Hope it works out for us all Baypark!
She's a firm believer is detaching and not focusing on the issue. She believes in divine timing and feels when we dwell and obsess, we prolong the outcome. Each time what she said happenEd, I didn't give it a second thought after the reading.
I can vouch for the truth behind divine timing, for sure! It wasn't until about last month where I totally started detaching from the outcome of my situation. Of course I still think about it, but I live each day to the fullest and focus on every experience I have and try to make the best of each day. Ever since then, I have seen a lot of positive developments in my situation. However, the challenge is patience and staying detached. I sometimes have off days where I just want what I want at that exact moment, but I always try to tell myself how that never served me before, so it def wont serve me now!
Lotus' predictions for me have been so spot on its insane - every time I talk to her I always get new information and clear cut guidance which is SO rare on Keen. I feel most readers on Keen sometimes become lazy when you read with them often and they get so comfortable with your situation that they can't really offer any more valuable insight unless you wait MONTHS to read with them again. Lotus stays in tune with every development of a situation which is why I think she is so accurate. Her timing can be a bit off, however, who's isn't? For me, though, she's been relatively spot on with timing, but again, I really think timing is so fluid and things happen when they are supposed to.