Author Topic: Break for September  (Read 14982 times)

Offline doubleoh8

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Re: Break for September
« Reply #45 on: September 13, 2018, 09:42:42 PM »
Hi everyone who's on a break or trying to cut down ... or quit.

I am on board for Sept, although I haven't been checking this forum much because I find it can trigger me to want a reading. I did have a lapse one day early on in the month... but nothing came of it (i.e. it wasn't worth it).

My strategy, if I have one is, I feel like a call, I make myself do something else first, to see if the urge will go away. The things I do include: prayer, exercises (best but I can be a bit lazy), or journalling. Or call a friend. All of the above helps.

The other thing I find difficult but helpful is trying to stay grounded in reality... including looking at my bank account (which, thanks to psychic calling over the past few years) is NOT in good shape. It helps me to deal with my finances head on. In fact, this may be the single biggest deterrent to calling as when I face it and do something constructive (like pay off some debt) I actually feel some relief of the anxiety that often pre-empts the desire to call.

Anyway, stay strong and I will check in again in a bit.

Offline Deedee123

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Re: Break for September
« Reply #46 on: September 13, 2018, 09:48:39 PM »

I was doing fine. I felt like my reading at the end of July with Yona was sufficient and felt like I didn’t need a reading after that.

After the meet up that went well that Yona predicted, I don’t know why but I’ve felt the need to get another reading. Actually I’ve had 3 now. Well, 2 from Keen and then I just paid for a general reading with Aries Intuition. I just want to stop doing this to myself. Ugh. I don’t have the financial resources to pay for this shit anymore so I’m mad at myself for paying $70 for a reading. It gets better, right??

Offline Lady_C

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Re: Break for September
« Reply #47 on: September 14, 2018, 10:12:44 AM »
I've resolved not to have any more psychic readings either. I only hope I can keep my promise to myself although lack of disposable income is forcing me to stay away from them in any case. I have decided it's best to trust my own intuition and believe what reality shows me rather than listen to psychics and attempt to rationalise and explain away bad behaviour from a former poi I thought I could trust. I've been having readings for close to four years, on and off, and I shudder to think how much money I've wasted on false hope and fairy stories. But perhaps they were what I needed at the time just to get through the situation without going mad. Trouble is, reality can only be avoided for so long, and when the truth finally hits home it is all the more devastating. I know the readings kept me hanging on and obsessing about someone who showed me their true colours a long time ago. I feel such a fool for wasting precious years in a fantasy about somebody who was clearly not interested and didn't care about me at all. He merely used me as a passing flirtation and disposable ego boost! Hindsight is a wonderful thing and time eventually revealed to me what the person was all about. I was so naive and silly; my fault entirely for allowing it to happen and not protecting myself from a wolf in sheep's clothing. I think the readings delayed the healing process and almost caused me to lose touch with reality. Yes, I chose to consult psychics and I probably did so as a sort of escape but I see how unhealthy that's been for someone like me. I have anxiety issues and tend to overthink things, so I'm stepping away from the readings. I have to look for better coping mechanisms other than consulting psychics to ease uncomfortable feelings. Trying to adopt a positive frame of mind and keeping busy helps. How long for, I don't know but I feel more peaceful today. Accepting what is.

THIS!! I can totally relate to this!! I've given the whole psychic thing some deep thought. Staying away from readings has been the best thing I've done. Even though it's only been a few weeks I feel so refreshed. I'm no longer obsessing over my ex as much as I did before. I still think of him but the urge to check in is fading because I've started to loose faith in psychisc and maybe that isn't much a bad thing given how much money I've spent with no ROI.

I really hope I can finally move on from checking in on my POI, another way that keeps me from getting so many readings is when I remind myself that my POI would never obsess or spend this amount of money on psychic checking to see what I'm up to and if I will return.

Offline Hillcam

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Re: Break for September
« Reply #48 on: September 14, 2018, 06:25:55 PM »
I cracked too, between the weekend promo and this guy I’ve been crushing on since January making a move, I chatted with a trusted go to.

I regret it slightly because I was doing well, and also because this guy has showed more effort than the last two POI so why bother calling?

Usually, our POI shows us everything we need to know to make our own conclusions.
If someone wants to see you, they’ll make time to do so.

Offline Reviewer07

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Re: Break for September
« Reply #49 on: September 16, 2018, 06:13:08 AM »
I caved today called angelbaby and Lisa Dianne- they both satisfied my thoughts. I’ve still saved heaps though in a a few weeks and will restart, it’s hard going cold turkey.
@fluttershy I still obsess over my ex as much as try not too I always wonder about her. Whatever you think is embarrassing, like the last post said I’m sure I can relate too.

Offline JonesCDee

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Re: Break for September
« Reply #50 on: September 16, 2018, 11:12:16 PM »
OK so no laughing, ok? I started a daily meditation thing my go to reader does (yup, the same one who refuses to read for peopl more than once in 3 months) to get your sh*t together and stop depending on readings. I figured a month of daily meditations cost less than half a reading, give it a try, so I am. Really helped today, will see how it goes  :o
16 days readings-free and I canceled my September reading with Yona F that I booked months ago AND canceled my October reading with my go to - she was so proud of me! Havent even been here on forum for over a week. Her prediction for September panned out, but it feels like it just doesnt matter - weird huh?! I kid her that she didn't see I was gonna give up readings in September. Sounding like a smug-ass I kno, but my life feels different in a good way. Hope it lasts, good to hear you guys are doing good also  :)

Offline diamondcanadian

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Re: Break for September
« Reply #51 on: September 17, 2018, 12:28:42 AM »
I am still going strong for this month!

Not a single read and I can afford to go out! Lol

I’m so proud of myself :)

Offline sawthelight

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Re: Break for September
« Reply #52 on: September 17, 2018, 12:39:50 AM »
I’ve gotten a few reads but overall I feel like I am on the right path, moving on from past poi. It’s sad but it’s what is best.

Offline diamondcanadian

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Re: Break for September
« Reply #53 on: September 17, 2018, 01:07:27 AM »
I’ve gotten a few reads but overall I feel like I am on the right path, moving on from past poi. It’s sad but it’s what is best.

I’m moving on too - even though EVERYONE said he’ll
Come back in one way or another . He hasn’t as of yet and I’m just resigned . I’m having fun and moving on with my life and not letting It affect me .

I keep telling myself I deserve so much more

Offline JonesCDee

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Re: Break for September
« Reply #54 on: September 17, 2018, 02:25:45 AM »
OK so no laughing, ok? I started a daily meditation thing my go to reader does (yup, the same one who refuses to read for peopl more than once in 3 months) to get your sh*t together and stop depending on readings. I figured a month of daily meditations cost less than half a reading, give it a try, so I am. Really helped today, will see how it goes  :o
16 days readings-free and I canceled my September reading with Yona F that I booked months ago AND canceled my October reading with my go to - she was so proud of me! Havent even been here on forum for over a week. Her prediction for September panned out, but it feels like it just doesnt matter - weird huh?! I kid her that she didn't see I was gonna give up readings in September. Sounding like a smug-ass I kno, but my life feels different in a good way. Hope it lasts, good to hear you guys are doing good also  :)

That is some awesome will power! Super awesome!!!

I am doing an awesome job not cyberstalking my ex via social media! The calling psychics ... not so well... it feels like a different kind of denial.

I named my my addicted self “Galord” ... a green eyed love addicted psychic calling monster... that I sometime let take over, but I also sometimes say no to. Sigh

I love that you have a name for your addicted self. Not will power, not even a little bit. I wish I could take credit but I just turn up every morning, do the meditation and just lost interest in readings...just gone...weird

Offline Hillcam

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Re: Break for September
« Reply #55 on: September 17, 2018, 02:44:52 AM »
OK so no laughing, ok? I started a daily meditation thing my go to reader does (yup, the same one who refuses to read for peopl more than once in 3 months) to get your sh*t together and stop depending on readings. I figured a month of daily meditations cost less than half a reading, give it a try, so I am. Really helped today, will see how it goes  :o
16 days readings-free and I canceled my September reading with Yona F that I booked months ago AND canceled my October reading with my go to - she was so proud of me! Havent even been here on forum for over a week. Her prediction for September panned out, but it feels like it just doesnt matter - weird huh?! I kid her that she didn't see I was gonna give up readings in September. Sounding like a smug-ass I kno, but my life feels different in a good way. Hope it lasts, good to hear you guys are doing good also  :)

SO happy for you!! Keep it up!

I’m hoping to KICK the habit altogether. Fingers crossed! I’ll start meditating with you in spirit

Offline Reviewer07

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Re: Break for September
« Reply #56 on: September 23, 2018, 01:27:21 AM »
Hi Hillcam thanks for starting this thread. Even though I’ve not been able to manage the month I’m happy with my efforts. Only a week to go but I’m going to continue through October too. My urge to seek reassurance etc is no where near what it was. Reading about everyone else’s efforts has been a great way to stay on track too.

Offline Hillcam

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Re: Break for September
« Reply #57 on: September 23, 2018, 02:35:23 PM »
Hi Hillcam thanks for starting this thread. Even though I’ve not been able to manage the month I’m happy with my efforts. Only a week to go but I’m going to continue through October too. My urge to seek reassurance etc is no where near what it was. Reading about everyone else’s efforts has been a great way to stay on track too.

I wasn’t able to make it through the month either but I didn’t spend what I normally would have. The readings I did have...have already proven to be false. That makes this so much easier to try and spend even less next month and until I no longer call.

Thanks for joining with us!

Offline JonesCDee

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Re: Break for September
« Reply #58 on: September 28, 2018, 11:09:43 PM »
OK so no laughing, ok? I started a daily meditation thing my go to reader does (yup, the same one who refuses to read for peopl more than once in 3 months) to get your sh*t together and stop depending on readings. I figured a month of daily meditations cost less than half a reading, give it a try, so I am. Really helped today, will see how it goes  :o
16 days readings-free and I canceled my September reading with Yona F that I booked months ago AND canceled my October reading with my go to - she was so proud of me! Havent even been here on forum for over a week. Her prediction for September panned out, but it feels like it just doesnt matter - weird huh?! I kid her that she didn't see I was gonna give up readings in September. Sounding like a smug-ass I kno, but my life feels different in a good way. Hope it lasts, good to hear you guys are doing good also  :)

That is some awesome will power! Super awesome!!!

I am doing an awesome job not cyberstalking my ex via social media! The calling psychics ... not so well... it feels like a different kind of denial.

I named my my addicted self “Galord” ... a green eyed love addicted psychic calling monster... that I sometime let take over, but I also sometimes say no to. Sigh

I love that you have a name for your addicted self. Not will power, not even a little bit. I wish I could take credit but I just turn up every morning, do the meditation and just lost interest in readings...just gone...weird

28 days readings-free!! No interest in getting a reading AND I had a prediction come true in sept, that would usually have me running to a pile of new readings. I cannot believe this  ??? :)

Offline Hillcam

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Re: Break for September
« Reply #59 on: September 28, 2018, 11:44:15 PM »
28 days readings-free!! No interest in getting a reading AND I had a prediction come true in sept, that would usually have me running to a pile of new readings. I cannot believe this  ??? :)

Soo happy for you! I spent less than last month, which is a start. I started dating a new guy who actually gives me enough validation that I feel like I don’t need to seek it elsewhere. Here’s to hoping this continues and I can kick my habit!

