
keep trying or back later to check details, I like Eliza style have not done readings with her in very long time sounds like a real deal.
I read with Eliza recently. It was about a guy I like and whether or not we have a future or if it’s just dead. I took notes as I didn’t have a recording device. I only got about 1/4 of what she said. She talks quickly. My thoughts are that she is good. I gave her only his first name and told her nothing else about him. She never asked me questions so I was impressed. Here are my notes to prove that I don’t believe she tells everyone the same thing:
He is not emotionally mature
Something happened in his childhood, with his family that stunted his emotional maturity
He will come forward but needs times
No other women in his life
Likes attention
Sees potential in me for a long-term relationship
He does like me but doesn’t know how to approach
Just work on being his friend and he will be more comfortable opening up to me