Author Topic: by Micah /White Dove Healing/ARIES INTUITION  (Read 76614 times)

Offline crimsonheart

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Both Micah and Kisha predicted that I will meet a guy with whom I'll be in a relationship. Kisha said October/November and Micah said end of year/beginning of new year...till now, nothing. Will keep you updated :)

Just an update. Both Kisha's and Micah's predictions did not come to pass yet. I have met a guy online which I believe we have a great connection. We will see if this is the guy that Micah described. Will keep you updated.

Offline Newlife

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Someone just PM'd  me about this reader "Micah" and so I decided to go back and read my notes on him, my reading with him was on the 01/06, right away he told me that there was going to be  an unexpected expenses coming up in about 6 weeks, I blew him off; guess what!, exactly 6 weeks 2/18 and two days shy, I did the unexpected , there was something going and was touched to donate $700 to a couple of people. These are not people I know personally, looking back at his reading, it gives me the chills. btw, I did not have any major concerns  or any area of focus when I called, he said my BF and I will have some minor issues but that is around June so IDK, but yeah I'm amazed, the spending was sporadic  and I will say he is gifted.

Offline cappy

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So it sounds like many of you seem to think Micah is a good person to read with....vs Carla one better than the other...are they similar reading types

Offline sawthelight

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I read with Micah a long time ago. His predictions never came to pass.


Offline Calleronhiatus

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Someone just PM'd  me about this reader "Micah" and so I decided to go back and read my notes on him, my reading with him was on the 01/06, right away he told me that there was going to be  an unexpected expenses coming up in about 6 weeks, I blew him off; guess what!, exactly 6 weeks 2/18 and two days shy, I did the unexpected , there was something going and was touched to donate $700 to a couple of people. These are not people I know personally, looking back at his reading, it gives me the chills. btw, I did not have any major concerns  or any area of focus when I called, he said my BF and I will have some minor issues but that is around June so IDK, but yeah I'm amazed, the spending was sporadic  and I will say he is gifted.

I have had similar experiences with him. More right than wrong for me. That is so nice that you were inspired to donate money and help others in need. The world needs more light like yours.

Offline Newlife

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 His style amazes me!!! Plus this man is very humble and generous, I read with him 2x and he's gone over time. I really like his energy, he's definitely a white light.

Thank you calleronhiatus, is noticed that every time I do kind guesture to the needy, my blessings triple, I am mostly generous to people who can never repay me back.


Someone just PM'd  me about this reader "Micah" and so I decided to go back and read my notes on him, my reading with him was on the 01/06, right away he told me that there was going to be  an unexpected expenses coming up in about 6 weeks, I blew him off; guess what!, exactly 6 weeks 2/18 and two days shy, I did the unexpected , there was something going and was touched to donate $700 to a couple of people. These are not people I know personally, looking back at his reading, it gives me the chills. btw, I did not have any major concerns  or any area of focus when I called, he said my BF and I will have some minor issues but that is around June so IDK, but yeah I'm amazed, the spending was sporadic  and I will say he is gifted.

I have had similar experiences with him. More right than wrong for me. That is so nice that you were inspired to donate money and help others in need. The world needs more light like yours.

Offline cappy

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ugh i can not decide which one is better to read with.... :-\

Offline Dnj1984

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Read with Micah last weekend.. I thought he was great! Described the present well.. and gave me solid predictions for the future.
Job prediction happened yesterday.

Offline britbrat

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ugh i can not decide which one is better to read with.... :-\

If you have a style preference Micah reads tarot cards and Carla reads energy because she asks you to send her a picture before your reading. I don't recall hearing her shuffle any cards.

Offline Newlife

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Ok for starters, I'm not Micah nor afflicted to him in anyway but ,let me to you this, this man is becoming one of my all time favorite.

If I were asking specific questions, I wouldn't have known how good this man is. When I called him recently, the first thing he said was there's this female around you and when you are in the same room it feels like an elephant in the room, OMG that's very true.
2) there's a guy you work with that seems to have a crush on you ? He's not for you but just bringing awareness;Yes, I was telling my friend recently about a colleague who seems to have a crush on me, he's been coming around me more often than not and cannot look me in the eye, he's about 5 years my junior. Holy crap!!!
3)He talked about a change coming in May which I semi have an idea but let's say we will see about that.Positive change.
4) He talked about pregnancy for someone,  yep
5) Then he said something that was so true about my personality, "can I asked you a question " sure lol, you're are very smart woman but why is that even when you know you're right, you let others win so you don't get into it  with them ? Bingo, I don't like arguments nor confrontation., he said in July I'm going to get into it with a man, I think it's my BF.Sometimes the best psychics are hidden.
What else did he say ? lol
He mentioned this about my BF which is very true, he said that he seems to have the same facial expression no matter what's going on, happy, sad, in love. What kind of human being does not change their expression, besides a laugh here and there, you can't tell even if he's upset.

Sorry ' I've been going on about Micah because a lot of people don't know how good he is.

Offline britbrat

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I have a reading scheduled with him for tomorrow. He accurately predicted my new poi a few months ago and I want to see if he picks up on anything about him. I had different outcomes from Cookie and Kisha. Leanne didn't give me an outcome when I got the 10 predictions, but she knew I would be in a new relationship.

Offline LivingInYellow

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I said that I was winding down in terms of readings and I am, but I had some readings outstanding and got them through Aries Intuition, Will Stevenson and Micah.

I'm going to dedicate this review to Micah, as Aries didn't give me any timeframes. She just predicted an outcome which resonated with me, but that I won't be able to positively affirm until a substantial amount of time had passed. Anyway, back to Micah.

I've read with Micah about three times now. Every single time I have read with him, he has said that me and my POI will get back together, but the journey won't be smooth. I will be honest, I probably changed outcomes the first two times because I was impatient and rushed into things. This time, I am allowing things to be what they are, until I get a compelling sign that I should do something.

I feel that Micah described my POI's character and the  way he handles conflict down to a T. He also described my character well too. There are a few things that he picked up on that I know to be true already i.e. that I am going to have a  really busy summer full of social events. This rings true this far as I already have a hen party, two weddings and my birthday planned. I am sure other things will come up.

He also mentioned that I will have an increase in salary over the next 3-6 months. This is true, I am starting a new job soon and I didn't tell him this. He mentioned that he also felt that I would be spending a little time developing someone thing for myself over the next 3 months. I will be attending a class which will give me a career related qualification. I didn't mention this.

He also made some other predictions which are POI related, but I am going to sit on them now and update if they come to pass. I got a 10. Ten days, ten weeks, 10th of a specific month, could even be October but that doesn't make sense in the overall context of the reading. So, will give it until 31st May and let you know.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2018, 10:09:00 AM by LivingInYellow »

Offline Itsmylife

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I don’t know what’s up with this new reader Micah. I read somewhat nice reviews about him and purchased email readings and it’s been 12 days no response. I also requested a question/email reading with Kisha she got back right on time. Within the 5th day, I had my email reading with Kisha and honestly speaking one minor prediction already kinda pan out. Micah is damned slow. I am frustrated and will probably never read with him again. How unprofessional. If you are busy or cannot complete the tasks please change the claim on the website that you will be back on 3-5 days. I am happy Kisha kinda works for me and I will not have to deal with Micah again. I will probably ask for refund through PayPal if he doesn’t get back to me. Wow.... no one knew him and this forum has given too much credit to him and this is why he is not on time. May be I am frustrated but it’s unfair to write something else on website and then never get back to someone. I am done with him.

Offline Baypark1

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I don’t know what’s up with this new reader Micah. I read somewhat nice reviews about him and purchased email readings and it’s been 12 days no response. I also requested a question/email reading with Kisha she got back right on time. Within the 5th day, I had my email reading with Kisha and honestly speaking one minor prediction already kinda pan out. Micah is damned slow. I am frustrated and will probably never read with him again. How unprofessional. If you are busy or cannot complete the tasks please change the claim on the website that you will be back on 3-5 days. I am happy Kisha kinda works for me and I will not have to deal with Micah again. I will probably ask for refund through PayPal if he doesn’t get back to me. Wow.... no one knew him and this forum has given too much credit to him and this is why he is not on time. May be I am frustrated but it’s unfair to write something else on website and then never get back to someone. I am done with him.

Try Carla.  Micah didn't get ONE thing right for me. Carla is very good with present. Her outcome was wrong but so was Keisha and everyone else

Offline Itsmylife

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I had my reading with Micah. I think it was good. Predictions happen or not I will definitely come back and update. The person is good and humble and willing to make clients. I liked him. He said something that I was blown away with. He also did a couple pieces of advice for my well being.... that were also spot on. I am happy that I read with Micah.

