So, I like Rose. I think she has a gift and she has been right for me about things.
What I dont like is pretending like you know our birthdays and shit ("I'm seeing <insert exact birthday here> in my mind) and bringing up names from other readings when you really took notes from the LAST one (in which I gave that info) and pretending it is coming to you from your psychic abilities.
Meanwhile, everything else you see only comes to you from the shuffling of the cards. just makes me feel like she has the potential to full of shit. Even tho I like her. Weird I know.
Rant over....
I agree. I used to call an advisor who tried to pimp me for money. I spent on a few occasions about $100/call and he would get pissed if I didn't spend a lot. He also tried to prolong calls by talking real slow. Over time I was like what kind of a$$hole is this? I stopped calling his ungrateful arse. I imagine other clients left him for this reason, too. He might have ended up ahead over those few calls and I guarantee he is going to end up short over the long-run. He also used to give me bad news to keep me on the phone in paranoia longer. I can't believe I kept calling him back.
I have never had that birthday thing with Rose but I hate the way she rides off info I give her. She once told me two people were having an affair because I mentioned I suspected it. In the end, I don't believe it actually happened. But she kept stating it because I fed her info.
However, two things I really appreciate about Rose is her accuracy over time and the fact that she doesn't try to pimp me for money. She's affordable and reads fast. Doesn't get any better than that.