I'm going to go out on a limb and say no she wasn't specific and give you some specificity to my situation.
I went to a Numerologist once and he gives out five minute samples for free, so you can decide for yourself if you want a full blown reading. Based on my name and the numbers attached to it, he told me in the first five mins, I was in the military. I've been reading with psychics for millions of decades it seems and never has anyone ever picked up on that. Ever.
I had a reader to tell me once that she could see me doing something very specific in the industry I am pursuing and she saw what I was doing, specific to this industry, the background stuff it takes to keep going. I never tell readers about this, but if they see it then I tell them it's a huge hit, because I have an average job and even they don't know what I truly want to pursue as a career. It floored me the number of specifics she threw out during the reading. It was a recording and she even named the state I live in.
Well, the first reader, the numbers guy I mentioned, was a big fail. All the stuff he said that resonated, did, but nothing manifested from his reading. It was an hour long, recording and I actually sat down and transcribed the entire thing, just to have it to go back to and to highlight really good important stuff. It felt like it took forever, but nothing came from the highs of his reading..Nothing.
And the second reader I mentioned, she was so right on the sample she gave, I booked a longer read, then another, then two more after that and everything became laughable after the first one. Not only was she no longer accurate, everything was one big bag of negativity and general as hell. Nothing manifested from the first wonderful reading, nor the three sucky ones after that. Nothing.
I honestly don't know what to tell you because readers are so inconsistent, just more off than on, or the client has to weed through the stuff they want to accept and throw out the crap that doesn't belong anywhere.
And readers who act like they know you more than you know yourself?? Hmmm.