In my opinion, having a reading once per month, and no more than that, is suffice. My theory is that the reason people feel tired, drained, anxious etc. after having had too many readings within a short time, like, daily, every other day, even because energies of all of us change. So you may call about "Bob" today and he's feelings xyz way today. But then you call tomorrow and Bob is now feeling abc. You call again the next day and Bob is feeling xyz again. But then you call the next day and Bob is feeling lmnop now. Lol. That will send you on an emotional roller coaster from hell and of course exhaust you.
Also, reading with different people will also cause confusion cause everyone will have something else to add. It just causes mental confusion, anguish and turmoil. That's another emotional roller coaster.
Once per month with one or even two readers that are your top notch and been accurate for you the majority of the time is really all that should be had and that way you can have some sort of emotional stability in the interim.