Author Topic: Leanne Halyburton  (Read 367476 times)


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Re: Leanne Halyburton
« Reply #15 on: July 29, 2017, 06:17:59 PM »
I can understand why exes is a sore spot for her..she talked about it in one of her youtube videos that her ex lied to her about being married or something..she does seem to get really triggered by  these questions, she even said in a video that "if you look at it statistically, when someone is asking about someone from the past its not gonna work out" lol we are asking for psychic insight nor statistic common sense!!

And people should just call themselves for what they are - psychics.

Offline bstalling

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Re: Leanne Halyburton
« Reply #16 on: July 29, 2017, 06:49:41 PM »
I can understand why exes is a sore spot for her..she talked about it in one of her youtube videos that her ex lied to her about being married or something..she does seem to get really triggered by  these questions, she even said in a video that "if you look at it statistically, when someone is asking about someone from the past its not gonna work out" lol we are asking for psychic insight nor statistic common sense!!

And people should just call themselves for what they are - psychics.

exactly! who stops wondering about things in their personal life because of statistics? just use your psychic gift to answer the questions! sheesh!

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Re: Leanne Halyburton
« Reply #17 on: August 03, 2017, 01:58:36 AM »
I paid for a 10 general prediction reading and got my reading yesterday.  I don't know what to do with the reading.  I was expecting the predictions to be like BStalling's, concrete and clear.  No I didn't get anything concrete or clear.  I am not happy with the reading at all.  Very vague and can be applied to almost anyone.

did she do stuff like "I see a man..with a bald head. That is a prediction." 

I think you caught her on a bad day. She ranted on her blog about not getting enough orders and some clients standing her up. She deleted it this morning.

Offline wildfox87

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Re: Leanne Halyburton
« Reply #18 on: August 03, 2017, 07:01:18 PM »
So you guys are saying do not ask her specific questions? If i get the 10 general predictions will she generally pick up on  POI automatically, it also says you can ask questions with the 10 predictions so should I ask about my POI or just not bother?  and how long does she take to get your order back to you?
« Last Edit: August 03, 2017, 07:09:24 PM by wildfox87 »

Offline bagalagaa88

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Re: Leanne Halyburton
« Reply #19 on: August 03, 2017, 09:57:18 PM »
So you guys are saying do not ask her specific questions? If i get the 10 general predictions will she generally pick up on  POI automatically, it also says you can ask questions with the 10 predictions so should I ask about my POI or just not bother?  and how long does she take to get your order back to you?

Usually next day. I asked about my POI and like others she inputs her opinion. I'm not sure if she picked up on him in my reading. I think so but she's better for general.

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Re: Leanne Halyburton
« Reply #20 on: August 03, 2017, 10:32:10 PM »
Thank you so much! I purchased a reading today so looking forward to what she picks up on, will update. I decided to leave POI out of it, hopefully she picks up on him-

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Re: Leanne Halyburton
« Reply #21 on: August 06, 2017, 08:07:49 AM »
I found my reading with her to be very jumbled and confusing. Not clear at all. A lot of things she said did resonate but then again it could have resonated with most people.  It was inspiring. In a way she reminds me of a life coach. She picked up on my POI briefly and described him but didn't give me anything else on him.. said he had dark hair and a squarish face? Talk about vague. Said she saw a lot of emotional knots ahead, well i already know that's coming up with him, that's always how it is. Again, Very vague.  She ranted on about random things and steered off topic A LOT. The advice was helpful but I'm not really satisfied with the psychic input here, she repeated a lot of the same things... Didn't really get my main points answered such as love life. It was good to know that my life is heading in the right direction from what she said. But she also wasn't clear on it because she said there was 2 paths i could follow?
« Last Edit: August 06, 2017, 08:17:46 AM by wildfox87 »

Offline bstalling

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Re: Leanne Halyburton
« Reply #22 on: August 14, 2017, 06:04:08 AM »
I found my reading with her to be very jumbled and confusing. Not clear at all. A lot of things she said did resonate but then again it could have resonated with most people.  It was inspiring. In a way she reminds me of a life coach. She picked up on my POI briefly and described him but didn't give me anything else on him.. said he had dark hair and a squarish face? Talk about vague. Said she saw a lot of emotional knots ahead, well i already know that's coming up with him, that's always how it is. Again, Very vague.  She ranted on about random things and steered off topic A LOT. The advice was helpful but I'm not really satisfied with the psychic input here, she repeated a lot of the same things... Didn't really get my main points answered such as love life. It was good to know that my life is heading in the right direction from what she said. But she also wasn't clear on it because she said there was 2 paths i could follow?

What reading was this? Did you ask her questions?

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Re: Leanne Halyburton
« Reply #23 on: September 14, 2017, 04:37:37 AM »
Glad you found your way here. Surprised u were banned, but they do have a Yona cult over there.

But yeah, Leanne can be pretty damn annoying although accurate a lot of times

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Re: Leanne Halyburton
« Reply #24 on: September 14, 2017, 02:59:36 PM »
omg, sorry you got banned. That Joey guy is such an annoying queen.

Offline tellmewhy

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Re: Leanne Halyburton
« Reply #25 on: September 14, 2017, 04:30:44 PM »
I agree with you on her, she definitely gets offended when you call her out

I have had 4 reading from here. 
The first I swear she was talking about my Ex in the present tense.  I'm not sure we'll see it could be the guy I'm dating now.  She will never really elaborate in a positive way about a man.  It's like she purposely withholds that information it's very annoying.  The last reading she described the guy I am seeing now.  She indicated I was making plans with him, I was around him and we were going places together, She indicated He really cared about me.  That is the most I've ever gotten from speaking of a man in a positive light. I still feel she held back on a lot of info.  She preached more in the reading then ever.  She repeated the same thing as one of my predictions and kept blabbing about it.  Basically I'm always stressed and/or worried about something is not going to unfold.  Which she is correct and I had no problem with her indicating that and giving advice but she kept at it for most of the prediction.  I was like okay I get it. 

She has been spot on with my career when It comes to love she's all over the place. 

Anyway I won't read with her even though I think she's accurate she has a big attitude problem.  She can never be wrong and if you challenge her on something she's easily offended.

Offline eilson

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Re: Leanne Halyburton
« Reply #26 on: September 14, 2017, 04:55:09 PM »
I agree with you on her, she definitely gets offended when you call her out

I have had 4 reading from here. 
The first I swear she was talking about my Ex in the present tense.  I'm not sure we'll see it could be the guy I'm dating now.  She will never really elaborate in a positive way about a man.  It's like she purposely withholds that information it's very annoying.  The last reading she described the guy I am seeing now.  She indicated I was making plans with him, I was around him and we were going places together, She indicated He really cared about me.  That is the most I've ever gotten from speaking of a man in a positive light. I still feel she held back on a lot of info.  She preached more in the reading then ever.  She repeated the same thing as one of my predictions and kept blabbing about it.  Basically I'm always stressed and/or worried about something is not going to unfold.  Which she is correct and I had no problem with her indicating that and giving advice but she kept at it for most of the prediction.  I was like okay I get it. 

She has been spot on with my career when It comes to love she's all over the place. 

Anyway I won't read with her even though I think she's accurate she has a big attitude problem.  She can never be wrong and if you challenge her on something she's easily offended.

I also tried her recently she mentioned me meeting a guy with a baby face and I think I met him she said it wouldn’t work and it doesn’t. She mentioned a few other guys so we will see. I have to listen to the reading again but she said in three years she saw marriage or pregnancy.  I am keeping a recording of all the readings I’ve gotten. As soon as any of them come true I will update the board.

Offline bstalling

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Re: Leanne Halyburton
« Reply #27 on: December 15, 2017, 06:18:10 PM »
Havent had much time since a lot of drama in real life happened. Came back to say Leanne was right about some predictions concerning work. She saw my mom having heart issues, and she did indeed have a heart attack last month. I've been working overtime, so it has been hard to manage. If you are not in the throws of needing relationship insight and just want general predictions, I think she is a very solid choice, even though she does have her annoying habits. She has a lot of specials running as well.

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Re: Leanne Halyburton
« Reply #28 on: December 16, 2017, 12:03:19 AM »
An unbiased 10 predictions type may be, since it will be unbiased, so it should work like it has for others. But personally, I am done. Not for me.

Two readings in and I'm done with her too, but her 10P are biased in that she gives out shit you can't even do anything with. She loves to deliver descriptions of people you'll meet, but never gives any reason why it was important to know whomever she describes or why she even brought them up. Others have reported to get at least three readings with her because she gets better, but man I'm not up for all her ups and downs.

Offline bstalling

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Re: Leanne Halyburton
« Reply #29 on: December 16, 2017, 01:54:12 AM »
An unbiased 10 predictions type may be, since it will be unbiased, so it should work like it has for others. But personally, I am done. Not for me.

Two readings in and I'm done with her too, but her 10P are biased in that she gives out shit you can't even do anything with. She loves to deliver descriptions of people you'll meet, but never gives any reason why it was important to know whomever she describes or why she even brought them up. Others have reported to get at least three readings with her because she gets better, but man I'm not up for all her ups and downs.

Ah man. I want her so much to work for you. She has some cheapie specials this month...find it in your heart to try her again? I was pissed with the first few readings I
had with her, but shes slowly won me over lol