Star1, he also may be referring to someone way far out in your future too, or could just be plain wrong. Someone said he nailed a situation but it transpired not with the person they originally read about, but someone years later they were involved with. I have read with readers who are very highly recommended here and they sucked for me. I think when a reader does connect with you, you can literally feel it in your intuition. When someone is feeding you bull shit, you can totally feel that too. Aries Intuition gave me that feeling along with Indio, total crap.
But that's what I mean, the characteristics he gave me had to be this exact guy, he didn't give me alot of info and I wasn't blown away from what he did give, anyway. But unless I meet someone who's exactly like this ex (and I will update if he is, and apologise) I can't see his predictions happening. I appreciate you explaining to me that and I felt the reading was bull, he said when he looks at my ex he sees he does love and wants the relationship for me. But I'm glad he worked for you all and you had that better connection with him. I hope your predictions come to pass, and Indio I haven't tried, nor Aries. I was going to try Eamon, but for some reason the Keen site didn't work for me and he never called me. I was looking forward to my reading with him as well. Damn.