Author Topic: Reading Tips for Yona, Cookie (Spiritualist Reader), Aries Intuition and QoC  (Read 36822 times)

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Reading Tips for Yona, Cookie (Spiritualist Reader), Aries Intuition and QoC
« Reply #15 on: September 30, 2018, 10:34:20 AM »
I wanna add Anne’s weakness is her inability to see future. She’s current to immediate future
Cookie believes too heavily in manifestation and will eat up your time talking about it
Kisha can Not see third parties unless they are very significant

I can’t speak for yona. Nothing she’s ever said has worked for me at all

I've heard this quite a few times about Cookie on this board but this hasn't happened to me interestingly enough
(I've read with her the first time this year, (8 times! - on accident lol)

Good point about Anne

Offline LAW1974

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Re: Reading Tips for Yona, Cookie (Spiritualist Reader), Aries Intuition and QoC
« Reply #16 on: September 30, 2018, 02:00:42 PM »
Anne does change her mind but here is why she has explained it to me and it makes sense.  I talk to her a lot - probaby too much! Shes reading what the cards say and ppl change their minds.  Like one day POI might be thinking he misses you and wants you back but the next he might not..... Things in our life affect what we are thinking and she explained that to me and that is why readings change from day to day or even the hour.  We change whats on our mind or in our heart.  She picks up on that!  I get it.  Think about when you might hear a song and miss someone?  So you think, I might want them back.  But then you might see a picture of them with another girl and think hes an a-hole, I dont want him back...... That could all happen in the same day! 

Offline bstalling

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Re: Reading Tips for Yona, Cookie (Spiritualist Reader), Aries Intuition and QoC
« Reply #17 on: September 30, 2018, 09:00:40 PM »
Anne does change her mind but here is why she has explained it to me and it makes sense.  I talk to her a lot - probaby too much! Shes reading what the cards say and ppl change their minds.  Like one day POI might be thinking he misses you and wants you back but the next he might not..... Things in our life affect what we are thinking and she explained that to me and that is why readings change from day to day or even the hour.  We change whats on our mind or in our heart.  She picks up on that!  I get it.  Think about when you might hear a song and miss someone?  So you think, I might want them back.  But then you might see a picture of them with another girl and think hes an a-hole, I dont want him back...... That could all happen in the same day!

This would only make sense if she is picking up superficial feelings, which I guess it does since she sees present and near future. Readers are supposed to get to the bottom of things.

Offline Heather

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Re: Reading Tips for Yona, Cookie (Spiritualist Reader), Aries Intuition and QoC
« Reply #18 on: September 30, 2018, 09:13:52 PM »
Bought a reading with Yona. Waiting on her to email me back.

Offline Bostongirl

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Re: Reading Tips for Yona, Cookie (Spiritualist Reader), Aries Intuition and QoC
« Reply #19 on: September 30, 2018, 10:19:28 PM »
Readers are all different and have different strengths and weaknesses. Some are Empaths and just pick up feelings. Some just read cards and give card descriptions. Some see things and miss interprets them. While all three of these readers did seem to pick up things about the a POI None have made predictions that have come to pass.

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Reading Tips for Yona, Cookie (Spiritualist Reader), Aries Intuition and QoC
« Reply #20 on: September 30, 2018, 11:44:17 PM »
Readers are all different and have different strengths and weaknesses. Some are Empaths and just pick up feelings. Some just read cards and give card descriptions. Some see things and miss interprets them. While all three of these readers did seem to pick up things about the a POI None have made predictions that have come to pass.

Yep which is exactly why I labled “Outcomes” as all of their weaknesses lol

Offline Itsmylife

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I know many recommend general reading or asking reader like yona or kisha “ what do you see between mr. x and I”? While this is a legit and good question but overall I find it waste of money and time to let them rant and chit chat on their own and let them pick what they pick and let them talk etc because I have also heard yona sometimes sees stuff that’s not relevant or the people she points about are not directly connected to the event. I was wondering isn’t it waste of money to just “ let her pick’” and she wastes time and money. Nothing she saw panned out for me but there were too little predictions anyways for me. Yona was not bad but could not read me first time so rescheduled and even second time was way too generic.

Offline star1

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I know what you mean. I hate asking for general, because I want to cut to the chase. I want to go to my desired area and not waste time, and I was worried with Yona she would go into areas I'm bothered to know about. Luckily she picked up the situation and some stuff she said was decent, I wouldn't say (like you) she was awe inspiring and I do find her a little overrated the way she's spoken about on these forums. She did have to ask questions, but she was good enough.

On the flip side, I guess it's good if you give a reader general and to test how good they are, see if they're able to pick up your situation without you having to guide them to your specified area. Also, if they aren't getting much info in the area you want to look at is when they start to become inaccurate and start making up things or over exaggerating things.

Offline HornetKick

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I know many recommend general reading or asking reader like yona or kisha “ what do you see between mr. x and I”? While this is a legit and good question but overall I find it waste of money and time to let them rant and chit chat on their own and let them pick what they pick and let them talk etc because I have also heard yona sometimes sees stuff that’s not relevant or the people she points about are not directly connected to the event. I was wondering isn’t it waste of money to just “ let her pick’” and she wastes time and money. Nothing she saw panned out for me but there were too little predictions anyways for me. Yona was not bad but could not read me first time so rescheduled and even second time was way too generic.

I totally feel you on time wasting, but for Yona, it's better to let her just read to see what she picks up then ask questions afterwards. Once you ask she will answer and if you want more info on that question she will repeat the answer that she just gave you but present it in different ways, not being able to expand upon that particular question. It's a pain and I find that is the same thing that happens with Cookie. It either knocks a reader off their zone or whatever track they are on to pick up your specific information or it interrupts something when you ask questions. Some, not all readers read this way though, but some do perfer direct questions so they can focus or channel their energy. The only person I haven't read with in this grouping is Aries, but feel that Yona, Cooke and QoC probably read better if you don't talk and just let them tell you what they are going to see.

Offline Jili1945

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I would prefer to not contact them (Kisha and Yona)  with my real identity. But I am assuming when we pay by PayPal, they get our information and then we will have to email them with our real personal email linked to PayPal. Is there any solution for this?

Offline Sparkle002

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I would prefer to not contact them (Kisha and Yona)  with my real identity. But I am assuming when we pay by PayPal, they get our information and then we will have to email them with our real personal email linked to PayPal. Is there any solution for this?

Not really.

Just an FYI - anytime you pay for anything the merchant will know your real identity (storefront readers more so than hotlines - the hotline company will know your info, not the reader).

You can create a fake email address or username or whatever, but when it comes down to payment, your name is attached to the transaction. The only way to get by this is to 1) Create an email with a random email name and 2) Use someone else's credit card/form of payment (you know, since we can't create fake credit card/bank accounts lol)....

Or maybe use your payment information and call with a different name? I don't know, but its probably important that the reader know your first name to connect to you properly...

Offline Jili1945

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I would prefer to not contact them (Kisha and Yona)  with my real identity. But I am assuming when we pay by PayPal, they get our information and then we will have to email them with our real personal email linked to PayPal. Is there any solution for this?

Not really.

Just an FYI - anytime you pay for anything the merchant will know your real identity (storefront readers more so than hotlines - the hotline company will know your info, not the reader).

You can create a fake email address or username or whatever, but when it comes down to payment, your name is attached to the transaction. The only way to get by this is to 1) Create an email with a random email name and 2) Use someone else's credit card/form of payment (you know, since we can't create fake credit card/bank accounts lol)....

Or maybe use your payment information and call with a different name? I don't know, but its probably important that the reader know your first name to connect to you properly...

Thanks a lot for your detailed response. This is what I guessed so. I appreciate you.

Offline user5942

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I have not read with Cookie.

Aries, QoC, and Yona all have completely inaccurate for me, sorry to say

Offline Jili1945

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Can someone tell me please when cookie is online? I checked many times but could not find her yet. Thanks for any help.

Offline Apalm831

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You have to get in her line (Spiritualist Reader)
She doesn’t have a set schedule