Hi All,
I know this is an old thread, but I was curious to hear if anyone has any stories on Advisor Suzan recently?
I read with her last night & I found her interesting.
- I found her reading style to be very similar to Jazmin from Kasamba & actually the information she provided also very similar to Jazmin's.
- The information she provided was very accurate & I found the suggestions she gave me on how to act with my POI, good suggestions. For example Jazmin has been telling me for sometime 'do not contact him, you need to change the pattern'. I was struggling to understand, how I could change 'the pattern'. Where as Advisor Suzan, said something similar but in greater detail to help explain how my approach should be and why! I think this helps!
- on a negative I did find her to be very slow at typing & I could see she kept stopping, not typing for some time and then starting up again. The conversation lasted for 20 minutes, when in fact if the typing had been a little faster, then it could have been a 10minute conversation.
I would love to hear other peoples thoughts!!