Author Topic: Psychic Access  (Read 33131 times)

Offline vanyct

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Re: Psychic Access
« Reply #15 on: October 20, 2011, 04:06:11 PM »
I am not encouraging you to call another psychic line, but there are only two psychic on this site that I thought I really connected with, Raven Star and Anthon St. Martin.  Raven is no longer on this site and Anthon has strange hours because he lives in South Africa.  Raven and Avalon have their own site now and so does Anthon If you truly feel that you need another reading I would say call one of them.
If I was going to recommend a psychic it would be Raven, she has been very good with the details for me and in fact she has been the only psychic to tell me about the other woman, but she has also given me the happy ending prediction that he does care about me and the connection that we share, which I am still waiting for to come true. 

Offline jesstina

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Re: Psychic Access
« Reply #16 on: October 26, 2011, 04:33:42 PM »
I  have spoke to Raven Star a few times now and her predictions have passed. At first her prediction didnt come in the week time frame she told me. But it did happen 3 weeks later. She did tell me her timeframes can be off. She is a really good empath, so is her sister Avalon. I also like Mystic Guardain, her timeframes rocked! Raven Star told me they are adding more psychics soon? I am going to call St.Marten off his webiste, I didnt know he had his own site. www.contactpsychics. com is were Raven and Avalon are.

Offline Awesomeness

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Re: Psychic Access
« Reply #17 on: February 19, 2013, 03:20:35 PM »
I know this is an old thread, but I wanted to add to it rather than start a new one. If there's a more recent one, my mistake..I didn't see it..

Anyway, I wanted to comment on Raymond on PA. For me, he has been very accurate. I'm still waiting on the grand finale, though. lol I'm thinking of calling and asking him about my career since someone else had such a great reading with him with that.

I also had 2 very good readings with Shani, and then one really terrible one. I felt that she got no connect on the third call, and she was digging up her notes from the first two calls. Then she asked me all the questions! When was your last contact? How is your friendship developing (this is a very irrelevant question in my situation)? When was the last time you spoke to him? How long have you been apart? etc.. Shani always sends relays without being asked to, but on the third one, she didn't even bother. She knew. I think it is not a reputable thing to do to keep someone on the line when you are clearly not connecting. Just say so!

I will elaborate more on Raymond when I have more time and can dig out my notes. :)


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Re: Psychic Access
« Reply #18 on: July 11, 2013, 10:49:18 PM »
I have been reading with Raymond for about 9 months now and honestly he did predict some things that happened.  In my first call, he saw my guy moving "soon" and he said this would help us get closer,  just 1.5 months later my guy ended up moving 15 minutes away from me!  My last few calls with him have kind of sounded like a broken record only he told me that all the females he is talking to right now are shown to have exes return to them or husbands.  He still firmly believes my ex and i will be together.

Shani is by far my favorite reader on PA.  She is wonderful at picking up what is in my guy's mindseye.  i also have been reading with her for about 9 months.  Since our first calls she kept seeing my guy going through deep deep depression and she was sensing some sort of chemical imbalance perhaps.  About 3 weeks ago he told me he has ADD, I don't know why he never told me that when we were together! She also asked me back in February (I was in NC with my guy then) if he drinks alot and I told her not to my knowledge. Last night we had a real deep conversation and he told me he has been drinking alot to the point of him being scared he might become an alcoholic.  He told me he was going to the bar after work every night!  Also around that time she was picking up he was talking to a mother figure and this woman was helping him sort out his feelings and emotions even regarding me, he just told me last night he has been speaking to a counselor!!  ;D

Offline FJohnson

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Re: Psychic Access
« Reply #19 on: October 20, 2013, 01:46:23 PM »
I've read with a few of the psychics on there and have had a mixed experience. I've heard that not every reader works for every client, so the connection differs I guess.

I had a horrendous experience with a reader that used the name psychicbrowneyes or something similar - this was quite some time ago.  I found her to beabrupt when I called her with less than 10 minutes, she was obviously not impressed and pretty much told me not to bother if I didn't have time to spend on a reading. Her insight didn't blow me away, but I guess her attitude had something to do with that.

I've had good readings with Raymond, Allanah, and Shani.  Heartlight seems to be very popular overall but I spoke to her once and that was that. Her connection with me just didn't feel right and what she was able to tell me didn't make sense.  I tend to trust my own instincts and if a reading doesn't resonate with me, I know that particular reader isn't meant for me. She may be good for others but isn't one of the psychics I choose to use.


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Re: Psychic Access
« Reply #20 on: November 17, 2013, 03:46:57 PM »
Well, I am done with Psychic Access for good. Completely shady when it comes to leaving feedback. I had a reading back in October with Aaron, and Aaron has been pretty blunt with me about alot of things but I read with him because he was right about some things. One thing I noticed is that he said one thing and then changed his reading 2 days later to say the opposite. That really made me mad! Anyhow, I had a reading with him a few weeks ago and he instilled paranoia in me. He told me something that was false! My ex actually opened up and told me about this same situation and it was the exact opposite of what Aaron said. So I debated for weeks as to leave him negative feedback. Today, I finally went to leave it and chose to give him a 1 star rating only every time I submitted it, the site would say "an error has occurred, you need to select a star rating". I tried 3 more times and still got the same error. The error only stopped and allowed it to be submitted when I changed it to a 2 star rating. That is some shady shit right there!! Totally done with PA for ever. I loved Shani and Raymond but seriously that company is so shady that they refuse to accept honest feedback.

Offline rain4hues

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Re: Psychic Access
« Reply #21 on: November 17, 2013, 04:13:32 PM »
Hi fiercefoxie. I had the same experience with Aaron. His prediction was wrong and he also got the present circumstance completely wrong. Plus he told me one thing, then told me the opposite it on the next reading. There was no connection.  I will never read with him again.  I like talking to Stephen, Raymond, and Shani.  Verdict is still out on their predictions though.


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Re: Psychic Access
« Reply #22 on: November 19, 2013, 07:43:31 PM »
Hi fiercefoxie. I had the same experience with Aaron. His prediction was wrong and he also got the present circumstance completely wrong. Plus he told me one thing, then told me the opposite it on the next reading. There was no connection.  I will never read with him again.  I like talking to Stephen, Raymond, and Shani.  Verdict is still out on their predictions though.

Yea, done-so with Aaron!

I actually spoke to Ithemus this morning after one of my friends spoke with her last night and picked up instantly that his ex was involved with an older man. He has only had one other psychic pick up this older man in the picture. Anyhow, I called her because my ex just dropped the bomb that he has been seeing someone for the past month (which I call BS because 2 weeks ago he was trying to convince me to sleep with him and we exchanged nudes). Well, Isthemus said there is not one female around him but 3! She is correct about that because the same week I sent him nudes, we got into a conversation about how his female friends want to sleep with him and he specifically said "All 3 of them have been involved with his best friends at some point so he would never sleep with them".

Offline rain4hues

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Re: Psychic Access
« Reply #23 on: November 20, 2013, 12:33:06 AM »
Wow fiercefoxie, Isthemus was correct for you and your friend! I've spoken to her a few times, I'm still waiting on her prediction. 

Offline rain4hues

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Re: Psychic Access
« Reply #24 on: November 30, 2013, 10:45:30 PM »
Speaking of Psychic Access and their rating system, I noticed that a review was erased for Monica.  I saw someone post a negative review very recently for her.  I identified with the reviewer because I had a similar experience.  However today it is gone! I don't know if that is common practice on that site because I do see other negative reviews that are posted on there. I thought only California Psychics did that. Guess not!


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Re: Psychic Access
« Reply #25 on: December 01, 2013, 05:53:08 PM »
Wow fiercefoxie, Isthemus was correct for you and your friend! I've spoken to her a few times, I'm still waiting on her prediction.

Well, she was right about the 3 female energies around him. Wrong that he wasn't involved with anyone in particular. I saw it on FB for myself. He is dating a woman.


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Re: Psychic Access
« Reply #26 on: December 01, 2013, 05:55:17 PM »
Speaking of Psychic Access and their rating system, I noticed that a review was erased for Monica.  I saw someone post a negative review very recently for her.  I identified with the reviewer because I had a similar experience.  However today it is gone! I don't know if that is common practice on that site because I do see other negative reviews that are posted on there. I thought only California Psychics did that. Guess not!

My friend and I also noticed a review recently erased for a reader named Mountain Sage.

I won't call any readers on that site anymore. I still like Raymond but waiting for his outcome to happen before I call him back anymore to report it. He seems to be dead on for a client who is constantly reporting weekly that Ray is always 100% correct for her and he especially gets contact timframes right for her. He has never gotten a contact timeframe right for me.

Offline rain4hues

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Re: Psychic Access
« Reply #27 on: December 01, 2013, 10:20:16 PM »
Raymond has not gotten a contact timeframe for me either. Off about 5 months right now.  He keeps telling me any day now. Told me it is so close I can smell it.  We shall see.  :-\


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Re: Psychic Access
« Reply #28 on: December 02, 2013, 01:21:20 AM »
Raymond has not gotten a contact timeframe for me either. Off about 5 months right now.  He keeps telling me any day now. Told me it is so close I can smell it.  We shall see.  :-\

Yes, he has told me "by thursday or friday"....ok WHICH Thursday or Friday because tomorrow is 2 weeks NC.


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Re: Psychic Access
« Reply #29 on: September 29, 2016, 08:28:02 PM »
I spoke to shani on Saturday and said my ex will contact between October November ending . She that he observes me most likely through social media . She said when he thinks about the good times we have had I push him to want to come forward but then he starts over analyzing she said there's a girl he hangs out with but nothing serious. Overall she felt optimistic about the relationship (us getting back together)

