I have not read with Cookie.
Aries, QoC, and Yona all have completely inaccurate for me, sorry to say
Couldn’t agree more. Aries was off and on and has been 20-30% accurate but her outcomes never panned out. Never read QOC. Cookie was worst. 100% wrong. Yona, as people suggest here “LET HER TALK, let her say her BS”, was 10% correct I guess. Her predictions were very generic and half I couldn’t understand anyways,
Sucks they didn’t work for youguys. But I’m sure you have your go-tos that do

The “tips” were put together to get the most accuracy from these readers for those who are interested. If you’ve read with them Without the tips....”maybe” (a big maybe) it would’ve been diff....idk. As we all know some readers connect better with others.
However I’m not gonna go on and on and on all over the board about who worked for me and who didn’t (on this post) but hopefully those who are interested in these readers can use the tips to get the best accuracy.
I will say I’m not a big fan of Kisha, yet when my friends urged me to get her email readings (1 question) , I found her consistently correct. Yona can be a mixed bag because I know for a fact she can be mush depending who she is talking to...QoC is hit or miss overall...but found her consistently correct on present situations....
But maybe these tips will work, maybe not. But the recommendations did work for me and saw a difference (Because I was about to write Kisha off!)