Author Topic: September 2018 Monthly General Reading for Water Signs  (Read 1762 times)

Offline OpenDiaryTarot

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September 2018 Monthly General Reading for Water Signs
« on: August 22, 2018, 04:22:27 PM »
Water Signs: Cancer, Scorpio & Pieces

This is your general reading for the month of September 2018. Since this is a general reading it may or may not resonate with some of you. If you ever want a personal reading just for you, you can visit my site and I will be happy to help you the best way I can ((HUGS))

Hey Water Signs. September for you is the month of walking away from an energy that has been toxic for you. It feels to me this is job related for some of you. You are questioning your current position and you are tired of not progressing at your job. This month is the month you may choose a different career field or just seeking another job that makes you more money. I know this scares some of you but you need to know this is going to be a better movement for you livelihood. Where you are now, you are not going to grow there and you are too skilled to stay where you are. There’s nothing but abundance of money coming your way. If this is a relationship, you saw this coming already and you’ve been tired of their s***. Somebody is out there ready to do you better and you playing games holding on to the one that stays disrespecting you. Let em go sis/bruh.

Offline dfalcone1

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Re: September 2018 Monthly General Reading for Water Signs
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2018, 05:31:50 AM »
Should have been taken down. and it's irritating you decided to take up 4 different new threads for your clever solicitaton of business all in the name of 'helping people'.

