Ok - did not follow up with my own intentions. Woke up very sad this morning, opened Keen, Soul exposure was available for chat, I've just spent $60 to hear bs ... Why do we do this to ourselves?
Because it's a feel good addiction but it only lasts a short time. The way I broke the addiction was to actually speak the words "he's with someone else, he's not coming back, its over and done, he's happy". I repeated that until I felt better. It sucked at first but once I got through it, I was ok. I also read back through my notes for the last 4 or 5 months and realized all the WRONG readings I had and how nothing ever happened. Then I started focusing on myself. Doing things I used to do when I didn't occupy time with obsessing and readings. I started reading again, cleaning out my closets and cabinets, walking my dogs etc. I read somewhere when you start cleaning out and organizing your house, you're actually helping to move on. It does feel good

It's a slow process. I went from numerous readings a day, to one a day, to one a week etc. Baby steps.
I do not want to get back with my ex, hell no! But it's like he has left toxins in my body that are so hard to get rid of. And I also feel that despite all my efforts - (I do clean my house, keep it neat, recently also threw out a lot of stuff, I get out, have a quite active social life, go on dates), not much is moving in my life romantically. So, the reading this morning was only partially about my ex. Oh well, but as of this morning I erased all the saved texts and chats with the ex and his phone number. And although we are no longer FB friends since the break up, I've blocked him (and his fiancé), so I'm no longer tempted to pick into whatever is public on their profiles. Moving on ... baby steps ... (not ready to erase years of emails yet but working on that).
Yes, readings do make you feel good, having something to look forward into the future. The dates for switching on energy in me that Soul Exposure gave me this morning coincide with my traveling for the summer, I found that interesting. She felt strongly that the guy who recently went silent will re-appear and that the date I'm having this weekend won't develop romantically. So, for the logic of wrong predictions, I'm likely going to have a blast with the new date and will never ever hear with the POI again!!