Do you think everyone who runs up their cards actually pays them off responsibly? It affects the whole financial system and hurts everyone when people run up debts they can't possibly pay back. Keen gets their money, but the credit card company may not. It would be better for the credit card companies to watch spending on pay per minute sites and cap spending if it starts to get out of control, and they have the total right to do that because it is THEIR money.
Seriously? You don't understand how getting credit works? If you don't qualify, you don't get it.
If I wanted to spend $100,000 on gumballs next month and then default, I could. Why don't I? Because I am a responsible person with no mental health issues and I take responsibility for my actions.
The credit card company doesn't, and never ever should, be allowed to choose where my money goes. And yes, it is my money. I pay the bill. I've signed and pledged responsibility for payment in my agreement. If I want to spend it on gumballs, Keen, hats for my cats, a trip, whatever the hell I want, it's my choice. And defaulting? It's a business. It's calculated into their business formula.
I'm not 5 years old or an idiot. I don't need someone going through my Target transaction Big Brother style before it's "approved", going "tut, tut ... you've reached the citizen quota on placemats! I'm going to have to say no to that! Another pair of socks? My, my. Three more pairs and we won't be able to approve any more until next year dear."
If you need someone to monitor your spending, petition the court to have a conservator or guardian appointed to handle your finances. A credit card company isn't responsible for your actions.
What's next? Blame your cell phone carrier because you get unlimited talk time and that made you do it?