Author Topic: Only posting positive reviews is crummy, so I do this to even the odds  (Read 14445 times)

Offline journalmuse

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Hey everyone, thanks for all the reviews here, I've been reading through them and posted a little bit and it's been pretty interesting.

I like CP, I have overall had more success with CP readers than Keen, however... one thing I think is really crooked is how they only post positive reviews (their excuse for why is total crap). So what I have started doing to try to give myself a better feel for it is this: I compare how many calls someone has taken, with how many reviews people have left.

My rationale for this is, more people who are generally happier with a reader will mean the reader will in general have more reviews compared to how many calls they've taken. If you have someone who has taken a lot of calls but only has a relatively smaller number of reviews, then that could mean that people were trying to post negative reviews that got deleted or else they were just sorta eh about the call. I figure it's a decent way to judge relatively how satisfied people are with the psychic.

So I have a spreadsheet where I have calculated the number of calls someone has taken with the number of reviews they have, and ranked them. I generally don't include people with less than about 5000-8000 calls because when you have less than that, the numbers are skewed, as the smaller number of calls taken means each review ends up weighted more heavily. (I have found that when people are pretty new, people are more apt to leave reviews and they show up great in my rankings, but the averages start going way down once they take larger numbers of calls.)

This isn't foolproof obviously. Especially when you get a psychic who has like 1-2 people who are addicted to calling them and leave them positive reviews every other day ... but you can usually spot those pretty easily when you start scrolling through the feedback. So anyone whose average is good but I see that there are 1-2 addicts posting constant reviews I usually look at more skeptically. Also, I give men a negative handicap on their average because I think that most clientele of these services are women and, especially given the number that call about broken relationships, I think there could be a tendency for them to inflate their reviews because they think they're attractive or like their voice or whatever. (For good or ill, that's just how I do it). So if you see a man in here, their average is actually depressed lower than what the raw number shows.

That being said, using my rankings with this method, here are the top psychics on CP, in order. I generally don't speak with anyone with a rating lower than these (though there are some exceptions).

gina rose

There are others ranked more highly and also scattered inside this list but I don't include them because they don't have enough calls yet (like 1,000 or something).

Hope you find this helpful...
« Last Edit: September 27, 2017, 09:21:23 PM by journalmuse »

Offline doubleoh8

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Re: Only posting positive reviews is crummy, so I do this to even the odds
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2017, 10:48:53 PM »
Hi journal.

i actually did this too... or something similar (same 'formula', but I wasn't so organized to put together a spreadsheet and I did include some newer readers too).

Anyway, I wondered if your own experience lines up at all with the results? I am not sure ... but I feel like a few things are missing from the equation. One, as you mention, is when a reader has many reviews from just one or two people. Another thing I tried to add into my analysis was the nature of the reviews. CP is know on this forum for giving a lot of fairy tale readings (although that was not consistently my experience). If a reader had a high review: reading ratio, I looked through the reviews to see if people were getting results. So many positive reviews say "I can't wait for your predictions to come true" and obviously that's not at all connected to how good a reader is or isn't. I especially noticed when people would say something like that, and then NOT post a follow up later. It made me wonder if the wonderful predictions never happened and they may even have left a negative review that we never get to see.

From your list -- I read with about 1/3. Of those, all gave me positive outcome predictions that are still pending (some with time frames that have come and gone a while ago). Only Angelica was negative for me... and she's the 'highest' on your list I read with.

Although I had some good experiences on CP, I am skeptical about their practices because of the censoring of reviews. I've also heard they advance readers based on how long they can keep people on the line... I did find Nathan, Elliot, Luciana, Leo and some others 'gifted' insofar as they actually got names and details. Luciana is the only psychic ever to get a date right for me (I don't ask about dates, she offered it up).

Anyway -- interesting post. Thanks!

Offline journalmuse

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Re: Only posting positive reviews is crummy, so I do this to even the odds
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2017, 04:18:33 AM »
Hi Double! I'm glad I'm not the only type A sort out here :)

I agree it's a very imperfect calculation for all the reasons both of us have mentioned. I think this is not a be-all, end-all, because I've had amazing, accurate readings from people not on this list, and have had average to bad readings from people who are -- though I will say that more often than not, this list has resulted in good readings for me. To me, it's more intended as a mechanism for helping sort the wheat from the chaff at a very basic level, separate from something more arbitrary like how expensive they are.

So practically speaking I take this list as a base and then go through the feedback looking for exactly the kinds of things you single out. If someone's feedback is full of reviews like "Thank you" or "I'm looking forward to your predictions," then I'm less likely to bother. When I look through feedback, I look for thoughtful replies that are more than a few words and ESPECIALLY ones that say that a prediction happened. Those get my attention.

Angelica is actually an outlier on my list. I typically make 8000 reviews a cutoff, but there was something in her feedback that prompted me to call anyway, and I had a good experience with her (predictions still outstanding).

Oh Luciana, I should have included her in this list. Similar - she is another one with about 5000 calls, so she's very borderline in terms of my metrics. But after having read with her I had a similar experience to yours. If I were to have included her in here, she'd be between Gina Rose and Elizabeth in terms of metrics.

I was thinking about posting this in a separate place, but since you asked here are my experiences with individuals on this list. (I have read with many people on CP at this point and am fortunate that my finances allow it without much trouble.)

pilar - I do think she has a psychic gift. She got a lot of details right. But she was not very adept with the names for me as she is for some people. She mentioned maybe 4 names and only one of them could I connect to in any personal way. Waiting for predictions, some of which seemed overly aggressive to me.

jean - She was very straightforward, but also kind. Also really hard to get ahold of, she reads mostly in early morning hours and had a tremendous queue whenever I tried to talk to her. Waiting on predictions.

angelica - Obvious gift, very in tune with current circumstances. Confident and kind. Waiting on predictions. She is secretly one of my favorites because she is so down to earth and just good energy.

nina - Without a doubt, the VERY MOST IMPRESSIVE psychic I have ever read with. I literally said nothing except my name and she knew exactly why I was calling and specific details about the situation. Usually I find people who try to "guess" about why I'm calling to be annoying because they are habitually wrong and I don't like my time wasted, but... I was honestly totally blown away by this reading, mouth agape, because all I said was my name and DOB and She. Just. Knew. Waiting on predictions, but even without any predictions coming to fruition she is among the handful of psychics I would recommend without hesitation. She has unpredictable availability and does not read much, so she is hard to get ahold of, but I would move mountains to speak with her.

uli - Totally wrong/off. I was calling about a woman and she started off before I could ask my question with seeing a "controlling man" around me (I was calling about a woman) and stuff about a "new job" (I've been in my job for 5 years and have no plans to move). I was so disappointed because she seemed just completely off for me.

aliza - Mixed feelings about her. She has a pretty unique way of reading that is compelling but it also seems sort of formulaic. I've read with her a couple times and no matter what it's always like 2-2.5 weeks before something happens. Waiting on predictions.

gina rose - VERY confident reader, very right about many aspects of personalities I called about. Straight shooter. I get the sense that she would have no trouble delivering bad news if that's what she saw, which I really respect. Waiting on predictions.

luciana - I really like Luciana. She is so kind, so generous. She really "gets" personalities, very good empath and has given me EXCELLENT advice for how to deal with people. She also -- and I give her MAJOR kudos for this -- is one of only a handful of people who have nailed a specific date for me. She absolutely did, and it wasn't some kind of easy tell like when someone would contact me, it was details and a date about a face to face meeting with someone long distance. Now, there are other dates that she didn't get right. But the one she did was really significant. She is a really bright reader and I count her among my favorites.

elizabeth - Have not read.

kelli - Her first reading with me was spot on. She got so much right in terms of personality traits and the interpersonal situation that I was calling about. Predictions are through the end of the year so it's hard to say on that. However ... my second call, after probably ~7 months since we had originally spoken, she remembered that my birthday was in September, and remembered the specific birthday and name of another person I had been talking to her about and ... I'm sorry I don't really believe that spirit just told her my birth month and another person's exactly birthday and name while we spoke, I think she probably takes notes but passes it off like spirit is telling her this stuff. I still think she has a gift, but the notes thing turned me off.

natasha - Good reading overall, though some questionable parts (I don't want children, and she claimed she saw two kids for me. NO THANKS.) Predictions outstanding.

Well it's late, I'll continue this tomorrow.

Thanks for answering, it's nice to have someone to compare notes with.

Offline doubleoh8

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Re: Only posting positive reviews is crummy, so I do this to even the odds
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2017, 04:47:35 AM »
Hi again,

And thanks too for the detail. I am off readings now as sadly, my finances will not allow it! If I could keep going I would like to try Nina and Pilar,who I have not read with. I am impatient, though, so waiting on Nina in particular seems impossible to me.

On the other hand, running out of liquid cash was probably the best thing for me. i stopped calling out of necessity and am feeling a lot more grounded, stable and like myself again as a result!

I agree with most of our comments. Luciana super impressed me, but then also had a bunch of stuff wrong in subsequent readings. Agree on Jean and Aliza and Kelli, and I liked Elizabeth (probably because she gave me a really positive reading -- outcome pending).

Angelica -- ouch, that burns to hear you say that. She has a lot of feedback that supports what you said too -- that she is warm and gifted. My reading with her was one of the worst (as in downer) ever! She started with a lot about the person I called about and it was super positive about him: handsome, sexy, fun, funny, smart, interesting, almost like a celebrity... SUCH a great guy. Then she said that although he likes my company and is attracted, there wasn't enough there for him to really step into it and that he'd stay distant. The killer was something like 'and that is really sad for you because he is so amazing and your life would be so much better with him in it." It was awful to hear... I took some comfort in the fact that it was my 2nd reading with her and the first time she'd been all positive about the situation. On the other hand at the moment he is not putting in an effort so maybe she was right... but still a bit over the top as I don't feel THAT pathetic!

I do think it's worth looking at newer readers with your system. There is a lot of variation with the ratio -- i.e. some newer ones have very few reviews (in fact i bet the first few reviews are from CP staff) and then others have a lot more -- relatively. I like warren a lot...

Ok -- late-ish here too but keep us posted about your outcomes!

Offline doubleoh8

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Re: Only posting positive reviews is crummy, so I do this to even the odds
« Reply #4 on: September 28, 2017, 04:51:52 AM »
Oh, I forgot to mention ben! I love Ben on CP and he 'rates' really average or even on the low end. He got some real stuff for me and it was at hello... curious to know your thoughts....

Offline journalmuse

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Re: Only posting positive reviews is crummy, so I do this to even the odds
« Reply #5 on: September 28, 2017, 07:10:11 PM »
On Nina, I know what you mean. I try to stay in her queue as much as I can because she doesn't come on much and seems unpredictable when she does. Most of the time I get booted out and have to try to get back in it - I think CP must clear queues after about 3 days. I have noticed, though, that over the past 2-3 weeks, she's started opening up some appointment slots. It seems like only maybe 1-2 per day, and I haven't seen her open any over the past week, but there's that.

I'm sorry about Angelica! I doubt she intended it to come across that way but I can imagine how that felt. I also am not familiar with either of the ones you mentioned.

I do look at some of the newer readers, and in fact I have a further refinement that I didn't mention - I have another section where I track their ratings over time. That tells me whether their ranking is declining, or improving. So if you're a new person with 1000 ratings and you rank #3 on my charts, but when I check on you a month later you've lost a point, then I'm probably not going to use that person if that slide continues. But if their rating is improving, then I may give them a second look.

Most of the newer people in my ranking system are declining, albeit slowly. For instance right now the #2 person in my list is Jade, but as she takes more calls her ranking is dropping (she's down by 1.5 points as of a couple weeks ago). There is one, though, that has improved a lot as she's taken more calls, and that's Chiquita, so she's on my radar. Right now she's #35 in my list; she's improved by almost 3 points since I started tracking, which I find statistically significant.

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Re: Only posting positive reviews is crummy, so I do this to even the odds
« Reply #6 on: September 29, 2017, 07:17:24 PM »
Well my week's gotten super crazy so I haven't been able to post the rest, but I wanted to post a couple others on CA Psychics that have actually had predictions come true.

The best for me has been Chastity, she accurately predicted that a person I'm interested in who is long distance would be traveling near me for work and that we'd meet up in a range that was like .. July 17-19. I didn't believe it at the time because it had been 1.5 yrs since I'd seen this person face to face. But sure enough... the work trip near me happened, and we met up for lunch on July 21. Then she also correctly predicted the reason for a trip someone was taking, and it was a pretty specific, non generic reason, and she ended up being right. That being said, there are other specifics she's been wrong on. But I was blown away by those two things.

I also spoke with Elliott and he gave me 4 signs to watch out for, before something I wanted to happen was about to manifest. Two of them have happened, and at the time they made no sense. But they did happen. One was about someone was goign to have their hair cut short. (It happened.) The other was that he saw me surrounded by like 8-10 cats. I have two cats and am not interested in more. But sure enough a momma cat had a litter next to my house and suddenly I found myself taking care of an additional 6 cats. So ... waiting for his ultimate prediction to come through, but that got my attention.

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Re: Only posting positive reviews is crummy, so I do this to even the odds
« Reply #7 on: October 04, 2017, 08:05:07 PM »
I has a reading with Angelica (CP) this morning.  She pick up on my other ex instead of the current one maybe they both have the same name.  I did correct her and she tune into the current one right away.  She told me that the other women is manipulative BITCH LOL.   I laugh so hard when she make that comment because i don't expect that from Angelica.   I will update on her prediction.
« Last Edit: October 04, 2017, 08:08:46 PM by nancy »

Offline mignnone

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Hi Double! I'm glad I'm not the only type A sort out here :)

I agree it's a very imperfect calculation for all the reasons both of us have mentioned. I think this is not a be-all, end-all, because I've had amazing, accurate readings from people not on this list, and have had average to bad readings from people who are -- though I will say that more often than not, this list has resulted in good readings for me. To me, it's more intended as a mechanism for helping sort the wheat from the chaff at a very basic level, separate from something more arbitrary like how expensive they are.

So practically speaking I take this list as a base and then go through the feedback looking for exactly the kinds of things you single out. If someone's feedback is full of reviews like "Thank you" or "I'm looking forward to your predictions," then I'm less likely to bother. When I look through feedback, I look for thoughtful replies that are more than a few words and ESPECIALLY ones that say that a prediction happened. Those get my attention.

Angelica is actually an outlier on my list. I typically make 8000 reviews a cutoff, but there was something in her feedback that prompted me to call anyway, and I had a good experience with her (predictions still outstanding).

Oh Luciana, I should have included her in this list. Similar - she is another one with about 5000 calls, so she's very borderline in terms of my metrics. But after having read with her I had a similar experience to yours. If I were to have included her in here, she'd be between Gina Rose and Elizabeth in terms of metrics.

I was thinking about posting this in a separate place, but since you asked here are my experiences with individuals on this list. (I have read with many people on CP at this point and am fortunate that my finances allow it without much trouble.)

pilar - I do think she has a psychic gift. She got a lot of details right. But she was not very adept with the names for me as she is for some people. She mentioned maybe 4 names and only one of them could I connect to in any personal way. Waiting for predictions, some of which seemed overly aggressive to me.

jean - She was very straightforward, but also kind. Also really hard to get ahold of, she reads mostly in early morning hours and had a tremendous queue whenever I tried to talk to her. Waiting on predictions.

angelica - Obvious gift, very in tune with current circumstances. Confident and kind. Waiting on predictions. She is secretly one of my favorites because she is so down to earth and just good energy.

nina - Without a doubt, the VERY MOST IMPRESSIVE psychic I have ever read with. I literally said nothing except my name and she knew exactly why I was calling and specific details about the situation. Usually I find people who try to "guess" about why I'm calling to be annoying because they are habitually wrong and I don't like my time wasted, but... I was honestly totally blown away by this reading, mouth agape, because all I said was my name and DOB and She. Just. Knew. Waiting on predictions, but even without any predictions coming to fruition she is among the handful of psychics I would recommend without hesitation. She has unpredictable availability and does not read much, so she is hard to get ahold of, but I would move mountains to speak with her.

uli - Totally wrong/off. I was calling about a woman and she started off before I could ask my question with seeing a "controlling man" around me (I was calling about a woman) and stuff about a "new job" (I've been in my job for 5 years and have no plans to move). I was so disappointed because she seemed just completely off for me.

aliza - Mixed feelings about her. She has a pretty unique way of reading that is compelling but it also seems sort of formulaic. I've read with her a couple times and no matter what it's always like 2-2.5 weeks before something happens. Waiting on predictions.

gina rose - VERY confident reader, very right about many aspects of personalities I called about. Straight shooter. I get the sense that she would have no trouble delivering bad news if that's what she saw, which I really respect. Waiting on predictions.

luciana - I really like Luciana. She is so kind, so generous. She really "gets" personalities, very good empath and has given me EXCELLENT advice for how to deal with people. She also -- and I give her MAJOR kudos for this -- is one of only a handful of people who have nailed a specific date for me. She absolutely did, and it wasn't some kind of easy tell like when someone would contact me, it was details and a date about a face to face meeting with someone long distance. Now, there are other dates that she didn't get right. But the one she did was really significant. She is a really bright reader and I count her among my favorites.

elizabeth - Have not read.

kelli - Her first reading with me was spot on. She got so much right in terms of personality traits and the interpersonal situation that I was calling about. Predictions are through the end of the year so it's hard to say on that. However ... my second call, after probably ~7 months since we had originally spoken, she remembered that my birthday was in September, and remembered the specific birthday and name of another person I had been talking to her about and ... I'm sorry I don't really believe that spirit just told her my birth month and another person's exactly birthday and name while we spoke, I think she probably takes notes but passes it off like spirit is telling her this stuff. I still think she has a gift, but the notes thing turned me off.

natasha - Good reading overall, though some questionable parts (I don't want children, and she claimed she saw two kids for me. NO THANKS.) Predictions outstanding.

Well it's late, I'll continue this tomorrow.

Thanks for answering, it's nice to have someone to compare notes with.


Would you now after some time has passed recommend reading with Lucians, Nina, Jean or Kelli from CP?

Offline journalmuse

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Would you now after some time has passed recommend reading with Lucians, Nina, Jean or Kelli from CP?

I would still read with Nina and Luciana. Probably not the other two. Jean was not correct for me, timeline passed. Kelli, the notes thing still turns me off a bit. However I do think she has a gift. Actually to clarify, I know some will disagree but for me, personally, I don't think taking notes is unethical or bad. I think it makes sense in some ways. What turns me off is that she tried to pass it off like she was just getting dates from spirit and that didn't sit well with me.
« Last Edit: April 20, 2018, 07:44:20 PM by journalmuse »

Offline mignnone

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Re: Only posting positive reviews is crummy, so I do this to even the odds
« Reply #10 on: April 20, 2018, 07:49:13 PM »


Would you now after some time has passed recommend reading with Lucians, Nina, Jean or Kelli from CP?

I would still read with Nina and Luciana. Probably not the other two. Jean was not correct for me, timeline passed. Kelli, the notes thing still turns me off a bit. However I do think she has a gift. Actually to clarify, I know some will disagree but for me, personally, I don't think taking notes is unethical or bad. I think it makes sense in some ways. What turns me off is that she tried to pass it off like she was just getting dates from spirit and that didn't sit well with me.

Besides the note taking, do you think she is accurate like if she sees something it’s going to happen. Is she good with outcomes?

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Re: Only posting positive reviews is crummy, so I do this to even the odds
« Reply #11 on: April 20, 2018, 08:08:37 PM »
Unfortunately her timing has been off for me. So not so far, unless it's really really off.

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Re: Only posting positive reviews is crummy, so I do this to even the odds
« Reply #12 on: April 21, 2018, 10:56:19 AM »
Hey everyone, thanks for all the reviews here, I've been reading through them and posted a little bit and it's been pretty interesting.

I like CP, I have overall had more success with CP readers than Keen, however... one thing I think is really crooked is how they only post positive reviews (their excuse for why is total crap). So what I have started doing to try to give myself a better feel for it is this: I compare how many calls someone has taken, with how many reviews people have left.

My rationale for this is, more people who are generally happier with a reader will mean the reader will in general have more reviews compared to how many calls they've taken. If you have someone who has taken a lot of calls but only has a relatively smaller number of reviews, then that could mean that people were trying to post negative reviews that got deleted or else they were just sorta eh about the call. I figure it's a decent way to judge relatively how satisfied people are with the psychic.

So I have a spreadsheet where I have calculated the number of calls someone has taken with the number of reviews they have, and ranked them. I generally don't include people with less than about 5000-8000 calls because when you have less than that, the numbers are skewed, as the smaller number of calls taken means each review ends up weighted more heavily. (I have found that when people are pretty new, people are more apt to leave reviews and they show up great in my rankings, but the averages start going way down once they take larger numbers of calls.)

This isn't foolproof obviously. Especially when you get a psychic who has like 1-2 people who are addicted to calling them and leave them positive reviews every other day ... but you can usually spot those pretty easily when you start scrolling through the feedback. So anyone whose average is good but I see that there are 1-2 addicts posting constant reviews I usually look at more skeptically. Also, I give men a negative handicap on their average because I think that most clientele of these services are women and, especially given the number that call about broken relationships, I think there could be a tendency for them to inflate their reviews because they think they're attractive or like their voice or whatever. (For good or ill, that's just how I do it). So if you see a man in here, their average is actually depressed lower than what the raw number shows.

That being said, using my rankings with this method, here are the top psychics on CP, in order. I generally don't speak with anyone with a rating lower than these (though there are some exceptions).

gina rose

There are others ranked more highly and also scattered inside this list but I don't include them because they don't have enough calls yet (like 1,000 or something).

Hope you find this helpful...

I actually did the exact same things, compared readings and review numbers...never did a damn thing for me. They still all gave me positive outcomes that never happened. I've never read with Gina Rose but I've heard terrible things about her.

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Re: Only posting positive reviews is crummy, so I do this to even the odds
« Reply #13 on: November 30, 2018, 01:12:13 PM »
I just found this topic and I wanted to revisit it -- ANyone done anything like this recently?  ANy new updates on these readers?

Offline tellmewhy

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Re: Only posting positive reviews is crummy, so I do this to even the odds
« Reply #14 on: November 30, 2018, 04:27:13 PM »
It's only people with no brain who will pay that kind of money for something that's not guaranteed. Unless whatever they are saying is 100%, I won't pay that kind of money. I also understand that if you truly have the gift you can't use it to exploit others.

I just found this topic and I wanted to revisit it -- ANyone done anything like this recently?  ANy new updates on these readers?

