If you are dating someone new... Just go out with them and enjoy the experience. Getting readings and been told a person is going to do this and that, just adds unreal expectations ands ruins a relationship. If you are at the beginning of dating someone and its not going well, and you are calling psychics. Then I would run.
LOL YES! so true!
Heck this goes for anyone in any relationship that is not going well!! LOL
Sadly I'm sure that's why most people are calling - others may be calling due to curiosity. For entertainment it is fun to see if the predictions match what they say - but its definitely unhealthy to be attached to what a reader says and actually "expect" it to happen 
yea, well you are stronger than I was when I called about first POI...i was looking to see if the relationship was going anywhere, most said yes. and it didn't..and it wasn't an easy lesson to learn.
If I would have just relied on my own intuition and common sense, than I would have kicked his butt to the curb MUCH sooner than I did, but I believed their predictions and gave him lots of passes on his crap behavior, all based on what they told me.
At the end of the day, if you can take readings with a grain of salt or for entertainment value only, then you are ahead of the game...but most on here have been through some heartbreaking experiences.