Author Topic: Help? How much to trust predictions?  (Read 3420 times)

Offline flora0250

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Help? How much to trust predictions?
« on: August 05, 2018, 08:56:36 AM »
So I’m trying to reign in my psychic calls to the smallest number of advisors I can actually trust or not at all. There is one I called years ago who was so accurate about present and then even predicted I would be together with my now ex husband but it wouldn’t be for a long, long time and that he wasn’t the right one for me. She has been right for me on a number of things especially current situation but then there were some things that just never happened. Still I think I trust her overall.

There are several new advisors I’ve spoken with and appear to be very highly recommended.

One I felt like I trust more than than the other - I felt a stronger connection with. I have read lots of reviews with this woman and many have stated that what she has predicted has happened. In fact I have read nothing to indicate something did NOT happen the way she said. She has been very ethical with me even stating the first time we spoke that she couldn’t read for me that day because she wasn’t picking up the right info and gave me a refund and told me to try another day. I did and the reading was very good and she gave me some specific information that really validated her gift to me. However I do not know yet if any of what she is predicting will happen. She was very reserved in her predictions - very cautious which made me feel more like I could trust her. But I’m waiting to see over the next few weeks what happens. Which is so hard for me but I know I need to.

The other new woman I’m really confused about. She gave me very specific information but also gave me a lot of really general information I didn’t feel I connected with. She seemed so accurate and was so right on some things but others not. I asked her specifically about whether or not I would get accepted to this particular group I was auditioning for and she told me yes absolutely for sure, but that there would be some disappointment about it and it wouldn’t go as I had thought. I asked her again okay but you think I will get in? And she again said yes definitely I would. The next day I found out I was rejected. But one of her other predictions I definitely know is happening now - but all the rest - again it’s like she’s so detailed and specific and right about some things but I am either waiting to see if some of her predictions happen or they have not happened yet.

I don’t want to name advisors names on this post because I really don’t want to go into a debate about it or encourage anyone else to pick an advisor or not pick an advisor based on my post.

But I am looking I think for any feedback and wisdom on why some seem - and can be - so specific and so right on some things but then a prediction does not come to pass?

For one thing I’m worried that by my calling and asking and trying to know outcomes and answers maybe I’m messing things up? Maybe I am messing up the natural state of things just by calling???

And the second woman I mentioned made a prediction tonight about something that really broke my heart. And I don’t want to go into specifics about what I was calling about either because that’s not really the point of my post either. But it really was like look. This is going to happen and this is not going to happen and I’m just being honest with you. Which I appreciate honesty but ... can’t things change? And if she hasn’t been 100% accurate with other things ... then maybe she isn’t 100% accurate about this? Or should I believe her because some other things have been really accurate? But then she was wrong about the other thing.

I’m so confused. Halp? I don’t want to and can’t waste any more money. And I need perspective and patience and some kind of trust that just because someone says something will happen is no guarantee that it will or won’t.

Can anyone relate or provide experience - without naming names of specific advisors preferably?

Offline Dreamer23

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Re: Help? How much to trust predictions?
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2018, 01:59:33 PM »
Yes, talking to psychics can be really confusing. Some give you information that makes you feel really bad, and they say it with such confidence that you think that's what might happen. That's why I don't think it's good to take what a psychic tells you if it makes you feel negative. Yes, they can be wrong, anybody can be wrong, so don't trust them 100%. If what a psychic said to you made you feel negative, put that to the side, don't take it as the truth.

They can get the present right but be wrong on predictions. That is very common.

You are not influencing the future by talking to them, asking about predictions. What's meant to happen will happen.

Basically, don't take what they say as ultimate truth. Use it more as guidance. Or you can just not even take into consideration what they say. It doesn't matter if they are the best psychic on earth. You have more control over this than you think.

Offline flora0250

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Re: Help? How much to trust predictions?
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2018, 03:08:44 PM »
Thank you so, so much. Your kind reply has really helped me this morning. Thank you. I have such a hard time trusting people in general and have again fallen into a pattern of having such impatience and so little trust in the universe of God or whatever and people and what they say and if they’re telling me the truth ... that I’ve spent money I shouldn’t on psychics. Who are such a tricky situation because they absolutely can be right and some I think are truly gifted .... and so I’ve turned to wanting to know predictions .... when really I just need to accept that I can’t know and try to see it as a gift rather than be fearful and think negatively. It’s extremely hard after already working through so many negative thought patterns. I no longer have as much problem with negative self talk. But I really still struggle with trusting others and believing others and that they aren’t trying to use me or trick me or have bad intentions. It’s a daily awareness and struggle but I’m getting better. Thank you.

Offline Dreamer23

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Re: Help? How much to trust predictions?
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2018, 03:29:30 PM »
You're welcome! I am glad what I said helped.

I've been given negative news from psychics and it really crushed me, but I realized at the end of the day that I can take it or leave it. It was never 100% true anyway. And other psychics gave me completely different advice, so overwhelmingly positive.

So I've gotten readings that oscillated between pretty bad to pretty awesome. So then it does get confusing but I realized that I need to trust myself more.

If I feel empowered after a reading, then it's a good reading. If I feel negative and broken after a reading, then it's not a good one.

And a psychic has to know how to interpret the messages they get. Sometimes their own biases come into play, as well as their personality. So take all these factors into consideration :)

Offline JonesCDee

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Re: Help? How much to trust predictions?
« Reply #4 on: August 06, 2018, 04:17:49 AM »
I agree talking to readers is very confusing. My take on whether it is a good reading is different. I had readings that make me feel great, but ended up hurting more because they were fairy tales. The best for me is a reader who can deliver difficult accurate readings in a kind way, even if its not easy and doesn't make me feel good in the reading.
A few things Ive learned:
1) some readers are stronger in one area than another, some are strong across the field
2) some have people skills but not good psychic skills, some are not good with people but sh*t hot psychics
3) readers get tired, always better to get them at the beginning of a shift
4) readers have bad days, if Ive heard some reader is good and they are not when I connect with them, I will ask to try another time
5) a really good reader will have your best interests as priority, not theres.
6) Alot of the readers I like are british, Iknow its weird to say but they just seem to be more accurate, better (is that just me, or have other people noticed that to?!) and more proffesional
7) a reader will be good for me for a while and then its time to move on, with a couple of exceptions
8) a caring reader will encourage your life away from psychic readings and to trust your own self!
it comes down to who you relate well with, trust your feelings, if it doesnt feel right, it is not right.

Offline bstalling

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Re: Help? How much to trust predictions?
« Reply #5 on: August 06, 2018, 04:40:02 AM »
If you look back at post from years ago, you will see to put little trust in most things psychics say. They are unreliable.

If you want to continue getting readings, be willing to let time pass. See who was right, and assess what a reader was good for looking back. Its like building a relationship in a sense.

Offline flora0250

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Re: Help? How much to trust predictions?
« Reply #6 on: August 06, 2018, 10:23:05 AM »
I agree talking to readers is very confusing. My take on whether it is a good reading is different. I had readings that make me feel great, but ended up hurting more because they were fairy tales. The best for me is a reader who can deliver difficult accurate readings in a kind way, even if its not easy and doesn't make me feel good in the reading.
A few things Ive learned:
1) some readers are stronger in one area than another, some are strong across the field
2) some have people skills but not good psychic skills, some are not good with people but sh*t hot psychics
3) readers get tired, always better to get them at the beginning of a shift
4) readers have bad days, if Ive heard some reader is good and they are not when I connect with them, I will ask to try another time
5) a really good reader will have your best interests as priority, not theres.
6) Alot of the readers I like are british, Iknow its weird to say but they just seem to be more accurate, better (is that just me, or have other people noticed that to?!) and more proffesional
7) a reader will be good for me for a while and then its time to move on, with a couple of exceptions
8) a caring reader will encourage your life away from psychic readings and to trust your own self!
it comes down to who you relate well with, trust your feelings, if it doesnt feel right, it is not right.

Thank you so much for your insight. I really appreciate your taking time to reply. I think for me it realkybcaught me off guard because I wasn’t asking this reader for a long term prediction and she just threw it out there. I was really calling to see if her previous prediction was still as she had said in May. It was a confusing call. But I don’t know if I just am victim of “wanting to hear what I want to hear” or what. Since she has apparently been so right for so many people. But now I’ve read as well that she’s a great remote viewer but not great at outcomes as well. So... the bottom line I’ve worked around to is that things are always changing and not to give it any weight or energy or influence on my decisions going forward. I am so prone to thinking the worst if given the opportunity to though as well! Very doomsday of me! Thank you again. Your points were much appreciated!

Offline flora0250

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Re: Help? How much to trust predictions?
« Reply #7 on: August 06, 2018, 10:30:06 AM »
If you look back at post from years ago, you will see to put little trust in most things psychics say. They are unreliable.

If you want to continue getting readings, be willing to let time pass. See who was right, and assess what a reader was good for looking back. Its like building a relationship in a sense.

Thank you - the more I read the more I see this as well. I think what’s so - I don’t know the word - enticing to believe predictions is that sometimes they are REALLY accurate with present and recent past things. Like specific things that I have not said a thing and they have been able to pick up a specific fact. So many do yes lead you on I think and can manipulate you based on the info you provide. But there are a few I’ve run across who seem genuinely as though they have a gift to remote view situations and people.

So I guess the temptation is that if that holds true they must be right about future predictions as well. But I’m learning that is definitely not a logical conclusion.

Thank you so much - I think you are right. For one thing I really don’t think I need to be calling anyone. It just gets me more confused than helps me overall. With the exception of the one new woman I mentioned.l maybe. Because she had a really ethical stance and I felt comfortable with her not making these very solid predictions about this or that will or won’t happen. It was more about this is what’s happening and what my guides are telling me you need to know.

But I think you are absolutely right about waiting and having patience for things to pass. One call and then wait it out and see and don’t get all wrapped up in multiple calls with multiple readers.

Thank you so much.

Offline Reviewer07

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Re: Help? How much to trust predictions?
« Reply #8 on: August 08, 2018, 05:24:19 AM »
@flora0250, I know you didn’t want to name psychics but please if you wouldn’t mind sharing the lady you connected with who had the good feedback RE predictions.

Offline flora0250

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Re: Help? How much to trust predictions?
« Reply #9 on: August 08, 2018, 06:58:08 AM »
@flora0250, I know you didn’t want to name psychics but please if you wouldn’t mind sharing the lady you connected with who had the good feedback RE predictions.

Someone emailed me asking me to share the readers I was referring to as well. I feel strongly about not sharing that information for the reasons I stated in my original post. Thanks for understanding.

