Author Topic: angelic dream  (Read 112340 times)

Offline Caroline

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Re: angelic dream
« Reply #75 on: February 10, 2017, 11:13:43 PM »
I just chatted with her and she started shuffling just by my saying his name.  She thought we worked together, but she mentioned something that to me showed she was connected.  She was empowering.  She gave me a 9 or 8.  I have to see what happens, but I felt she connected.  She did say, which made me think of this forum that likely predictions are made based on current energy.


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Re: angelic dream
« Reply #76 on: February 10, 2017, 11:26:40 PM »
I just chatted with her and she started shuffling just by my saying his name.  She thought we worked together, but she mentioned something that to me showed she was connected.  She was empowering.  She gave me a 9 or 8.  I have to see what happens, but I felt she connected.  She did say, which made me think of this forum that likely predictions are made based on current energy.

Most of them go by current energy which is why predictions are so hard to get why.


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Re: angelic dream
« Reply #77 on: February 11, 2017, 02:18:41 AM »
Everything she predicted for me since last year has been pretty much on point. I've read with her 3 or 4 times in the past year and she has been accurate. Waiting for predictions from December but one of the situations she mentioned happened like she said so far.

Offline Shayalay

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Re: angelic dream
« Reply #78 on: February 11, 2017, 03:40:39 AM »
Everything she predicted for me since last year has been pretty much on point. I've read with her 3 or 4 times in the past year and she has been accurate. Waiting for predictions from December but one of the situations she mentioned happened like she said so far.

Ladya, how is she with longer-term predictions? For example, from here to July (I consider anything past three months as longer-term)?


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Re: angelic dream
« Reply #79 on: February 11, 2017, 04:23:39 AM »
Everything she predicted for me since last year has been pretty much on point. I've read with her 3 or 4 times in the past year and she has been accurate. Waiting for predictions from December but one of the situations she mentioned happened like she said so far.

Ladya, how is she with longer-term predictions? For example, from here to July (I consider anything past three months as longer-term)?
She's good for me at least. Everything she says up to 6 months out has been true for that timeframe when she said it. If she doesn't see something happening in that timeframe usually doesn't for me

Offline Shayalay

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Re: angelic dream
« Reply #80 on: February 11, 2017, 04:47:55 AM »
Everything she predicted for me since last year has been pretty much on point. I've read with her 3 or 4 times in the past year and she has been accurate. Waiting for predictions from December but one of the situations she mentioned happened like she said so far.

Ladya, how is she with longer-term predictions? For example, from here to July (I consider anything past three months as longer-term)?
She's good for me at least. Everything she says up to 6 months out has been true for that timeframe when she said it. If she doesn't see something happening in that timeframe usually doesn't for me

Do you know what she considers short-term? She said that's what she was looking at. I'm still trying to figure out this second reading, lol. Also, have you ever known her to give a 7 and think it's short-term when it's actually long-term, e.g., she thinks it's seven days but it ends up being July?
« Last Edit: February 11, 2017, 04:49:28 AM by Shayalay »


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Re: angelic dream
« Reply #81 on: February 11, 2017, 05:16:08 AM »
don't read with her often. i find it best that when i read once every couple months. when i used to read few times a month the readings were sometimes like huh. as far as timeframe idk i dont really get her numbers honestly. they never make sense to me. i dont hold onto the timeframes but overall outcome shes correct for me. if she says its soon usually within a month-2 months.

Offline Shayalay

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Re: angelic dream
« Reply #82 on: February 11, 2017, 05:34:01 AM »
Excellent, thank you! Yeah, I don't think I'll talk to her again for another two-three months unless it's about jobs. She feels like a sort of overview reader. I'm dying to talk to Zadalia next.


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Re: angelic dream
« Reply #83 on: February 11, 2017, 05:38:11 AM »
Excellent, thank you! Yeah, I don't think I'll talk to her again for another two-three months unless it's about jobs. She feels like a sort of overview reader. I'm dying to talk to Zadalia next.

I was thinking of talking to her too.

Offline Caroline

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Re: angelic dream
« Reply #84 on: February 11, 2017, 06:06:46 AM »
She gave me an 8 or 9 and said it could be 8 hours 9 'o clock or 8 weeks, but then she said she saw in August the 8th month
Also she said she saw ultimate truth and she typed that in all caps but that she was just saying what she saw and that kinda left me wondering and when I chatted back she didn't clarify

Offline Shayalay

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Re: angelic dream
« Reply #85 on: February 11, 2017, 06:19:55 AM »
She gave me an 8 or 9 and said it could be 8 hours 9 'o clock or 8 weeks, but then she said she saw in August the 8th month
Also she said she saw ultimate truth and she typed that in all caps but that she was just saying what she saw and that kinda left me wondering and when I chatted back she didn't clarify

That's interesting. She didn't put this prediction out that far, she got a 1 and a 9 the first time, a 7 the next day and said days or the 9th or 7th, or one day at 9:00, etc. So she kept it near. I can't imagine this prediction happening that fast but we'll see next week!


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Re: angelic dream
« Reply #86 on: February 11, 2017, 06:25:54 AM »
Little less than 3 years ago she randomly told me one time she saw me getting married in 3 years. Well this is the third year lol. I'll let you know if I get married. Was one of the predictions I was like huh? That was the only time I heard her make a longer than couple months prediction


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Re: angelic dream
« Reply #87 on: February 11, 2017, 06:32:42 AM »
She gave me an 8 or 9 and said it could be 8 hours 9 'o clock or 8 weeks, but then she said she saw in August the 8th month
Also she said she saw ultimate truth and she typed that in all caps but that she was just saying what she saw and that kinda left me wondering and when I chatted back she didn't clarify

That's interesting. She didn't put this prediction out that far, she got a 1 and a 9 the first time, a 7 the next day and said days or the 9th or 7th, or one day at 9:00, etc. So she kept it near. I can't imagine this prediction happening that fast but we'll see next week!

Supposedly she's good at timing so let's see :) best of luck


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Re: angelic dream
« Reply #88 on: March 05, 2017, 05:57:12 AM »
Shayalay-did the prediction happen?

I got a reading with her not too long ago. I liked her as she was quick and realistic. She gave me two time frames so let us see how it rolls out. She felt like it could be June or six months from the reading for re-connection or contact-so that would land us late August. I feel like it could also be late August as well. I know that sounds ludicrous but given the situation he is in, I am pretty sure late August would make sense. She was the only who felt like it could be that late and I agree with her.

Offline Shayalay

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Re: angelic dream
« Reply #89 on: March 05, 2017, 06:20:53 AM »
Shayalay-did the prediction happen?

I got a reading with her not too long ago. I liked her as she was quick and realistic. She gave me two time frames so let us see how it rolls out. She felt like it could be June or six months from the reading for re-connection or contact-so that would land us late August. I feel like it could also be late August as well. I know that sounds ludicrous but given the situation he is in, I am pretty sure late August would make sense. She was the only who felt like it could be that late and I agree with her.

No but the timing is very weird for this event. I'm getting the same event from everybody when I as one of two questions: what is coming up for POI and me or how is POI feeling about us? They all get the same event. The numbers people tell me 7-10, 7, or recently, 8. The non-number people have told me divine timing or the Universe, and one tarot reader got the card for her that means it can't be given. Angelic Dream herself got the unexpected card twice and told me she can't guarantee timing with an unexpected card and it could be I'm not meant to know it. Cookie way back almost a year ago told me it would be a surprise and she didn't give timing. It's weird, in all my years of readings I have never had this happen.

I finally asked somebody I've been using for years to please ask why everybody is getting the same numbers with no month attached. She said 7 is the spiritual number, 10 is a new beginning, and 8 is infinity, and means when this event happens he will be more ready for long-term (entirely plausible as he and I were engaged once). Angelic Dream also got an 8 for reconciliation. Rose is the outlier at 1-3 (hours, days or weeks, as of yesterday she doesn't think weeks), which she got both in early Feb. and yesterday.

So I don't know and I'm not holding it against Angelic at all. She did warn me. We're close to reconciliation now so I'm not sweating it, and in fact I've really cut back on readings. I will definitely update when it happens. It will be interesting, timing-wise, to see how this turns out.