So I gave in and had a reading with her while waiting for Jax Taurus (who I've never managed to catch because even when I'm first on the list, I somehow end up going 2nd or 3rd and all over again).
Anyway, I had 2 free minutes from her. I felt she connected in those minutes but not with great detail. In all 2 minutes, there was just a short one liner and she asked if it resonated. Basically she said she saw "back and forth" so I proceeded because that did resonate. No info given.
I was then on with her for quite a while because I was left confused. She's not a native english speaker right? I would've never guessed that because her english is great, just scattered thoughts and speech which she backtracked possibly because she didn't type what she saw right. I'm not sure.
The sum of all the reading was: "that's just how the situation is, that's just how he is" and I'd ask things like why, but nothing. I asked about a 3rd party and she laughed and asked who? This 3rd party has been around for ages, so I don't know why she just laughed as if it was nobody. Does she not pick up 3rd parties well?
She made a prediction, we'll see. As other have said, empaths are not great for that right?
I just don't really understand the reading. It was scattered in that she said he had feelings, but wouldn't explain why what happened did and only that is was his personality and his life situation but she couldn't say what exactly about those. For example, if he's like that--why is he with someone else when he "can't be with anyone right now"?
Or if his life is so overwhelming and his personality and logic will not change ever, how exactly will it change like she said when he reaches out soon? It's like she talked in superlatives with "never" just to say the opposite the next minute. I'm just like ehhh more confused than got any understanding.