Author Topic: Purple Ocean  (Read 281706 times)

Offline Dreamescape23 - P

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Re: Purple Ocean
« Reply #360 on: September 07, 2020, 03:02:32 AM »
anybody read with Chosen Raven PO?
I just rewatched Choose Ravens transcript from December. Said 80 percent chance my ex would not return in the form of a relationship and so far she has been correct. Especially since I’ve recently been letting go somewhat. She even has me meeting someone new in Septemberish (as per December reading). I remember kinda not looking back on her reading because it wasn’t exactly what I wanted to hear. But now that I rewatched it, I’d say it’s more so accurate then most readers. And Most readers fluff up thier readings all the time.

I agree she’s very ethical.

Offline Lys

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Re: Purple Ocean
« Reply #361 on: September 08, 2020, 05:52:38 PM »
anybody read with Chosen Raven PO?
I just rewatched Choose Ravens transcript from December. Said 80 percent chance my ex would not return in the form of a relationship and so far she has been correct. Especially since I’ve recently been letting go somewhat. She even has me meeting someone new in Septemberish (as per December reading). I remember kinda not looking back on her reading because it wasn’t exactly what I wanted to hear. But now that I rewatched it, I’d say it’s more so accurate then most readers. And Most readers fluff up thier readings all the time.

I agree she’s very ethical.

I like chosen Raven.. she is ethical, but then I still can't verify if she is picking up my situation since she didn't validate anything or she just trying to make a conclusion from a situation.

I had a reading with her it was realist.. we will see


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Re: Purple Ocean
« Reply #362 on: September 10, 2020, 04:36:06 AM »
i tried her chosen raven i meant
she nailed the present very well
but i dont totally trust her predictions; seems a lot of guessing based on current
and she didnt sound too confident as well
just kept saying 'may' 'probably' 'still possible' etc..
presence i know very well  myself too; but if a psychic couldnt at least give me a 'highly possible' outcome prediction then i dont need a reading.

Offline MoonChild

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Re: Purple Ocean
« Reply #363 on: September 23, 2020, 09:59:16 PM »
So on Purple Ocean I’ve tried the following:

Advisor Beth— extremely accurate. Knows details you don’t share, very good with timing and hasn’t been wrong for me yet. Most recently predicted me and my husband ( who separated for a month) would get back together starting August through sept and October and late august we got back together and have been back together since, read with her late July. Her negative reviews are because she doesn’t answer clarifying or follow up questions. She’s my go to on that app. She hasn’t been wrong for me yet and I’ve been reading with her since 2015. She always nails timing.

Psychic Reader Nina- she’s been very good for me. Latest reading was in July and Predicted my husband and I reconciling in “ the fall months”. Also mentioned something about my husband that I had no idea he was doing then it made sense when he told me. She said his energy was “ busy” could be a school or work thing which made no sense at the time then a few days later my husband said he was doing online courses which took a lot of time. She picked that up and I didn’t even know that.

Intuitive Guide- she’s very good. A language barrier is there but if you listen intently you’ll get it. Also predicted reconciliation and gave me advice on things to do to speed it up( crystals). She didn’t give a date but she did say in the near future she saw us together. Also mentioned our child which I didn’t mention at all so she picked up On the fact that we have a child together. When I go to psychics I don’t divulge that I’m married to my POI, or that we have a child. She picked up on it and saw “ happiness with the family and the kids).

Sagest- very generic, tarot readings were generic. Said she saw 4 ( could be 4 weeks or 4 months she couldn’t narrow it down). Her prediction was we’d reconcile which happened but I probably wouldn’t use her again since she didn’t give detail like the others.

Chozin- has good energy, infectious smile. She seems new to tarot because she’s reading the definitions of cards from a book but her prediction was we’d reconcile and we have. Would try her again if I’m in a bind.

Psychic Ericka- her timing prediction was 100% accurate. She said we’d be back together in September and we are. She didn’t give a bunch of detail but her timing was completely accurate. Would use her again.

Norell- she read my POI like a book like she knew us. Read with her at the beginning of August and she said we’d get back together within that month with slow growth daily- that happened, we got back together at the end of August. Read with her a few weeks later in mid august and she still picked up his energy but her timing prediction was pushed to September/ 4th quarter of the year. Said she saw a strong image of us moving forward together for the rest of the year. Her read on the situation was accurate and would use her for deep dive into how another feels.

All in all I’ve had a good experience. All their predictions lined up timing wise and they’ve all come true.

« Last Edit: September 23, 2020, 10:09:40 PM by MoonChild »

Offline KitKat121

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Re: Purple Ocean
« Reply #364 on: September 24, 2020, 07:51:30 PM »
Moonchild how would you say in accuracy is advisor Beth  on purple ocean ? I’ve had one reading today via rushed video it seemed like robotical the way she was talking and all seemed too positive like not stating anything negative the only reading I’ve had where it’s been like that so not sure how I feel any views on her ?

Offline serenejoy

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Re: Purple Ocean
« Reply #365 on: September 26, 2020, 11:46:42 AM »
Today PO is having a $5 sale. I ordered a 1 hour reading with Irene777. I am very disappointed in the reading and here is why...

She replied with my video reading pretty quickly and was in her car being driven by someone else (so much for confidentiality). She also answered none of my questions and instead just gave me advice that anyone could give me. Big waste of $10 for the 1 hour video reading. Anyone else read with her?

I read with her and was shocked that a pretty obscure reader on that app was as good as she was IMO. Her dog was a bit of an issue in my video as he/she kept trying to get her attention I believe (I'm a dog owner so this didn't bother me). However, her actual predictions are now starting to align with Kisha and Leeloo (and I read with her back in July)

Offline devangk3

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Re: Purple Ocean
« Reply #366 on: September 30, 2020, 03:01:46 AM »
I guess you talking about godesses Ericka not Psychic Ericka

I read with Erica a lot when I was dating this guy who was a pretty terrible person in the end. I had maybe 5 video orders with her.  I just watched all of them  and She was right about details in the moment. Each reading was explaining the situation at the time and she was correct. I read with her until the very demise of the relationship. She suggested I reach out for my own sanity, next one was he wasn’t ready for a relationship but wanted to see where we headed... next video was explaining the situation at that time final video as yes he’s with someone else and he’s a narcissist. I just looked at the videos a minute ago and I’m just wondering why she couldn’t see that he was a narcissist and would end up being with someone else during our initial reading ?? Each video was right about the current  but after watching the videos I see that it was a waste of time. When I was thinking about reconnecting I wish she would have said noooooo he’s a narcissist and he will play you. Would I have reached out? I don’t know... but I think she’s good at current short term maybe a month but she can’t see any farther than that for me and because of that I wouldn’t recommend her... just my IMO.

Offline laoch

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Re: Purple Ocean
« Reply #367 on: September 30, 2020, 05:03:35 AM »
So on Purple Ocean I’ve tried the following:

Who would be the best out of all the purple ocean readers in your opinion?

Offline sugarsky

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Re: Purple Ocean
« Reply #368 on: September 30, 2020, 11:43:29 AM »
Update: I read with truelovetarot, lynn, tattooedpsychic, and one psychic who I can’t remember the name, it was “empress” or something - she was wearing a fancy head piece in her photo. Anyway, every single one of them was wrong for me. Lynn and truelovetarot predicted huge improvements on the love front for me in august - we’re now end of September and nothing’s happened. 🙈 tattooed psychic - he was extremely negative but he didn’t actually connect to the situation either. And that empress woman.. well, let’s just say, she definitely didn’t connect to me. 😂

I had the same experience with tattooedpsychic


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Re: Purple Ocean
« Reply #369 on: October 02, 2020, 06:48:32 AM »
i tried Advisor Beth, quite impressive; i just gave her the names and she picked up a lot current issues very accurate.
and her prediction will be few months away so i will update.

anyone tried nikki rich? i tried her 3 times and one was on going so cannot tell accuracy till later; but 2 were already proved accurate. one she said i will start to have more communication with POI end Sept then to Oct and yes it's very accurate; we talked a lot more since sept22.

Offline Lys

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Re: Purple Ocean
« Reply #370 on: October 02, 2020, 12:41:24 PM »
i tried Advisor Beth, quite impressive; i just gave her the names and she picked up a lot current issues very accurate.
and her prediction will be few months away so i will update.

anyone tried nikki rich? i tried her 3 times and one was on going so cannot tell accuracy till later; but 2 were already proved accurate. one she said i will start to have more communication with POI end Sept then to Oct and yes it's very accurate; we talked a lot more since sept22.

I had two readings with Nikki Rich. One in january she's probably the only one who said the guy will not comeback (with Yona).. And she was right. I had another reading with her last week. I ask If I will meet someone soon.. And she described perfectly how I feel. But she didnt give me a lot of informations about the new person I will meet. She just said it will be in november.. We will see. Now we are in another lockdown for one month... but not a big lockdown, so theres not I chance I will meet someone in october. I ask in the conversation if she see a description of the guy, but Im not sure about the description because its not really my type of person.. lol We will see :)
« Last Edit: October 02, 2020, 12:45:10 PM by Lys »


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Re: Purple Ocean
« Reply #371 on: October 02, 2020, 01:27:02 PM »
good luck!

nikki told me pretty much the same as ST told me about how this POI feels and why he behaves that way.
but you know ST doesnt do timing, she just told me it's going to be slow.
first reading with nikki she immediately told me it took like literally 18 months, and only later part of this 18 months he will warm up a bit
the reading was at Jan 2020; so yes....its getting to the later part;
last reading about this poi was sept; she told me end sept to oct we will start more communication but still not much substantial; only up to dec i will see changes...
so we will see but at least early part of the reading was accurate.

i tried Advisor Beth, quite impressive; i just gave her the names and she picked up a lot current issues very accurate.
and her prediction will be few months away so i will update.

anyone tried nikki rich? i tried her 3 times and one was on going so cannot tell accuracy till later; but 2 were already proved accurate. one she said i will start to have more communication with POI end Sept then to Oct and yes it's very accurate; we talked a lot more since sept22.

I had two readings with Nikki Rich. One in january she's probably the only one who said the guy will not comeback (with Yona).. And she was right. I had another reading with her last week. I ask If I will meet someone soon.. And she described perfectly how I feel. But she didnt give me a lot of informations about the new person I will meet. She just said it will be in november.. We will see. Now we are in another lockdown for one month... but not a big lockdown, so theres not I chance I will meet someone in october. I ask in the conversation if she see a description of the guy, but Im not sure about the description because its not really my type of person.. lol We will see :)

Offline serenejoy

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Re: Purple Ocean
« Reply #372 on: October 02, 2020, 08:10:44 PM »
In an ocean full of bad fishies on PO, Nikki is probably one of the very few who are legit.

Offline Lys

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Re: Purple Ocean
« Reply #373 on: October 02, 2020, 09:36:10 PM »
In an ocean full of bad fishies on PO, Nikki is probably one of the very few who are legit.

I agree!

I had a reading too with Chosen Raven its was ok. She didn’t give me a lot of information to be honest.. and her time frame is very different from Yona or Nikki..

Offline lala36

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Re: Purple Ocean
« Reply #374 on: October 02, 2020, 10:08:45 PM »
In an ocean full of bad fishies on PO, Nikki is probably one of the very few who are legit.

I agree!

I had a reading too with Chosen Raven its was ok. She didn’t give me a lot of information to be honest.. and her time frame is very different from Yona or Nikki..

Chosen Raven told me she doesn't do timeframes, now I'm even more confused!