Author Topic: Leanne Halyburton  (Read 291375 times)

Offline dasaninot

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Re: Leanne Halyburton
« Reply #615 on: November 15, 2019, 07:40:33 PM »
She does this quite often, read past as present , this has not only happened to me but a few people around me. And sometimes she will pick make predictions that’s in relation to other people and apply it to you.

Has anyone had Leanne confuse the past with current/future?

If you are asking if Leanne predicted something that already happened as a future event, then yes. In my July consultation she predicted that I’d get swept off my feet in a whirlwind, but due to reality setting in, I’d end up back in the other side (like a let down).  The person wouldn’t have meant to hurt me.  She said I’d know it was happening because it would happen unexpectedly, I’d feel a rush and find myself thinking about someone a lot and smiling, and I’d kind of keep it to myself.  Well this had already happened in March and April.  She also said it didn’t involve my POI, when in fact it had been him.  As far as timing, Leanne said it would happen sooner than later.  So, she knew it wasn’t far off, she just didn’t realize it had already happened.

I did request insight into a romantic interest (not an ex)(and yes, I gave name and age) and Leanne did not, in my mind, accurately describe this person (it was almost the opposite of how i would think of her). She described me fairly accurately. Then went on to describe a situation (relationship) that this person is either in or will be in soon. Thing is, that situation (relationship) fairly accurately described her relationship that ended 2 years ago.

She also spoke of this interest of mine as if we met and communicate only through technology and not face to face. We have engaged face to face and still do (not as often as i'd like) and we have known each other 7 years.

Not real sure what to make of her assessment. I only gave her our names and ages and that we had communication (i know every one says that's a no-no, but it was my focus) She actually spoke about the age difference (I am older by a reasonable amount) and said it wasn't something that caused her to make her prediction the way she did (not in my favor).

Any thoughts or feedback would be appreciated (other than chastising me for giving her name/age info and not just doing the general reading thing.)

She told me a man I dated, who was the most awful being in the world, was so good and great for me. Lol so yeah I have no idea what to make of that. Just don't think too much about it. There's some things that just won't happen with her. I'm still kind of pondering my readings.

Has anyone ever gotten something like "you'll have a tooth infection or a tooth will hurt"? I just feel like that's so general. By the way a few years back I was in college and of course didn't mention anything, and he reading was all about career when I asked about money. And it was supposed to happen shortly after back when I had no interest in getting a job as school was hectic and I had just started. So yeah, I mean things like that are basic. It felt like she was making "safe" predictions because everyone has to work.

Also she tells everyone all about a ring and engagement depending on their age. So most of her insight is "common sense general" and it feels like she probably doesn't exert her *gift* too often. Like she just blabs on what she thinks will happen like the way she is always anti-exes on everyone when many people didn't end horribly and get back together. But for me she was opposite when she should've been negative. How she judges couples by age. Based on what she told you, I feel like when she sees the man is older than you she predictions are always positive, as it was in my case. When she sees the man is young, she'll say it will lead nowhere. Thing is I've dated guys my age who have been 10000x more mature than the abusive thief she praised so highly. He was in his 30s and he had nothing going for him. Jumping from entry job to another, homeless at times, drugs, alcohol, lying, stealing from his friends and family, and the most emotionally immature person ever.

So just a rant but basically, cross what she said about your POI off if it doesn't resonate. Don't worry too much about it.

Offline bstalling

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Re: Leanne Halyburton
« Reply #616 on: November 16, 2019, 02:12:50 AM »
shes been 100 percent for me in health predictions.

Offline Jili1945

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Re: Leanne Halyburton
« Reply #617 on: November 16, 2019, 04:47:52 AM »
shes been 100 percent for me in health predictions.

100% wrong or right?

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: Leanne Halyburton
« Reply #618 on: November 16, 2019, 04:49:22 AM »
She's been 100% right for me on health. Even with family members.

Offline Jili1945

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Re: Leanne Halyburton
« Reply #619 on: November 16, 2019, 05:10:51 AM »
For me, non of the Leanne's predictions happened yet (it's not due yet, I had a reading a couple of months ago) but when I listen to the recordings I realize that she has picked up things very well. She's been spot on for the current. Time tells about future accuracy.

Offline bstalling

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Re: Leanne Halyburton
« Reply #620 on: November 16, 2019, 05:29:20 AM »
shes been 100 percent for me in health predictions.

100% wrong or right?

right. I think that is her top gift, actually.

Offline maggs30

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Re: Leanne Halyburton
« Reply #621 on: November 18, 2019, 02:39:20 AM »
Hit from my 12 month outlook. It was 30 days into my new job when I had the reading. She told me there would be a woman with an attitude I would have a problem with. She would get on my nerves and is always complaining. I will report things but be ignored. The woman isn't nasty but seeks approval. She is older than me.

What is happening I am a store manager. I am filling in for someone who is on maternity leave. She has a 19 yr old asst manager newly promoted. This little bitter girl botched and whines and she is quite nasty to people. The problem is the manager on leave, the asst manager, and my district manager are close friends. I am an "outsider" new to the company. The little bitch walks around on her phone all day, does work, and disrespects me. I tried to talk to my DM and he would not even let me finish a sentence. He doesn't want to hear the truth about "his friend". So it was spot on except for the older than me and not nasty parts. I'm guessing her overly negative energy makes her feel older to Leanne. She also said I would be looking at changing jobs in 5 to 7 months. The reading was in Sept. I'm applying for other jobs.

Now if Leanne, Kisha, and Yona's positive love predictions that all line up would start happening that would be great. Yona even told me this was a filler job after I got the job but before I started. FML.

Just to add the little asst manager is nasty to all 3 new employees I just hired too. One quit today. She kept telling her she was old, slow, and stupid. How does the DM let this go on? Not my concern once I find another job. I don't deal well with favoritism, poor behavior, and lack of morals.

Offline naturegirl

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Re: Leanne Halyburton
« Reply #622 on: November 18, 2019, 02:59:02 AM »
That stinks, I'm sorry. Leanne is pretty good about picking up dynamics, but I feel usually makes it sound like it's a bigger deal than it is. In this case it almost sounds like she made it sound like less of a big deal. Hopefully it doesn't suck too much while you're still there!

Offline maggs30

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Re: Leanne Halyburton
« Reply #623 on: November 18, 2019, 09:31:31 AM »
If I go above him I'm shooting myself in the foot career wise. I'm waiting till I get out then contacting headquarters. They honestly just do not care about their employees though I went and read all the glass door reviews. Its eye opening to say the least.

Offline Star_01

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Re: Leanne Halyburton
« Reply #624 on: November 20, 2019, 02:34:41 AM »
Leanne hasn't really worked for me at all. Don't get me wrong - she has validated or given predictions about things which have already happened but she reads them as future, but no predictions have really ever happened.

When I asked her to look at my ex she made him out to be a player and charms the birds out of the trees, but he actually was in a relationship with someone then and still is. However, when I purchased a 10 general she picked up things very specific not knowing it was about him such as "a guy owes you money and you will be arguing over it" etc.

I then purchased a reading on someone specific in January I was seeing and she didn't pick up that I had dropped contact with the lad and carried on the reading as though we were still in touch and did the usual it won't work out spiel and mentioned scissors which I had no clue she was on about.

She seems to at least validate better in her general predictions and I purchased one in September and again - so far no predictions have happened. She said to me something about getting out of a car and a man that I'm seeing mentioning devil horns, strange predictions like that. However she did validate me and my personality well and her advice to me about me was spot on. She gave a prediction about a guy and unfinished business to happen and he will be back in contact and she sees ultimatums and my stuff being thrown about. She said the guy likes things on his terms and very back and forth. This does describe my POI from this year but we have not had contact since the beginning of May, it was left in bad terms and I truly have no feeling in my body that he misses me and is aiming to come back at some point, like empaths and Leanne said would return. I will update if he does return but I'd honestly be shocked and to be honest I'm moving on now from that point in my life anyway. Leanne probably is viewing the past again but the guy did not throw my stuff about.

The issue with Leanne is most of what she says could be very ranty or general to your age, and then she drops in some bomb validations or what she sees are predictions but already happened. Her readings can be all over the place and the reading I got in September she went off on rants and then stopped every so often to give me info which actually were good validations. I wish she wouldn't use psychology so much or generic statements due to your age range and just use her gift because her info can be good. But definitely she is better for general only personally.

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: Leanne Halyburton
« Reply #625 on: November 20, 2019, 03:37:12 AM »
Leanne hasn't really worked for me at all. Don't get me wrong - she has validated or given predictions about things which have already happened but she reads them as future, but no predictions have really ever happened.

When I asked her to look at my ex she made him out to be a player and charms the birds out of the trees, but he actually was in a relationship with someone then and still is. However, when I purchased a 10 general she picked up things very specific not knowing it was about him such as "a guy owes you money and you will be arguing over it" etc.

I then purchased a reading on someone specific in January I was seeing and she didn't pick up that I had dropped contact with the lad and carried on the reading as though we were still in touch and did the usual it won't work out spiel and mentioned scissors which I had no clue she was on about.

She seems to at least validate better in her general predictions and I purchased one in September and again - so far no predictions have happened. She said to me something about getting out of a car and a man that I'm seeing mentioning devil horns, strange predictions like that. However she did validate me and my personality well and her advice to me about me was spot on. She gave a prediction about a guy and unfinished business to happen and he will be back in contact and she sees ultimatums and my stuff being thrown about. She said the guy likes things on his terms and very back and forth. This does describe my POI from this year but we have not had contact since the beginning of May, it was left in bad terms and I truly have no feeling in my body that he misses me and is aiming to come back at some point, like empaths and Leanne said would return. I will update if he does return but I'd honestly be shocked and to be honest I'm moving on now from that point in my life anyway. Leanne probably is viewing the past again but the guy did not throw my stuff about.

The issue with Leanne is most of what she says could be very ranty or general to your age, and then she drops in some bomb validations or what she sees are predictions but already happened. Her readings can be all over the place and the reading I got in September she went off on rants and then stopped every so often to give me info which actually were good validations. I wish she wouldn't use psychology so much or generic statements due to your age range and just use her gift because her info can be good. But definitely she is better for general only personally.

But that's what Leanne does. She gives consultations. She states very specifically on her website that she's not just a psychic or fortune teller, but provides insight and consultations regarding what she sees and how to maneuver through it. If you don't want the opinions, guidance, or "psychology ", she's not your reader.
« Last Edit: November 20, 2019, 03:49:11 AM by Fidget1028 »

Offline maggs30

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Re: Leanne Halyburton
« Reply #626 on: November 20, 2019, 04:30:56 AM »
Yet another hit from Leanne today from my general 12 month outlook. She said there will be a guy in the next 12 months That will want to be close to me and we will develop a closeness. He is older and we will talk a lot but its not romantic as he isn't free/unattached. She said he will be important in my life. Well that guy is actually someone from this board and we have been talking a lot in PMs about our experiences with psychics and our POIs and giving each other advice. He has given me new angles that had not crossed my mind before on my situation.  So I call that a hit.

Offline lavendermoonchild

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Re: Leanne Halyburton
« Reply #627 on: November 21, 2019, 01:32:30 AM »
I like Leanne! Her predictions have always been pretty spot on for me and I love her energy. Totally not disregarding others if they’ve had negative experiences with her but for me she’s been great.

Offline Star_01

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Re: Leanne Halyburton
« Reply #628 on: November 21, 2019, 04:44:10 PM »
Leanne hasn't really worked for me at all. Don't get me wrong - she has validated or given predictions about things which have already happened but she reads them as future, but no predictions have really ever happened.

When I asked her to look at my ex she made him out to be a player and charms the birds out of the trees, but he actually was in a relationship with someone then and still is. However, when I purchased a 10 general she picked up things very specific not knowing it was about him such as "a guy owes you money and you will be arguing over it" etc.

I then purchased a reading on someone specific in January I was seeing and she didn't pick up that I had dropped contact with the lad and carried on the reading as though we were still in touch and did the usual it won't work out spiel and mentioned scissors which I had no clue she was on about.

She seems to at least validate better in her general predictions and I purchased one in September and again - so far no predictions have happened. She said to me something about getting out of a car and a man that I'm seeing mentioning devil horns, strange predictions like that. However she did validate me and my personality well and her advice to me about me was spot on. She gave a prediction about a guy and unfinished business to happen and he will be back in contact and she sees ultimatums and my stuff being thrown about. She said the guy likes things on his terms and very back and forth. This does describe my POI from this year but we have not had contact since the beginning of May, it was left in bad terms and I truly have no feeling in my body that he misses me and is aiming to come back at some point, like empaths and Leanne said would return. I will update if he does return but I'd honestly be shocked and to be honest I'm moving on now from that point in my life anyway. Leanne probably is viewing the past again but the guy did not throw my stuff about.

The issue with Leanne is most of what she says could be very ranty or general to your age, and then she drops in some bomb validations or what she sees are predictions but already happened. Her readings can be all over the place and the reading I got in September she went off on rants and then stopped every so often to give me info which actually were good validations. I wish she wouldn't use psychology so much or generic statements due to your age range and just use her gift because her info can be good. But definitely she is better for general only personally.

But that's what Leanne does. She gives consultations. She states very specifically on her website that she's not just a psychic or fortune teller, but provides insight and consultations regarding what she sees and how to maneuver through it. If you don't want the opinions, guidance, or "psychology ", she's not your reader.

I know, no need to get so defensive of her. I already said she is better at general and not asking about other people - like you said. I'm just posting my experience personally.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2019, 04:46:54 PM by Star_01 »

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: Leanne Halyburton
« Reply #629 on: November 21, 2019, 09:54:36 PM »
Leanne hasn't really worked for me at all. Don't get me wrong - she has validated or given predictions about things which have already happened but she reads them as future, but no predictions have really ever happened.

When I asked her to look at my ex she made him out to be a player and charms the birds out of the trees, but he actually was in a relationship with someone then and still is. However, when I purchased a 10 general she picked up things very specific not knowing it was about him such as "a guy owes you money and you will be arguing over it" etc.

I then purchased a reading on someone specific in January I was seeing and she didn't pick up that I had dropped contact with the lad and carried on the reading as though we were still in touch and did the usual it won't work out spiel and mentioned scissors which I had no clue she was on about.

She seems to at least validate better in her general predictions and I purchased one in September and again - so far no predictions have happened. She said to me something about getting out of a car and a man that I'm seeing mentioning devil horns, strange predictions like that. However she did validate me and my personality well and her advice to me about me was spot on. She gave a prediction about a guy and unfinished business to happen and he will be back in contact and she sees ultimatums and my stuff being thrown about. She said the guy likes things on his terms and very back and forth. This does describe my POI from this year but we have not had contact since the beginning of May, it was left in bad terms and I truly have no feeling in my body that he misses me and is aiming to come back at some point, like empaths and Leanne said would return. I will update if he does return but I'd honestly be shocked and to be honest I'm moving on now from that point in my life anyway. Leanne probably is viewing the past again but the guy did not throw my stuff about.

The issue with Leanne is most of what she says could be very ranty or general to your age, and then she drops in some bomb validations or what she sees are predictions but already happened. Her readings can be all over the place and the reading I got in September she went off on rants and then stopped every so often to give me info which actually were good validations. I wish she wouldn't use psychology so much or generic statements due to your age range and just use her gift because her info can be good. But definitely she is better for general only personally.

But that's what Leanne does. She gives consultations. She states very specifically on her website that she's not just a psychic or fortune teller, but provides insight and consultations regarding what she sees and how to maneuver through it. If you don't want the opinions, guidance, or "psychology ", she's not your reader.

I know, no need to get so defensive of her. I already said she is better at general and not asking about other people - like you said. I'm just posting my experience personally.

I'm not defensive at all. You said you wish she wouldn't use psychology. I'm simply saying that's how she reads. And she will use your age, because someone in their 50s has different life goals typically (not always) than someone in their 20s. Like I don't give a hoot about having kids or getting married (again). Most younger people do. So her consultations will be quite different.