I've seen a number of posts with people's recommendations for readers. Now I've read with lots of readers... more than I'd like to admit. But I sort of want to share my experiences too. I decided I'd start with the "top dogs" that tend to be most recommended. Listing this starting with the most recently spoken to.
Sincerity: Impression: Super sweet. I feel like we really did connect and I do hope her predictions come to pass.
She correctly described a number of things both past and present that were accurate. Knew my ex had become hot and cold, specifically called me out on my doubts and my fears of him moving on or being with someone else, told me I dont need to worry and that there is nothing going on with anybody else. Made some pretty positive predictions for the next few months. Told me there would be communication around this time
(accurate) but also to not be upset without it and to keep things in check. Im dealing with that right now so... I'm trying to stay strong.
Sapphire21: Impression: Another super sweet one.
Talked about my ex's feelings for me and why he's been acting the way he has. Was accurate on how he and I acted in the past (him being distant, and me trying to fix things and always trying to analyze everything and him not being able to express what it was he was feeling or wanted). She was not shy on calling me out on the fact that I bottle up my feelings and told me that I need to learn to open up and just submit to my feelings more often. This is very accurate.. Im always aware of what I am feeling but dont often allow myself to just feel them or act on them. When I do its generally because they've been building up. What got me the most was she was talking about signs I'd been seeing and would be seeing; she IN DETAIL talked about me driving and seeing something on a car. It was only a couple of weeks before this reading that that EXACT thing happened (Id been driving and looked at the car in front of me as it merged in, and the dealer sticker was my ex's last name!!! Its not a common last name and the dealership is all the way on the other side of my state so I'd never seen it before. A week later I saw another car with the same dealer sticker). She did not give any timing but did give a few promising prediction and does see us getting back together.
QOC18: Impression: Still not entirely sure how to feel about her.
The reading was quick, cut and dry. Gave me some practical advice on how to handle things. Predictions are a little later than Sincerity's but not too far out. Sees a reconnection happening but didnt say much more. Just said he does still love me and that he is not confused on his feelings for me as far as that love goes.
MsLisaM: Impression: Not great but not bad. Nothing mind blowing but she wasnt awful.
Also told me a reconciliation is coming. Commended me for acting with class during this whole ordeal. Predictions are also in line with the above readers. She however mentioned there is another woman around him. Didnt really say if there is a relationship with them or not. However I've had multiple readers and even mutual friends tell me that he is not dating someone so I don't know what to think about her. I know she's worked well for others though.
Cookie: Impression: Perplexed & hopeful? Cookie was... interesting.
Fairly cut and dry. Tended to ramble a little bit, and go in all sorts of different directions. However she has been correct on things that have happened and would be happening. Also said there will be reconciliation but said it will take time. She correctly picked up the city he works in without me ever saying anything about it, said it will hold significance as well in regards to us reconciling, knew how long it's been since we've been together intimately, correctly predicted date of contact. Said he is not with anyone and is not looking. Date of reconciliation lines up with the above as well. She was also right that I'd be getting attention from a few other men as well; said I might not be interested in them but that they would come forward. (She was right also... at the time I didnt believe it. But I've since had a few guys try talking to me and getting me to go out but none of them are people I would even consider dating.). She was also spot on about me hanging wih mutual friends I share with my ex, and me being at events with them that he is not at and vice versa. Was right about me seeing him at events. Knew that I'd lost a bunch of weight and dyed my hair and had been getting compliments on this. Picked up a bunch of other things that either did happen or that I am waiting to see if they make sense.
Abundant Visions: Impression: Nice, quick.
Right away said how he feels like he ruined things and that he knows he messed up and needs to fix it. Said him coming back will take time but that it will happen. He is not seeing someone else. Was pretty accurate in describing how he reacts to things. Was correct on a date of contact and a date of something "catching my eye". Prediction for reconciliation around same time as others above.
MysticRaven11: Impression: Meh? She didnt say much really..
She gave a number for date of his return and if i were to go by number of months it would line up with the others. Said there is a female interested in him but that I don't need to worry as he is not interested in her.
Kiesha: Impression: Not bad.
Was pretty straight forward. No fluff or filler. Her predicted dates for reconciliation aer same as the above also. (hm... I think I see a theme here lol). Said his focus is there just not the action. Was correct that if I reached out to him that he would reciprocate. There were some other details that I cannot verify yet.
Lady Persephone: Impression: not bad.
She sees him coming back for sure, but did not have timing for when. Warned me that when we start talking again dont get too carried away with excitement at first and to take things slow.
Lisa Dianne: Impression: Oh Lisa... I know she's worked well for so many others. I just don't know how to feel about her.
She was wrong about the date of us getting back together (said 4 weeks... at this point its been 3 months since that reading). However, she was sort of right about one prediction. Mentioned that on a specific date I would see him at an outdoor event. I DID see him on that exact day in a way... he went to a charity event on that exact day and was tagged in pictures on facebook. So yeah I "saw" him at that event.
Jane Wilcox: Impression: Pretty good.
She was correct on how long it'd been since he and I had last spoken at the time of this reading (I was impressed because she mentioned it without me saying anything about it). Said he has been dating (I've known this for a while) but that he isnt finding anyone he connects with. She was more in the grey area on her prediction; said it is unclear and all depends on what happens during our reconnection phase. But was wrong on date of him reaching out (he looked at something I'd posted on snapchat but never actually reached out to me to talk so... half right I guess?)
AstroSarah: Impression: I liked her. She was funny and witty and just started talking as soon as we said hello!
Without me saying much more than hello and my name she accurately picked up on me feeling like Ive been stuck. Described how things have been going for me in my life as far as friends and being let down and always the one to run but never having anyone reciprocate (unfortunately true). Said how she felt like I have been in mourning and asked about the break-up. Said he will definitely come back but that I need to be careful; he may do it again so I need to be prepared. Said I can't change him but I can change how I react to things. Said I can't let him (or anyone) walk all over me and that maybe this reconciliation will be my lesson in that.
Thats about it for now I'd say.... Theres a few other not so "big dog" readers and a bunch of smaller readers I've spoken to, but I'll save that for another day. Please do remember, as it looks like we are all starting to realize, not every reader works for everyone. I've had readers that others have sworn by that haven't worked for me and I've had others who've worked great for me but not other people. I've even had "smaller time" psychics be jaw droppingly accurate for some predictions!
I just wanted to share at least a bit of whats been going on on my end. I know a lot of people don't like sharing their stories on here, and for good reason from what I understand!! And I get it. thats why I left out most of the details on my list. If anyone wants to hear more of the story you can always PM me haha
![Smiley :)](http://www.thepsychicreviews.com/forum/Smileys/default/smiley.gif)
Im really not shy. I do sometimes get a little nervous that sharing your predictions with others can negate it (something someone told me a while ago) but Im not sure how much stock I buy into that.. but its still always at the back of my mind.
Anyway.. here's just hoping for the best and that my ex will return someday (soon!) lol