I've been promising to post under the LH thread and here I am.
I found her in 2015 and hated the first reading I got. It was a general one but I'd asked about this guy and that guy and I got the response people complain about-lecturing and nagging and going off on a tangent. But she had predictions in there that then came to fruition in 2016 and 2017. One was that I was working with two senior male colleagues and would just face a dead end with them and feel disillusioned. It happened over 2 years-basically two senior coauthors I learned had zero skill in writing or data code and analysis -they meant well , but they hailed from a bygone era when you could just spit out some rudimentary analysis and get away with it.
Second prediction was that I'd have back pain and problems and see a specialist for it and it'd nag me for a while . At this time, I was blessed with having zero issues-I'd do mad workouts and not get more than doms. So this prediction made no sense to me. Well , genetic inclination plus wrong squat form ruined my back and I started having serious cramping in my lower back, and sometimes inhibiting even my ability to walk. It flared up big time end of 2017 and was to plague me on and off for 2018, and 2019. I saw many specialists and it got diagnosed as various things, all of which required leveling off the plyometrics and corrective exercises-it turned out to be muscular and nothing else-but apparently it can cause major issues.. My grandma had it and she did not exercise at all. Right now, I am super vigilant about it and always worried about a flare up. The last one lasted 3 months.
AFter these two specific predictions passed, I went back to Leeann for 10 predictions.
I found out that if you don't ask about any guys she is much more positive and doesn't lecture as much. Of her 10 predictions I'd say about a half pan out and the rest are either too trivial or ambiguous for me to pick them out.
But here are some specific ones that came out to be true
1) invitation to give a talk
2) that I'd publish an edited volume with a female author
3) My mom would have stomach issues and have minor surgery
4) that I'd have falling out with a male friend but there'd be a misundertanding
5) my cousin would leave his job
6) property sale related to family.
7) a friend will have a breakup.
I'd meet a guy with "disheveled hair" at a bar-this was the Wands.
You can see from above that not all pertain to me-my cousin, my friend, my mom.
I will say this: I've never asked about an ex. But when I asked about a love interest, she nailed him to the t-it was the Wands and she correctly predicted that it'd be a friendship veering sometimes on being more and then reverting back, that we'd be in each other's presence for a long long time, that we'd have common friends. If I want to understand him, I'd still refer back to that recording. It gave much more in depth insight into the 'why' of things than Yona's predictions.
I once also asked about the old love interest and she correctly saw that I'd met him online, that I'd bump into him again, and that he's a nice guy but that nothing more would unfold.
She did not lecture or nag in any of this-b/c I didn't express interest in a relationship with either but just said that I like this guy, what do you see.
She used to offer dirt cheap deals which she abandoned doing last year. So you'd get a reading of 10 predictions for like $20 -that is USD- and now it's like priced at 30 pounds, which is like $45-50 USD. so more than doubled the price...
Funny note, I itemized my list but the figure 8 is the keycode shortcut for smug face apparently! The list isn't exhaustive btw-but you get this gist, some good predictions in there, some about love. others are trivial.