Hey all! I didn't see a Psychic Ari thread so I'm going to post my update here:
I know she hasn't worked for some of you but for me, everything she said is starting to pan out. I cannot believe it actually because my SO shows me (at times) something very different than what is going on inside. Let me give an example and a bit of background. We had a recent silence that lasted about 3 weeks, I was not feeling very hopeful but I gave him the space he needed. We just recently reconnected a little over a week ago (which she also predicted in the right timeframe). Since we reconnected, things have been light, been trying to keep it fun, and she saw that we would grow closer, that I would see him soon, become more intimate and all that, which all happened. It's been a long time since I felt as close as I do now with him. She really saw some core issues between us and made some suggestions that I think have shifted the relationship into the positive. In the last few days we had a small disagreement, I was again feeling a bit down and worried things would be like how they used to be, but she said that in a few days things would get better and that the disagreement wasn't a big deal, she even saw a conflict I thought was a big deal, not be one in his eyes at all. She really picks up on these small details and I've only read with her 3 times in the last month or so. She said that I would see all of his internal feelings once I see him by the way he treats me, and I am still kind of in disbelief how sweet and attentive he has been. Though the space was quite painful for me, it seems like it has helped both of us figure out what is more important in the big picture.
Besides her, Angel readings also saw the same thing in her first reading, reconnection within a time frame. However I was kind of confused with her second reading and know that there have been several discussions about second-time readings not being accurate and I truly hope she doesn't re-read old transcripts! Based on her first reading though, she is accurate for me.
Next is Advisor Terra, she was really accurate with contact predictions (one time didn't happen in the time she saw) but the second and third time, they did pan out. She has always seen positive things for us and was able to tell me a time period where she sees him opening up emotionally.
Diego Conti also said that by mid February he would be coming with better intentions and be more attentive..which is what is happening now. His contact predictions didn't come through for me a couple times though!
If you want more details or just have questions for me, feel free to PM