Mmm! But you say his dates are out?
I have read this forum for a long time and been a member for years. What I learned generally from readers and people on this board is to focus on outcome over timeframes. In cases I have had timeframes to the day from some readers. I have had predictions happen further out but it correlated with the number given (example 4 could be April and I thought 4 months from the reading.) I have read with Lady P for years and she rarely gives timeframes, but she has been consistently more Right than wrong and she's in my top 4 readers. Yonas timelines may happen further than she said they would. I guess it's how you approach readings. If you focus on numbers so much that you overlook the outcome panned out as said by a reader or readers than you will often be disappointed. If you focus on the outcome in a reasonable time line, you won't be disappointed as often. Example - once Lady P saw an unlikely outcome for me. It was almost off the wall. She saw the sun and said it would happen in the spring, but it actually happened mid-August. The outcome was exact and it was sunny, just not the season she anticipated. So while I am grateful that 3 readers got this outcome and timing accurate I would not be disappointed if it were off. Or of the 9 was 9 weeks or months and not September.
^this! It's hard to not focus on timing sometimes, but its important to focus on the outcome. (Something, funnily enough, Micah advised me to remember. He was one of my more recent reads after a long break from them. He doesnt like to give timing but gave me certain numbers and said how it could be X days or that corresponding month but felt it could be in that many weeks, so we shall see! Trying to not focus on the timing so much as the outcome)
It's been happening more recently lately that predictions have been happening, just a year past the fact! (for example, in 2016 I had a reading that said a certain something would happen within 4 weeks or in a certain month, and it didn't happen in 2016 so I thought they were wrong. It occurred this year, in that time frame (like 4 weeks from the date of the reading just this year or in this year's month). I had read with Lady P a LOOONG time ago, and she never gave me any timing other than saying it will take a while. I had a reading with Yona as well and she told me that I would experience a "minor setback" and explained it wouldnt be all that serious just a small bump in the road and said it was coming within weeks from the reading date. Something small did happen within a few weeks and I assumed it must be that and assumed that it was even more minor than she had expressed. ...until this past week (over a month after the reading) that left me saying "OH! THIS is it!". That was really the only thing she gave me timing on. Unfortunately in my case, even though I have seen many of her predictions pass, she wasnt able to complete my reading and felt that certain things needed to happen before she would be able to see everything for me.
I am glad to see people have success with Micah! (and Yona too!).