Author Topic: James/Britta  (Read 10374 times)

Offline maroonlight

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« on: February 25, 2017, 03:32:43 PM »
Who has read with these two psychics? Did their predictions come to pass?

Offline cosmogirl76

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Re: James/Britta
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2017, 04:34:40 PM »
Read with both. Britta was so off it wasnt even funny! I knew within 2 minutes nothing she said was right or would come to pass. And sure enough it didnt!
James james james well i must say he had me at first. Told ne things that seemed so accurate about both my love interest and finances i even called back same day. Then wheh his contact prediction of hearing from my guy did not pan out, hence his prediction of everything would totally change forctge better, this was my man and it was meant to be, i called him back to tell him that and he saud we were done and would never be together. Said i would probably never even hear from him again. WTF?!! I asked for a refund obviously. Come to find out a month later he was wrong bout my finances aswell!! Saw a deal would go bad but it didnt at all! So no...not for me.
The ones I trust now because so far everything is unfolding as and wheh they say are Tara and Mark. Although I only spoke to mark once because of his rate, he has given me month by month play outs and its unfolding exactly as he says. Tara is great great GREAT with details. Picked up the third party within 10 seconds of our first reading. Her timelines are also exceptional.

Offline maroonlight

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Re: James/Britta
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2017, 05:56:04 PM »
I also had a small prediction from Britta come to pass, and yes, she does seem to be very flowery and tells you exactly what you want to hear. I respect her in the fact that she does not ask for dates of birth or other questions surrounding the situation.

Offline cosmogirl76

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Re: James/Britta
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2017, 08:13:26 PM »
I guess it all comes down to finding a true psychic, and one who connects with you, which is like finding a needle in a haystack! I used Keen psychics for over 10 years and litterally nothing they predicted ever came to pass. Nothing! I then switched to CP and after having spoken to about 15 different psychics I believe I found a few that work for me.

Offline maroonlight

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Re: James/Britta
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2017, 10:00:34 PM »
So, what we are saying basically, is that she's a scammer and/ or generally untrustworthy. Ooo I still have anger for CP!

There's no doubt that CP is a really bad habit. I've been over 1k on it. I had been free of cp for 2 months but a difficult relationship situation drew me back in. They take advantage of peoples' emotional pain.


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Re: James/Britta
« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2017, 10:13:46 PM »
There are a few I like on CP as well. 3. One of those, I go back and forth on, and another I like just for contact timing. True, most on Keen are scammers. The difference is that CP advertizes as if all their people are great and well tested, and also refuses to post negative feedback. Also CP is very expesive. On Keen it is obvious that just about anyone can work there, you can read all or most feedback, and don't have to risk paying for ten minutes. It's clear that all Keen is doing is providing a platform.

Who is good for contact timing?

Offline maroonlight

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Re: James/Britta
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2017, 11:42:34 PM »
Leo can be, for contact timing.

Has Leo been accurate in regards to actual predictions? I hear a lot of people say that he doesn't tell you what you want to hear.

Offline cosmogirl76

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Re: James/Britta
« Reply #7 on: February 26, 2017, 10:12:14 AM »
I wouldnt use Leo for contact predictions either. I think he can be really mean and uninterested at times and since I am paying for a serves I feel I should at least be treated with kindness and respect. Tara has been amazing on timing predictions for me and she is kind, great with predictions and doesnt sugercoat either. E.g. she would say my love interest would contact me in such and such time but would try and ease in and use a lame excuse instead of saying he loves me and misses me, which many other advisors told me he would say. Tara was right. After that she told me he would find another excuse to contact which he did and also in the timeframe she gave me. She also said he would come up with more meaningful communication in or around week 10. So am waiting for that to happen. Also she said he would come up with some exciting news for me/ us end of march beginning of april (she told me weeks ago something should happen 20 weeks after we had a discussion that made him dissapear, and that happens to be in that time frame also. Then last reading she said week 13, and again that is that timeframe. She is amazingly consitent).

Mark and my 2 other Dutch psychics told me he would do the same around 2 birthdays (mine is march 26 and his april 8 which none of the advisors know) and surrounding a trip I would go on. At the time I did not have plans for a trip but my dad, who owns a house in Portugal, bought tickets for me to visit him march 31-april 7. So I am confident something should come up around that time!! I do believe sometimes it helps to read with two or three other advisors because noone picks up the entire picture most of times and multiple advisors can help you piece together the puzzle.

Offline maroonlight

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Re: James/Britta
« Reply #8 on: February 26, 2017, 11:18:51 AM »
I wouldnt use Leo for contact predictions either. I think he can be really mean and uninterested at times and since I am paying for a serves I feel I should at least be treated with kindness and respect. Tara has been amazing on timing predictions for me and she is kind, great with predictions and doesnt sugercoat either. E.g. she would say my love interest would contact me in such and such time but would try and ease in and use a lame excuse instead of saying he loves me and misses me, which many other advisors told me he would say. Tara was right. After that she told me he would find another excuse to contact which he did and also in the timeframe she gave me. She also said he would come up with more meaningful communication in or around week 10. So am waiting for that to happen. Also she said he would come up with some exciting news for me/ us end of march beginning of april (she told me weeks ago something should happen 20 weeks after we had a discussion that made him dissapear, and that happens to be in that time frame also. Then last reading she said week 13, and again that is that timeframe. She is amazingly consitent).

Mark and my 2 other Dutch psychics told me he would do the same around 2 birthdays (mine is march 26 and his april 8 which none of the advisors know) and surrounding a trip I would go on. At the time I did not have plans for a trip but my dad, who owns a house in Portugal, bought tickets for me to visit him march 31-april 7. So I am confident something should come up around that time!! I do believe sometimes it helps to read with two or three other advisors because noone picks up the entire picture most of times and multiple advisors can help you piece together the puzzle.

I tried Tara last night. Maybe she's just not for me, but I wasn't too impressed with the reading. She gave me the same outcome as others, that we would be together, but did ask a lot of questions. I'm unsure of her

Offline cosmogirl76

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Re: James/Britta
« Reply #9 on: February 26, 2017, 11:55:04 AM »
True she does ask questions sometimes. But i do understand sometimes they need info to interpret what she gets. But like i said before its all about whether someone connects with you or not

Offline maroonlight

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Re: James/Britta
« Reply #10 on: February 27, 2017, 10:10:33 PM »
What's your opinion on Walter as of now? He does seem to be real

Offline cosmogirl76

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Re: James/Britta
« Reply #11 on: February 28, 2017, 06:32:42 PM »
I like Walter and do believe he has a gift. Although I stopped calling him because I found others who worked better for me. His validations usually came true and some of his predictions, though last time we spoke he wasnt as accurate and I feel he struggles a lot interpreting the messages he gets

