Author Topic: Caribbean Psychics - Marlene  (Read 20785 times)

Offline marciamia

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Caribbean Psychics - Marlene
« on: December 08, 2017, 03:58:36 PM »

Wondering if anyone’s ever tried this site. Found it on another forum and while the reviews were positive, the only thing that turned me off was how to pay for a reading, which is through PayPal BUT “Friends & Family”, not “Goods & Services”  :-\

Offline HornetKick

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Re: Caribbean Psychics - Marlene
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2017, 08:14:47 PM »
That is a tsunami of a red flag. Don't do it, unless it's pitifully cheap, like under $10.

Offline marciamia

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Re: Caribbean Psychics - Marlene
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2017, 01:08:04 AM »
Ok so here’s my review. Sorry it took a few days but I wanted to relisten and process it before I just went ahead and posted something.

So first thing, the website states how to send payment which is via PayPal as friends/family. I wasn’t sure if I was to receive a some sort of email asking to schedule or if I should call the number listed on the site. About 2 or 3 hours went by and I still hadn’t heard anything so I decided to call the number on my way home from work. A female answers with just “Hello?” so I’m like “umm is this Marlene?” and she says “Yes” and I begin to tell her I purchased a reading and wasn’t sure if I was to get some sort of confirmation through email or if I just call the number. Long story short, just call the number right after you pay. So anyways, she scheduled me for this past Sunday at 8pm. As soon as I got off the phone I put it in my calendar to remind me.

Sunday night rolls around and I’m getting myself mentally ready. 8pm- no call. Five minutes pass, nothing. Ten minutes pass, I start to think maybe she said 8:30pm. Well 8:30 comes and goes. 8:48pm I decide to call her myself. She answers again with “Hello?” and i again ask if it’s Marlene and she said yes and then asked if it was me and I told her I wasn’t sure if I was to call her or she was to call me because I didn’t get any confirmation from her. She then proceeds to tell me “they” had me on the schedule for Monday at 8pm.... I was like “I have Sunday at 8pm” and I’m thinking “who are they? I only talked to her.” So she was asking if I could reschedule for Monday and I told her no, then asked about Tuesday and I also said no so then she said ok let me see if I can reschedule someone else and to give her about 20-25 minutes and she’d call me back. Well maybe 5 minutes went by and she called and said she was ready. I apologized if there was a mixup and she said it happens.

On to the reading. First thing she did was start out by praying then says what comes to her right after. I’m not gonna go into details but I will say she said a ton of things that did resonate. Didn’t ask for any information, not even names. Some things she said about the present I couldn’t confirm because I just don’t know yet but as far as how things are, she got it right. She got some of my past right as well. She gave me predictions and even specific dates so I have to wait and see.

She did ask questions like “was this person like this” or “does this person do this”... after I would answer, she would say “yeah, ok” which she said a lot, but it could be because she’s from NY/NJ and a lot of times they can do that with their accent. I know I do lol. But overall, it wasn’t as bad as I thought. She said the same thing as other readers I’ve read with. Overall I would recommend her based on my experience and I would read with her again.

Offline HornetKick

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Re: Caribbean Psychics - Marlene
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2017, 01:39:12 AM »
Well, it did appear to end well, just all the fuss in between kind of got me nervous for you. I'll never call them because I'm just platformed out with readers and either I'll find someone through the forums for the most part or I won't. How much did the call cost you?

It sounds like it wasn't a wow reading, although it resonated. These types are leading me to believe moderate readings will be better readings because the wow crap is so WOW, we miss obvious stuff which the reader was majorly wrong about and also the Wow moments are about stuff we already know in our own lives, so to hear it again just confirms for the reader, they are getting minor stuff right and blowing our minds in the process.

Please post again about the predictions. It does sound interesting.
Were you allowed to ask questions or need anything clarified? Sometimes questions can throw the readers off, but I don't recall that was mentioned.

Offline marciamia

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Re: Caribbean Psychics - Marlene
« Reply #4 on: December 13, 2017, 02:07:39 AM »
Well, it did appear to end well, just all the fuss in between kind of got me nervous for you. I'll never call them because I'm just platformed out with readers and either I'll find someone through the forums for the most part or I won't. How much did the call cost you?

It sounds like it wasn't a wow reading, although it resonated. These types are leading me to believe moderate readings will be better readings because the wow crap is so WOW, we miss obvious stuff which the reader was majorly wrong about and also the Wow moments are about stuff we already know in our own lives, so to hear it again just confirms for the reader, they are getting minor stuff right and blowing our minds in the process.

Please post again about the predictions. It does sound interesting.
Were you allowed to ask questions or need anything clarified? Sometimes questions can throw the readers off, but I don't recall that was mentioned.

The reading was $60. I just got the 30min one. She was generous with her time though, which I liked. I actually did ask questions and one I already knew the answer and she got it right and then elaborated some more, but I’m pretty positive the other questions I asked were right too. She even described people. I will say she did pick up almost immediately  on that HUGE, HUGE detail that S2S Conversations missed.

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Re: Caribbean Psychics - Marlene
« Reply #5 on: December 13, 2017, 01:58:46 PM »
Never send it as friends family. The reason for that is you pay the fee if it’s a credit card and also you don’t get any protection on it for being a service. They ask that so they can keep more and ge away with murder basically.

Offline marciamia

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Re: Caribbean Psychics - Marlene
« Reply #6 on: December 13, 2017, 02:14:13 PM »
Never send it as friends family. The reason for that is you pay the fee if it’s a credit card and also you don’t get any protection on it for being a service. They ask that so they can keep more and ge away with murder basically.

I didn’t use a credit card, but I’m already aware of the way PayPal works. Been using it for like 17 years. Thank you.

Offline marciamia

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Re: Caribbean Psychics - Marlene
« Reply #7 on: December 18, 2017, 06:26:02 PM »
I honestly know nothing about the international stuff. I’m in the US and didn’t have an issue, but I do think she is the only one running it all.

Offline marciamia

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Re: Caribbean Psychics - Marlene
« Reply #8 on: December 22, 2017, 05:46:25 PM »
Did you get your reading yet?

Offline marciamia

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Re: Caribbean Psychics - Marlene
« Reply #9 on: December 22, 2017, 06:03:57 PM »
Which site only had 1 review?

Offline marciamia

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Re: Caribbean Psychics - Marlene
« Reply #10 on: December 22, 2017, 06:25:37 PM »
I definitely know that’s not the site I saw that made me get a reading with her.

Offline mignnone

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Re: Caribbean Psychics - Marlene
« Reply #11 on: January 03, 2018, 12:29:50 PM »
Has anyone else read with Marlene?

Offline marciamia

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Re: Caribbean Psychics - Marlene
« Reply #12 on: January 17, 2018, 07:10:05 PM »
Wanted to share a quick update from my reading with Marlene. I read with her on December 10th and she had said something to me which I didn’t really pay any mind to because at the time of the reading, it wasn’t my focus/why I was calling. Well she had asked me a question (if I knew of something) to which I responded “I mean, probably, I don’t know.. I don’t really pay attention” and just laughed it off. She responds “well, I know you don’t but I’m getting that pretty soon someone’s gonna make it known to you and it will be brought to your attention.”

And there it was, out of the blue, brought to my attention and made known by someone on January 4. I know the above is vague from a readers perspective but that’s because I don’t want lurkers, or anyone really, to know my personal business, especially on a public forum where it’s easy for someone to get information and just run with it.

Offline mignnone

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Re: Caribbean Psychics - Marlene
« Reply #13 on: January 31, 2018, 09:36:52 AM »
Was that the only part of her reading that has pan out for you?

Offline marciamia

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Re: Caribbean Psychics - Marlene
« Reply #14 on: January 31, 2018, 01:12:03 PM »
Was that the only part of her reading that has pan out for you?

I mean, as of right now. I JUST had the reading in December. Can you let life happen? I don’t expect anything overnight and neither should you.

