Hey all
Anyone recognize this phrase? It's actually from the 12-step programs. Listen, I know there are a few of us who want to stop the madness in our lives and regain control over when we are confused, etc. I know that there at one time WAS a psychic online support group for "quitters" and that some claim it's still around, but for the life of me I can't find it, and I know at least one other person has had a tough time finding it too.
So! I'm going to start an online 12-step group, not sure on what the name would be, maybe Psychic Callers Anonymous. The idea is we would hold "meetings" online maybe by google hangout or something, and we'd work the same 12 steps as other addiction recovery programs.
Ultimately, it's all about spiritual growth and self-inventory, placing faith in something greater than ourselves to helps us overcome this maladaptive behavior pattern - which is essentially what this "addiction" is. From what I've seen, despite draining bank accounts or rising credit card balances, most people don't stop calling unless: 1) They find their "happily ever after" by luck or circumstance, or 2) They find out the POI they have been calling about is in a new relationship or married.
So, here's the google group I've started to get it kicked off:
https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/psychic-callers-anon for those who are interested in joining. The first action item is really to determine what a good meeting time is. I figure we'll meet by phone conference.
I also made a website so this becomes searchable for those that seek to find it over time:
http://promise11.wixsite.com/psychic-callers-anonFinally I think one thing that will be important to the success of this ..project, is people (senior members!) who are willing to serve as "speakers" and tell their stories - how the addiction started, how it affected their lifes, and how they overcame it/what life is like now.
Also, sponsors! Meaning, people who have at least 6 months "clean" and are willing to buddy up and be there for someone when they need individual support to help them "work the steps".
Now, I'm not that familiar with 12 step programs, but I do know they work. So, if anyone has experience in this area, please get in touch!
Let's go on this adventure together! I feel like this really could help people a lot and maybe help change lives. For all the people that find this forum and speak up, imagine how many more either don't go through the reg process or don't want to post publicly!