually had a job interview)
and told me my POI likes me but she isnt feeling something right and that i'll meet someone new. since then i met 5 new people so who konws

but she can ask lots of questions which im not a huge fan off

@simsim - Vincent for sure keeps notes. On my third call to him he even made mention that he was referring back to things we spoke about before!

Re Mylie: worth a shot?

i actually just listened to mylie's recording... (yes i record my phone sessions lol)

and she was acutally spot on. she told me i'll be meeting someone and i did in that time frame its the person im talking to know... or one of them haha

but picked up on that while giving me a love reading about my POI...

however the outcome change so prediction of my POI didnt happened because i cut him off and went a diffrent path...

but she also picked up i was looking for a job and told me ima get get it and i did the next day

Offline poorprincess

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Re: vincent, mylie, renee, sonata,
« Reply #5 on: November 12, 2018, 04:16:53 PM »

 i spoke to him twice! first time about a guy he told me that likes me bla bla and gave me no predictions.

second time i spoke about a new person who i was dating and ended and he was the only person who told me my ex wont be back while every one els told me he will be...but what threw me off is he thought i was asking about the guy i spoke to him about a year ago and asked me if we did a thing or that together.... which was confussing

they says "let me check if im picking up on the right person"... what was he checking? i started to think this guy keeps notes.

anyways the 3rd time i called him he hung up on my face.

so that was that.

 she randomly asked me during a love reading if i was looking for a new job (next day i actually had a job interview)
and told me my POI likes me but she isnt feeling something right and that i'll meet someone new. since then i met 5 new people so who konws

but she can ask lots of questions which im not a huge fan off

@simsim - Vincent for sure keeps notes. On my third call to him he even made mention that he was referring back to things we spoke about before!

Re Mylie: worth a shot?

i actually just listened to mylie's recording... (yes i record my phone sessions lol)

and she was acutally spot on. she told me i'll be meeting someone and i did in that time frame its the person im talking to know... or one of them haha

but picked up on that while giving me a love reading about my POI...

however the outcome change so prediction of my POI didnt happened because i cut him off and went a diffrent path...

but she also picked up i was looking for a job and told me ima get get it and i did the next day

@simsim Thank you!

Offline simsim

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Re: vincent, mylie, renee, sonata,
« Reply #6 on: November 16, 2018, 02:05:19 AM »
I would say it’s worth talking to Mylie. She can be very detailed.

The only things I didn’t like was that she picked up a factor that another reader I spoke to right before her picked up on and it was something quite dramatic if true and I’m not yet sure if it is but in general from what I know of the real life situation it seems highly unlikely. So Mylie could have been picking up the info from the convo I had before her or maybe there was some truth to it

She always brings good news and outcomes so I don’t know if that’s too good to be true .. most readings I had with her made sense. One reading was very confusing as she was picking up two people and describing them but I wasn’t sure who they were, it wasn’t obvious to me. What i like about her are things like that though - that she seems to pick up certain info at random

one time i talked to her about my POI and she said lovers.. marriage bla bla then tells me there is a new person coming into my life... once i gave her more info about my POI she told me she doesnt get a good vibe off him and to check out the new guy.

im now talking to 3 people who knows which guy lmao!! and me and my POI dont talk anymore, i couldnt do the mind games anymore and cut him off.... something i should of done a year ago and now im happy and at peace!!

im really happy now lol

Offline Bessiev

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Re: vincent, mylie, renee, sonata,
« Reply #7 on: December 26, 2018, 02:34:56 AM »
I read a few times with Mylie, the first 2-3 readings were consistent but the last one was different! Energies have shifted, too much negative energy around the POI, different path but she still sees the same outcome as in the first readings. I don’t remember timeframes but with this story it will take a long time.
I read with Sonata twice. First reading was very good with information, but timelines completely off she saw a person leaving by the end of September but she is still there.
On the second reading about a month apart, we talked briefly a few min. And she still saw that woman there interrupting the path- which means free will took place from his side and accepted her back.
In general timelines are way off, nothing has come to pass so far. If I read again it will be with Mylie.

Offline simsim

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Re: vincent, mylie, renee, sonata,
« Reply #8 on: December 26, 2018, 04:02:25 AM »
I read a few times with Mylie, the first 2-3 readings were consistent but the last one was different! Energies have shifted, too much negative energy around the POI, different path but she still sees the same outcome as in the first readings. I don’t remember timeframes but with this story it will take a long time.
I read with Sonata twice. First reading was very good with information, but timelines completely off she saw a person leaving by the end of September but she is still there.
On the second reading about a month apart, we talked briefly a few min. And she still saw that woman there interrupting the path- which means free will took place from his side and accepted her back.
In general timelines are way off, nothing has come to pass so far. If I read again it will be with Mylie.

she asks a lot of questions, inconsistent and reading changes based on the info you give (the way you answers he questions)

so far nothing came to pass about the POI i called nor the person i met, they arent even in my life......... so prediction was wrong

Offline Mattsmom

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Re: vincent, mylie, renee, sonata,
« Reply #9 on: June 25, 2022, 12:03:55 AM »
I just want to update on these people

I'm not sure of. there was one or 2 things that he predicted that came true, but they were questions i had asked that only really had a yes or no response. he also picked up about the energy of someone else in my situation. but it seems like he might be a bit biassed and has some psychic insights maybe but the rest is logical advice.

very interesting ... first time i spoke to her she insisted on something being non true, that i thought was true. and as time has gone on there has been speculation where that thing was true or not, so i can't give confirmation on whether she was right but it was interesting that she was adamant and against what i was thinking .... she's very friendly and nice .. one reading she picked up a lot of random stuff that didnt make sense and didnt have to do with what i asked ... sometimes i think she reads a bit of a fairytale ... interestingly i had a bit of a worrying reading with someone else, and then went to her and she picked up on that same worrying info, although that bit of info hasnt been proved in my situation. it seems actually to be totally wrong... i like that she picks up random stuff, it feels like she's honest and is relaying what is coming into her mind ..

interestingly renee had been predicting a certain thing for a few months and it looks like this thing has just happened. there were other things she was a bit off about

she is very interesting, she reads in a very different way to others, with cards and with astrological signs. the kinds of things she sees seem to make sense. like prediction major turn of events soon, which seemed to have happened but she couldnt be too specific about what. her descriptions of the people involved seem accurate

So I only have experience w/Vincent and Sonata and only thru the DM's

Poor with both.  Vincent never replied within the 72 hour window.

Sonata replied, needing a date of birth to connect, and I will not be supplying her with one because it ate up my free DM special offer.

